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Old 20-04-2024, 10:49 PM #1
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Default Advice you’d give to teenagers

For a bit of Saturday night reflection.

1. Don’t bother re-sitting whole years in sixth form unless you really need to. Uni is so, so much better than sixth-form and being 19 and still potentially having to wear a school-uniform while your mates have moved on and/or around the nation just .. yeah. It ain’t the one. Just go to uni or move on and get a job. Take your A Levels seriously from the off or just try and do something decent with what you end up with unless you really can’t. Do your thing, obviously, but if it was a case of getting BCC in my A Levels instead of AAB I’d just try and get into uni and maybe start the course with a foundation year.

Some unis don’t even acknowledge resits (in other words it’s either done in one sitting or not at all if it’s going to count) so I just wouldn’t get too hung up on hanging around in sixth form any longer than you need to. Sometimes people only barely know who they truly are before they go to uni and no matter what you come out with it’s an experience and a vibe. You might be hesitant about going to uni if you’re not sure what course is best for you to pick but once you’re there (and living away from home) you’ll get used to it and wonder what you were ever scared of. Your uni years really can be the best years of your life. Even (maybe especially) through some very difficult experiences, character grows there and you learn how to function as a young adult. Holding yourself back at key-stage five if you’re not doing it for a good reason (say you change from medicine to economics and do an extra year studying further maths and economics A-Levels on fast-track to strengthen your application to a competitive uni., or you really did that bad) is just something I could not be bothered with, especially at big 19. You might never meet people like the ones you meet in uni ever-again. You might but you might not, so take the chance. Any good experience you have in uni, capitalise on it and know many people would kill to be back in your position. Don’t have *too* much fun or get too caught up in experiences (in other words to the extent that it seriously affects your actual studies) but know that you’re in the sweet spot and have your whole life ahead of you. You’ve got a cushty student loan (even if it’s not enough these days), the responsibility of having to pay rent without the money having to 100% come from you, boujee student-accommodation designed in a way that’s just right for a young adult/bachelor, nights out to be had and the option of turning up for your 9 am lectures. You don’t really want to give up all that just to get one more B in your A Levels.

2. In this part of the world you can actually be 16/17 and have a snakebite/shandy/pint (or half)/glass of wine so long as a “responsible adult” is there wit. ’u. Even if it’s just a case of taking your mate in the same Year 13/upper-sixth as you who happens to turn 18 a month before you do. Know your rights and take advantage of them. Even if this generation of young people no-doubt drinks a lot, lot less than former generations of teenagers (inasmuch as people always like to whinge about “kids these days”).

3. Get to know yourself and be okay with who you are at uni.

4. Understand the importance of having a decent credit-score. If you go to the gym literally once every two months and you’re always defaulting on your monthly JD payments when you’re only 17, is there any point?

5. Know that nobody knows you better than you know yourself (that’s a lifelong lesson and one many people forget to remember). Doesn’t matter what random acquaintances/strangers think they know about you when your close friends and family see you in a completely different light. People’s opinions of you, for better or worse, can be true, they might be partial truths or they might be complete baloney but what they’ll never be is you. It’s all about you in this life when it comes to … you.

6. Some of your insecurities are just part of what make you you. That’s not to say that there isn’t always room for improvement or that there are certain things we won’t always, always need to work through but, like, you’re good. Don’t hang onto too much negativity. Once you get past your early 20s, a lot of those insecurities will melt some. Just use the window-opportunity you have to work on your flaws while remembering that everyone has them and that you’re not necessarily gonna rot into oblivion just-because everything about your life right-now ain’t perfect.

7. Don’t smoke/vape/bong (whatever) too much weed until you’re 21. A developing brain needs a pause. A few times a week at most. And think about taking CBD and/or other ‘mellowing entourage-cannabinoids’ while you’re at it. That goes for everyone who takes weed but especially if you’re under a certain age. The less negative side-effects you get from THC just by itself at that age, the better.

8. Do take your studies seriously. Just don’t miss the opportunity to move on. Repeating years of sixth form, again, isn’t necessary unless it’s necessary (or at least truly that beneficial). The time you’ll have there is nothing compared to uni (if you’re planning on going) and your character needs to grow. Interpersonal strengthening and learning to stand more on your own two feet is way more important than changing that C to a B.

9. Anything can end up on TikTok now. Have fun with your drink and … ya. Have your wild moments. That’s fine. But remember that some people are way too quick to get their phones out and get snapping. Most teenagers know this already but in the moment you’re not always thinking about how the embarrassment might not be worth it. Today’s teenagers seldom drink like that anyway but it’s still worth bearing in mind.

Don’t let your regret be stronger than your gratitude, don’t go hanging on to negativity and don’t go underselling yourself. That is all.

Last edited by Redway; 20-04-2024 at 11:32 PM.
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