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arista 02-02-2024 08:27 PM

USA begins Attacks in Iraq and Syria
All Media

Attacking Iranian Proxies
in both nations

USA claims more than 85 targets hit.

Revenge for the Killing of 3 sleeping USA troops
in Jordan

parmnion 02-02-2024 09:09 PM

I find it interesting Biden is staying in Delaware with the bodies of the 3 dead soldiers who were repatriated earlier today. I reckon hes trying to get emotional ready to hit the big buttons.

Alf 03-02-2024 06:04 AM

You better pray that Trump wins. If not, you're gonna be in WW3. Your lives will never be the same again.

Don't panic! he will win. He already has.

arista 03-02-2024 09:38 AM

BBC Persian Reporter spoke from Iraq.

No warnings were given in Iraq.

Iran maintains they were not aware of
the USA troops attack.
And have nothing to do with it?

LBC : Military Adviser

The Attack was at 4PM - 5PM there time,
so it was expected to Blow Up,
Bombing Gear not people

arista 03-02-2024 01:03 PM

Iraq has stated that 16 People died
some of them were civilians.

No Iranian were killed

arista 04-02-2024 12:04 AM

23 Died in Syria

Ch4HDnews reported

Gusto Brunt 04-02-2024 06:27 AM

This is pathetic. The UK going round bombing countries like they're this big force in the world.

What a joke. They're the kid in the playground with a water pistol.

And how soon will we see bombs being left in UK malls due to these attacks.

Irresponsible and pathetc.:fist:

arista 04-02-2024 07:12 AM

This one is not UK,

This is only USA attacking

thesheriff443 04-02-2024 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Gusto Brunt (Post 11412999)
This is pathetic. The UK going round bombing countries like they're this big force in the world.

What a joke. They're the kid in the playground with a water pistol.

And how soon will we see bombs being left in UK malls due to these attacks.

Irresponsible and pathetc.:fist:

Do you think if we did nothing the other side would stop what they are doing?
The answer is no, in fact they would kill even more innocent people and progress to using nuclear weapons

Did you know over two hundred thousand civilians were killed in the uk in ww2 but around 6 million German civilians were killed in the same war.

arista 04-02-2024 10:46 PM

More Attacks to come

arista 08-02-2024 10:57 AM

USA details strikes on Yemen last night

[The US has released details of strikes
conducted last night in Yemen.

At 9pm local time (6pm UK time) last night,
Central Command said "self-defence" strikes
were conducted against two Houthi mobile
anti-ship cruise missiles, which it claimed
were being prepared to launch against ships
in the Red Sea.

Later, at 11.30pm local time (8.30pm UK time)
CENTCOM said it "conducted a second strike
against a Houthi mobile land attack
cruise missile prepared to launch".]

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