Big Brother 13 - 2012 Housemates










Luke A

Luke S








Ashleigh, Becky, Deana and Luke A Face This Weeks Public Vote

31 Jul, 2012 - 7:25 PM by TiBB Staff Writer

Housemate's friends and family took over nominations this week, and the results are as follows:

Luke A received the most nominations with five.

Ashleigh, Becky and Deana all received three nominations each.

Adam received 2 votes, Conor and Scott 1 each whilst Sara and Luke S escaped unscathed with no nominations.

This week, the 4 housemates with the most votes will face the public vote, therefore Ashleigh, Becky, Deana and Luke A will go head to head.

Nominations in full

This week in a nominations twist, housemates' friends and families nominated on their behalf. Housemates were gathered on the sofas by Big Brother to watch as their friends and families nominations inthe diary room. They learnt who would face the public vote immediately after nominations had ceased.

Sara’s mum nominates Becky and she claims that she is “playing a game”. Her second nomination is for Scott and brands him “fake” and “boring”. “He is forgettable” Sara’s mum quips. On hearing this Scott becomes anxious and is shocked that one of his “best friends” parents has nominated him.

Adam’s mums’ first nomination is for Ashleigh. Her reason for this nomination is that Ashleigh knew about Caroline sabotaging the shopping task and played a part in it. “It made everyone in the house suffer” she declares. Her second nomination is for Becky and says: “She is dropping little bits of poison by stirring and gossiping. The effect she has had on the house is not a good one”.

Deana’s friend’s first nomination is for Conor. She says that “It’s no surprise” because “he hasn’t given her friend a chance or made an effort”. Her second nomination is for Ashleigh and brands her as “two-faced”. “She is another person that has not given Deana a chance before getting to know her” she asserts.

Conor’s girlfriend nominates Deana. “She needs to stop bringing her name into the controversy” she tells Big Brother. Her second nomination is for Luke A and claims that he is “playing a game and just wants win”. She believes he has “sabotaged” tasks in order to appear more favourable to the public.

Scott’s sister’s first nomination is for Deana branding her; “lazy” and “bitchy”. Her second nomination is for Luke A because whilst he accused Becky of bitching about fellow housemates, he spoke behind her back after the pair had made-up.

Becky’s sister nominates Luke A and says: “He is boring, sly and sneaky”. She continues to tell housemates that Luke A has said that her sister “respects him as much as she respects her bmi”. On hearing this, Becky brands Luke A as “nasty” and “disgusting”. Her second nomination is for Deana because: “whilst there are soldiers fighting in Afghanistan”, Deana, Luke A and Adam refer to themselves as “soldiers”. In addition to this, she also brands Deana as “Lazy” and does not think that she is having enough fun in the house.

Luke S’s mother nominates Luke A: “He is jealous of Luke (S)” she claims. Her second nomination is for Adam and labels him as “spiteful”. This is in reaction to Adam allowing Luke S to stand on the blocks for hours during the ‘Standing on the Shoulders” task, aware that all Luke S would receive is a coffee machine.

Ashleigh’s dad nominates Adam. His reason for this nomination is that Adam hid cigarettes from Ashleigh when Big Brother provided them after Caroline sabotaged the shopping list. Also, he was unhappy that Adam had prevented housemates from entering the store room as he threw chocolate on the floor. His second nomination is for Luke A. “When Ash was saved, he didn’t even give her eye contact. He has taken this way too seriously” he says.

Luke A’s wife is the last to nominate. She nominates Becky and brands her “angry” and “bitchy”. Her second nomination is for Ashleigh because she is two-faced. “She told Luke (A) that she loved him and then she went straight back to Becky to bitch about him. Luke (A) trusted her” she says.

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