Celebrity Big Brother January 2015 - CBB15: The Housemates

Alexander O'Neal

Alicia Douvall

Calum Best

Cami Li

Chloe Goodman

Jeremy Jackson

Katie Hopkins

Katie Price


Keith Chegwin

Ken Morley

Michelle Visage

Nadia Sawalha

Patsy Kensit

Perez Hilton


Daily Update [Day 13]

20 Jan, 2015 - 3:49 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 20th January) highlights and LIVE TWIST show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· While some of the Housemates perform a morning workout, Perez talks about himself in the kitchen. Katie Price advises him that he can “go into a little episode” when he is feeling insecure and he admits that he’s actually “really shy”.

· Michelle tells Big Brother that she doesn’t buy the “changed” Perez, who she calls out as being “boring”. She suggests that he’s on his best behaviour to impress Katie Price, because he’s a fan. She adds, “At least he’s human…he’s acting like a person…We’re waiting for that next hit, which is terrible…PTPD – Post Traumatic Perez Disorder”

· In the bathroom, Alicia asks Katie Hopkins if she would ever have a boob job, if she was offered one for free. Katie admits “it would be quite nice to have some boobs”, before complimenting Alicia and Michelle on theirs. Alicia admits that she was flat chested before she had 18 boob jobs. Michelle admits to having three. When Alicia says, “The brutal truth is, looks do matter”, Katie suggests that you can “stick a good suit on and look pretty powerful” but Alicia maintains that she wants to look “feminine” Michelle wants a bit of each, “to be fabulously stunningly gorgeous and frighten people”

· Perez asks Katie Price about her love life and she admits that the last time she saw her second husband, was in court. She then relays a story where she showed him a “shocking” video of him

· Alicia is still talking about her boob jobs and admits that they used “pig skin” to give her breast tissue. She the shocks Katie Hopkins and Michelle by admitting, “I’d rather be dead than not have tits…I could not live without tits.” Michelle tries to reassure her that “being a woman comes from within” and admits she can’t wait to have her implants taken out.

· Nadia and Cami-Li talk about Calum. Nadia suggests that he was looking at Cami, making “moon eyes”. She adds that he “goes into himself” before discussing Alicia, who was “really hurt” about being nominated as she wants to stay in the House as long as she can because “she’s really broke”.

· Alicia talks to Katie Price about Calum and says, “The stud that they put in isn’t doing much” but adds that she thinks he has a “sparkle in his eye for you”. She then suggests that he’s ignoring her and feels like she’s stalking him because he leaves every time she comes over. Calum, who has been listening to the conversation from the sofa, says that the only reason it’s awkward is because she keeps asking him about nominations. Katie Price advises her not to over analyse.

· Later, Alicia reveals that she has to home school her child because she can’t afford to send her to school. She admits, “When I teach her, I learn with her. I leant my shapes…I didn’t know what an octagon was until I taught her” She also admits to learning her alphabet in the last three years and says, “I’m not bored as a teacher because I don’t know anything myself.” Katie Hopkins is bemused.

· Katie Price talks to some of the Housemates about the difficulties of having sexual relationships when there is a language barrier. Cami-Li admits to speaking Spanish during sex and cheekily says “sometimes you’re just hurtin’ for a squirtin” Katie Price shocks Housemates by discussing sexual antics with former husband Alex Reid. Michelle discusses the theory that during sex sometimes powerful men want to be the “complete opposite.”

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates on the sofa where they are informed that Alicia and Calum had a conversation about nominations. As a result, Housemates are not allowed to use the hairdryers or straighteners, until further notice. Keith jokes, “What am I going to do without straighteners?”

· Patsy tells Perez that her privacy is “so important” to her, before talking about her previous marriages. She says that she believes in love and is a hopeless romantic. Perez asks if she would ever get married again to which Patsy replies “never say never, but for now I’m exhausted with sacrament!”

· Alicia tells Big Brother that she enjoyed having a conversation with Katie Hopkins, referring to her as a “guilty pleasure” When asked who she would like to see evicted, she names Perez, admitting that she feels “disappointed” that he ditched her for Katie Price and is now “dubious to whether he is genuine or not.”

· Keith tries to make a joke about “Come on Eileen” but Katie Price and Alicia don’t get the innuendo for quite some time.

· Katie Hopkins tells Michelle that she doesn’t buy all the love in the House, adding “The nicety is getting right on my tits” As the other Housemates cackle, Katie Hopkins becomes increasingly irritated. When Keith suggests that Alicia has “lost it”, Katie mutters, “She never had it to lose.”

· Cami-Li is grooming Calum, as she thinks she sees something in Calum’s ear and tries to dig it out, but Calum flinches saying “I’m anal about OCD cleanliness.”

· Patsy, Kavana and Alica discuss Katie Price, noting that “things could have gone totally different in here”, before describing her as “beautiful” and “real.”

Comment posted by: Josy
· While some of the Housemates perform a morning workout, Perez talks about himself in the kitchen. Katie Price advises him that he can “go into a little episode” when he is feeling insecure and he admits that he’s actually “really shy”.

· Michelle tells Big Brother that she doesn’t buy the “changed” Perez, who she calls out as being “boring”. She suggests that he’s on his best behaviour to impress Katie Price, because he’s a fan. She adds, “At least he’s human…he’s acting like a person…We’re waiting for that next hit, which is terrible…PTPD – Post Traumatic Perez Disorder”

· In the bathroom, Alicia asks Katie Hopkins if she would ever have a boob job, if she was offered one for free. Katie admits “it would be quite nice to have some boobs”, before complimenting Alicia and Michelle on theirs. Alicia admits that she was flat chested before she had 18 boob jobs. Michelle admits to having three. When Alicia says, “The brutal truth is, looks do matter”, Katie suggests that you can “stick a good suit on and look pretty powerful” but Alicia maintains that she wants to look “feminine” Michelle wants a bit of each, “to be fabulously stunningly gorgeous and frighten people”

· Perez asks Katie Price about her love life and she admits that the last time she saw her second husband, was in court. She then relays a story where she showed him a “shocking” video of him

· Alicia is still talking about her boob jobs and admits that they used “pig skin” to give her breast tissue. She the shocks Katie Hopkins and Michelle by admitting, “I’d rather be dead than not have tits…I could not live without tits.” Michelle tries to reassure her that “being a woman comes from within” and admits she can’t wait to have her implants taken out.

· Nadia and Cami-Li talk about Calum. Nadia suggests that he was looking at Cami, making “moon eyes”. She adds that he “goes into himself” before discussing Alicia, who was “really hurt” about being nominated as she wants to stay in the House as long as she can because “she’s really broke”.

· Alicia talks to Katie Price about Calum and says, “The stud that they put in isn’t doing much” but adds that she thinks he has a “sparkle in his eye for you”. She then suggests that he’s ignoring her and feels like she’s stalking him because he leaves every time she comes over. Calum, who has been listening to the conversation from the sofa, says that the only reason it’s awkward is because she keeps asking him about nominations. Katie Price advises her not to over analyse.

· Later, Alicia reveals that she has to home school her child because she can’t afford to send her to school. She admits, “When I teach her, I learn with her. I leant my shapes…I didn’t know what an octagon was until I taught her” She also admits to learning her alphabet in the last three years and says, “I’m not bored as a teacher because I don’t know anything myself.” Katie Hopkins is bemused.

· Katie Price talks to some of the Housemates about the difficulties of having sexual relationships when there is a language barrier. Cami-Li admits to speaking Spanish during sex and cheekily says “sometimes you’re just hurtin’ for a squirtin” Katie Price shocks Housemates by discussing sexual antics with former husband Alex Reid. Michelle discusses the theory that during sex sometimes powerful men want to be the “complete opposite.”

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates on the sofa where they are informed that Alicia and Calum had a conversation about nominations. As a result, Housemates are not allowed to use the hairdryers or straighteners, until further notice. Keith jokes, “What am I going to do without straighteners?”

· Patsy tells Perez that her privacy is “so important” to her, before talking about her previous marriages. She says that she believes in love and is a hopeless romantic. Perez asks if she would ever get married again to which Patsy replies “never say never, but for now I’m exhausted with sacrament!”

· Alicia tells Big Brother that she enjoyed having a conversation with Katie Hopkins, referring to her as a “guilty pleasure” When asked who she would like to see evicted, she names Perez, admitting that she feels “disappointed” that he ditched her for Katie Price and is now “dubious to whether he is genuine or not.”

· Keith tries to make a joke about “Come on Eileen” but Katie Price and Alicia don’t get the innuendo for quite some time.

· Katie Hopkins tells Michelle that she doesn’t buy all the love in the House, adding “The nicety is getting right on my tits” As the other Housemates cackle, Katie Hopkins becomes increasingly irritated. When Keith suggests that Alicia has “lost it”, Katie mutters, “She never had it to lose.”

· Cami-Li is grooming Calum, as she thinks she sees something in Calum’s ear and tries to dig it out, but Calum flinches saying “I’m anal about OCD cleanliness.”

· Patsy, Kavana and Alica discuss Katie Price, noting that “things could have gone totally different in here”, before describing her as “beautiful” and “real.”
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 3:46 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
I knew Perez was a fan of Katie Price. Good to know!
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 3:49 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 20th January) highlights and LIVE TWIST show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· While some of the Housemates perform a morning workout, Perez talks about himself in the kitchen. Katie Price advises him that he can “go into a little.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...te-day-13.html
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 3:49 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Mokka
Alicia reveals that she has to home school her child because she can’t afford to send her to school.
Is there no public school system for the poor child?? That has got to be a better option than being taught by this woman who seems extremely ignorant to me at this point
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:01 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: daniel-lewis-1985
Sounds like another boring episode

Damn you Katie Price!
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:07 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: MB.
I find it odd that because we're not getting a new manufactured argument every single day now, people are calling it 'boring'.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:09 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
I think it's still great to watch now they're getting on better.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:11 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Originally Posted by Mokkajava View Post
Is there no public school system for the poor child?? That has got to be a better option than being taught by this woman who seems extremely ignorant to me at this point
Yeah I don't believe for a minute she 'can't afford' to send her child to school tbh, it's a silly excuse.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:11 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Jack The Cat
Sounds like Alicia's stock will rise the most tonight, also good night for Katie P and a bad one for Katie H. Perez seems stuck in neutral.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:28 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: MTVN
is the only reaction I can give to most of Alicia's comments there
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:28 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Cherie
Michelle says Peraez is boring, make up your mind love
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:33 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: jennyjuniper
Did I just read that right?? Alicia can't afford to send her to school? What does she think state schools are for. Or are they not good enough? Someone should tell this air-head 'beggers can't be choosers'.
Anyway as for being broke, what about the rich chap whose financing her skincare range?
If Alicia is going to tell lies to garner pity, she should at least remain consistent.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 4:50 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Jason.
Originally Posted by daniel-lewis-1985 View Post
Sounds like another boring episode

Damn you Katie Price!
Get a grip.
You were on her like a rash on Friday. She's done nothing wrong to the series.
Explain to me how it would've been more entertaining if Katie hadn't entered.

There was an entertaining episode on Sunday, which was Katie first full day.
I think it's the task that's made it what you call boring.
I think it's unfair your blaming her for it.

I'm hoping the people calling it boring are the ones who didn't brand BB15 as the worst series.
If you want arguments. Time travel back to June 2014.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:11 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: chuff me dizzy
What a scary thought Alicia home teaching her child !! she doesn't have to go to private school, so why does she not have the money ?
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:17 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: chuff me dizzy
Originally Posted by jennyjuniper View Post
Did I just read that right?? Alicia can't afford to send her to school? What does she think state schools are for. Or are they not good enough? Someone should tell this air-head 'beggers can't be choosers'.
Anyway as for being broke, what about the rich chap whose financing her skincare range?
If Alicia is going to tell lies to garner pity, she should at least remain consistent.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:18 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Cherie
Didn't she say her daughter is 3, too young for big school anyway.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:21 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Liam-
Originally Posted by MB. View Post
I find it odd that because we're not getting a new manufactured argument every single day now, people are calling it 'boring'.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:25 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: chuff me dizzy
Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
Didn't she say her daughter is 3, too young for big school anyway.
Yes,thats what I thought
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:27 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Cherie
Originally Posted by chuff me dizzy View Post
Yes,thats what I thought
Maybe she means she can't afford to send her to nursery school, hold on Alicia your 15 free hours will kick in next year
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:29 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Crimson Dynamo
what about Kav

Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:40 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Mokka
Originally Posted by jennyjuniper View Post
Did I just read that right?? Alicia can't afford to send her to school? What does she think state schools are for. Or are they not good enough? Someone should tell this air-head 'beggers can't be choosers'.
Anyway as for being broke, what about the rich chap whose financing her skincare range?
If Alicia is going to tell lies to garner pity, she should at least remain consistent.

I hate her victim status sooooo much that I almost want her out before Perez...

well, almost
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 5:47 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: daniel-lewis-1985
Originally Posted by BB6 View Post
Get a grip.
You were on her like a rash on Friday. She's done nothing wrong to the series.
Explain to me how it would've been more entertaining if Katie hadn't entered.

There was an entertaining episode on Sunday, which was Katie first full day.
I think it's the task that's made it what you call boring.
I think it's unfair your blaming her for it.

I'm hoping the people calling it boring are the ones who didn't brand BB15 as the worst series.
If you want arguments. Time travel back to June 2014.
Who are you telling me to get a grip?

If you cant handle someone else's opinion there's no need to get so offended and uptight.

My opinion on Katie is a valid one seeing as the house is a shadow of what it was last week. Im not blaming it on Katie im just saying since she entered the drama has practically come to a stand still and Its the fact they know shes been watching which has made them kiss her arse, be on their best behaviour and its boring to me.

For instance Michelle made this whole rant on why shes dislikes Alicia because she lets men walk all over her and how she hates women who taken men back who have wronged them yet shes best buds with Katie Price who has recently taken back a man who cheated on her twice with her 2 best friends...Understand where im coming from yet?

Get over yourself and don't patronise me in the future if you don't agree just try and be polite and not a total jam rag.
Published on: 20 Jan, 2015 - 7:50 PM Comment with Quote

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CBB15 - Who was your overall favourite housemate of the series? [Celebrity Big Brother 2015]
Alexander O'Neal
Alicia Douvall
Calum Best
Cami Li
Chloe Goodman
Jeremy Jackson
Katie Hopkins
Katie Price
Keith Chegwin
Ken Morley
Michelle Visage
Nadia Sawalha
Patsy Kensit
Perez Hilton

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