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Conversation Between Vicky. and Raph
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
  1. Raph
    19-07-2013 01:11 PM
    I just love me some BB friendships
  2. Vicky.
    07-06-2013 11:18 AM
    It might help now, but in the long run it will make you paranoid and even more anxious. I have seen it happen. Probably bad advice, but stick to the alcohol instead
  3. Raph
    07-06-2013 11:17 AM
    ps: I like the font on your wall, it makes me feel giddy
  4. Raph
    07-06-2013 11:16 AM
    Hmm I suppose. But I was given anxiety pills stuff and on that, pot just helped relax me even more. I was like smoking every day at one point :/ I know so many people on here think i'm ridiculous re the whole Mollie thing, but it really was very difficult. I would tell you more about what I did/happened post that but I guess that's kind of personal, but yeah it really was so hard on me. It's like losing a best friend. I do try to bring her up as little as possible nowadays though because I don't want to bother anyone else with it, and I think i'm slowly getting better at that
  5. Vicky.
    07-06-2013 11:13 AM
    You realise smoking pot is the worst possible thing you can do if suffering anxiety issues?
  6. Raph
    07-06-2013 11:10 AM
    I thought i'd reply here more properly, cause I didn't really want to bring it up in the thread, and shouldn't have in the first place anyways. The Mollie thing really ****ed me up. Like I loved Mollie so much and it broke my heart, it really did. I've always been a bit of a shy kid and Mollie was one of the few people I was really comfortable with and could be myself with. After the whole thing happened I got all these anxiety attack things and ended up smoking cigs/drinking/smoking pot to run away from it all. My boyfriend broke up with me too. It just all dominoed after the Mollie thing. Was the hardest thing i've ever had to deal with in my life
  7. Raph
    04-03-2013 06:04 PM
    "for being welsh" haha I was literally banned for like 2 seconds. Was quite exciting though I must say. Thanks for that
  8. Vicky.
    04-03-2013 06:03 PM
  9. Raph
    04-03-2013 05:58 PM
    I've never been banned either I don't think Could you ban me so I can see what it's like? Would also let me focus on work haha
  10. Vicky.
    24-09-2010 03:27 PM
    Nope not yet. Seems a bit of a waste now anyways, since its nearly over

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