Originally Posted by Epic.
Oh and cut Jay
64. Jay
I don't know if it's just me, but when the first episode of RR leaked, I HATED the Adversity Twins. It's no understatement that they really were pointless rip offs of Cameron, an already mediocre character, and it seemed so obvious that they'd be the typical underdogs we get every season, meant to do impressive feats that will somehow """""surprise""""" us. And I suppose the Twins were sort of predictable like this, but what was the real welcoming surprise was that they weren't as terrible as I thought! In the first episode, they're notably a lot more annoying than they would be in episodes after, but because this is RR with so many teams, they got pushed to the wayside like a team like them deserves. And in small doses, they were actually a pretty funny team, even likable sometimes. Lasted slightly too long, but not nearly as offensively as scrotes such as the Stepbrothers and Noah.
However, I'm still cutting them because they still were potentially annoying in the rare times their gag was repetitive, and aren't really meant to be that memorable or impactful of a team so may as well be out now. I'm also glad Jay is out first, because he's clearly the whinier of the two and had slightly less funnier scenes.