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GypsyGoth 13-12-2010 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by CranberryJam (Post 3991844)
so erm... me and Marc have lost.

:laugh: Not yet.

GypsyGoth 13-12-2010 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Snowman (Post 3991849)
Night, I'm gone you heard it here first! ( I would apologise to MM&I but I'd rather come in contact with Anthrax)

Night Eoin :hug:

GypsyGoth 13-12-2010 12:56 AM

Post update :)

GypsyGoth 108
Smithy 82
Snowman 20
XmasTurtle 13
Nativitystar 10
MeMyselfandI 9
CranberryJam 7
Marczipan 4

GypsyGoth 13-12-2010 01:22 AM

I learned a new word watching PLL. Meretricious - apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity, it can also mean of or relating to a prostitute.

MeMyselfAndI 13-12-2010 06:43 AM

so GypsyGoth and Smithy are 120+ where as the rest are like all below 40 :shrug:

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:14 AM

:bawling: Stoooopid Physiotherapist

Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Smithy (Post 3992203)
:bawling: Stoooopid Physiotherapist

You ok?

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:25 AM

Yea, I just have to go back, because she double booked the appointment :joker:

Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Smithy (Post 3992210)
Yea, I just have to go back, because she double booked the appointment :joker:

Oh, ha ha ha. I thought something horrible had happened. :hugesmile:

How come you're online at this time of day?

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:30 AM

We Finished school at 11 today, went for lunch in town and now I've come home to finish all my schoolwork/procrastinate :D

Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Smithy (Post 3992215)
We Finished school at 11 today, went for lunch in town and now I've come home to finish all my schoolwork/procrastinate :D

Hard life for some. :hugesmile:

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:34 AM

It is :')

/Why aren't you at work :nono:

Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:38 AM

I have 2 days off (my delayed weekend). Spending it looking online about moving back home to London next year. As much as I like Exeter, the South West is too quiet for my liking, I miss the proper city life. :)

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:40 AM

2 days off!!

pfft ok for some!! Mid week vaction!! :bored:

And isn't it like -5 in London now or something ;o

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:40 AM


Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:45 AM

LOL, I wish it was a vacation, I wouldn't have to do all my washing, housework and all the other uber-exciting housewife style jobs! :hugesmile:

Yeah London is cold at the moment, but working down there is the first part of my plan to get back to Australia for good (where it's warm) :)

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:48 AM

You should hire a maid :eureka: I heard Caitlin was looking for a job after her last potential employer stalker her and the other two burnt down in mysterious fires :D

Ohh, What do you work as?

Benjamin 13-12-2010 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Smithy (Post 3992248)
You should hire a maid :eureka: I heard Caitlin was looking for a job after her last potential employer stalker her and the other two burnt down in mysterious fires :D

Ohh, What do you work as?


Yeah that man sounded very weird. Hope she stays clear of him.

Currently I work as a head waiter (lol), but that was just to get some instant money in my pocket because I was skint after travelling. (Tips are amazing).

But when going back to London I'll be getting back into publishing/writing and hopefully starting a masters degree also (hence why tips are amazing, means I can save those to pay for it all).

Smithy 13-12-2010 11:57 AM

It's true!! :shocked: The first hotel she applied for burnt down, and the second one had a gas leak and exploded!
I just think she wants to avoid work, lazy bitch :bored:

Oh, well at least you have a job :joker: and that's cool too, do you know where you're gonna do the course?

Benjamin 13-12-2010 12:04 PM

LOL, I should have given her the job of The Mole, at least she would have something to put on her CV. :hugesmile:

Still undecided where to study yet. Contemplating studying in Melbourne, but that will cost me £25,000. Which I could do next year, but that would take all my savings. :sad:

Smithy 13-12-2010 12:11 PM


Oh tough choice then :p, Are you gonna emigrate there after you finish you studies?

Benjamin 13-12-2010 12:15 PM

Yeah. I have never wanted something so badly in all my life. I really want to live in Melbourne again. Such a vibrant and cultured city that I miss so much. :sad:

But I know I will get there eventually, I'm just so impatient. I always want things right now. :')

Smithy 13-12-2010 12:19 PM

That's how I feel about Born This Way :amazed: which admittedly is a little sad but wth :L

Did you get too see much else of Australia, or were you predominantly in Melbourne?

Marc 13-12-2010 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyGoth (Post 3991943)
Post update :)

GypsyGoth 108
Smithy 82
Snowman 20
XmasTurtle 13
Nativitystar 10
MeMyselfandI 9
CranberryJam 7
Marczipan 4

How embarrassing! Haha I'm not coming last! Make that 5 :wink:

Marc 13-12-2010 12:21 PM

James we can do this /sob

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