Thread: Aaron bashing
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Old 02-11-2011, 05:00 PM #10
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Channel 5 are seriously rattled,post sent to me today(thanks to Jiegmaster)
I think the attitude of the likes of Jeff Brazier, Jamie East, Brian Dowling et al just goes to show just how rattled Channel 5 are about Aaron.

There is no doubt they are very worried he could win this show. And I am absolutely delighted about that.

Aaron fans have been experiencing the most biased and unfair edits I've seen for some time in BB and a series of twists that almost specifically seemed to be targeted at him (The Crypt task, the friends and family nominations) and to be unfairly provoking him (and only him) into getting angry/walking off the show/both.

Now the last incident with the nominations is a case in point. Yes Aaron *******ed up but the reality is BB edited out some very key comments he made which made a crucial difference to viewers perception of him. And sometimes the editing has been downright perverse - Aaron (and sometimes other HMs) have been cut off mid sentence, completely changing the meaning of what was being said.

I think what this all shows is that Channel 5 know they have been sussed. People are really starting to wake up to the manipulative way that they are editing the show and of course without Live Feed (again another issue they are sensitive about as they don't want to appear wrong on their decision not to have it) noone can tell exactly what is going on in there.

I think they are really annoyed that Aaron and his fans have challenged the system in a way that they did not expect. And they simply do not know how to stop it. As we get closer to the final, I expect them to get even more blunt. I think they will change from no mention of Aaron possibly winning to "yes he could win but only because his deluded followers are mass voting" - ie in a "fair" contest, he wouldn't win.

As an Aaron fan and BB follower of several years, I have never before felt so strongly about a HM needing to win a show. Yes - it is about shoving it to the BB producers, BBOTS, Brian Dowling, Jamie East, Jeff Brazier et al. Their hypocritical outrage p****es me off.

On a personal note, I have supported 2 HMs who I believe in 2 different ways were stitched up by the BB machine when they could have won - Rex and Freddie. And the thought of it happening again is making my blood boil. I am not backing down and it seems neither are many of his fans.

Although he has undoubtedly lost a bit of support over the past few days, I still think he can win this show and I would love him to do so. It would be the biggest raspberry to the BB establishment ever. And could I think incidentally have very positive effects for the show's future. The boring bland "safe" winners might become a thing of the past which I think could be very good news indeed.

RIP Pyramid, Andyman ,Kerry and Lex xx

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Last edited by Kazanne; 02-11-2011 at 07:45 PM.
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