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Old 05-12-2008, 05:19 PM #1
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Default Resistance: Season II

Resistance: Vengance Part I

31st January 2010 11:57pm: Liam stood watching Hal walk away, "who the hell is in charge?" he shouted, "Look, not even I know that, I just follow orders" Hal shouted back, Liam fell back down to his knees and held Beth, "why?" he cried, over in the Nevada desert, J.C was sat in a pub near the road to Area 51, "pint please" he sighed, "coming up" the bartender smiled, Liam suddenly contacted J.C, "Beths been killed, and FOX are being controlled, by a group called the shadow" Liam explained, "I thought there was someone else behind this, by the way, Im in the Nevada desert" J.C sighed, "Nevada?" Liam asked, "yeah, the computer system in Media city transported me here" J.C explained.

"Im on my way, the FOX leader mentioned Area 51, just let me give Beth a burial and I'll be there" Liam replied, "Ok mate, good luck" J.C sighed, The Resistance arrived in New York, then before they knew it an electrical surge knocked out all electronics. Mcall and Jones arrived in L.A, They shot a RPG at the power lines, the whole citys power died, Hal was sat in the White House "Freedom is for the poor and angry" He laughed as he stubbed his cigar out on an American flag.

Sergov was on an empty street in New York, he walked into a cafe called 'Crab cafe' he sat at a table and put his feet up and polished his revolver, he pulled out his talk radio "Liam, where are you now?" He asked "I am on my way across the Atlantic, Beth was shot" Liam explained, "Who by?" Sergov asked "Hal, FOX are not the ones in charge, I dont know who is, even this Hal guy didnt know" Liam explained, "Thats a bit messed up" Sergov sighed, "I wont be joining you in New York" Liam explained, "How come?" Sergov asked.

"I want revenge, me and J.C are gonna get Hal and kill him" Liam explained. Karl was on the roof of the Freedom tower, he put the Resistance flag up, New York was now under Resistance control, Jones was in the building across, he had a sniper rifle and was looking down at the street.

Liam arrived in Nevada in a jet, he landed near J.C, "Good to see you J.C, now get in, we got a job to do" Liam smiled, J.C jumped on the jet and sat inside, they then set off towards Washington D.C, Hal knew they where coming, he was sat at Washington Cafe, he had already accepted his fate...
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Old 06-12-2008, 09:25 PM #2
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Resistance: Vengance Part II
1st Febuary 2010 11:57pm: Liam and J.C arrived in Washington, they walked toward the cafe, as they had recived intel that he was there, Liam walked in and shot him in the head, "thats it?" J.C asked, "doesnt deserve a chance to redeem himself" Liam explained, the streets where empty, Liam sat down and picked up a cup of coffee, "What now?" J.C asked, "New York, I guess" Liam sighed.

Many had joined the Resistance in New York, Sergov walked through Times Square, which was empty, and all the adverts where turned off, snow was falling heavily, one of the adverts turned on, it was for the new Crab car model, Sergov shot it out, at that moment there was a large explosion, Sergov pulled out his revolver and pointed his gun over at the flames, then before he knew it all the buildings began exploding, Sergov ran away as fast as he could.

Then the Resistance turned up and aimed towards Times Square, a Prime War was there, everyone began shooting at it, it launched a rocket towards the Resistance, Mccall countered it with a rocket from the rocket launcher, they collided and exploded in mid air, the suddenly there was an explosion on the back of the Prime War and it fell to the ground, then through the smoke came a Harrier, which landed in front of the Resistance, J.C and Liam got out.

"Sergov! we killed Hal" Liam shouted, "You did?" Sergov asked, "Yeah, now what the hell has been going on here? half the city is up in flames!" Liam asked, "Well we have captured the city, and lets just say FOX dont like it" Sergov smiled, Karl walked out of the crowd with Rose, "Good to see ya alive Liam" Karl smiled, "Yeah, we heard about Beth" Rose sighed, "Thanks guys, good to see ya both alive" Liam smiled, J.C stepped forward, "This is my brother, J.C an ex-FOX agent" Liam introduced, "Nice to meet you J.C" Rose smiled, "Yeah nice to meet you" Karl smiled.

"Right, time to ditch the talk, we gotta secure this city, we need to put up the anti missle sheild, and a few security points, also we need a few patrols to get rid of any remaining FOX soldiers" Sergov interrupted.
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Old 07-12-2008, 02:42 PM #3
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Resistance: Area 51-Ground Zero
3rd March 2010 4:57pm: New York was barricaded off from the world, although the world had now changed, everyone had realised that FOX was in charge, and had risen up against them, Liam was sat in the empty Central Park, Karl sat down beside him, "Whats up?" Karl asked, "just thinking, this time last year, I had just got my new job and was planning on taking my parents out for tea" Liam sighed, "seems like a whole century ago" Karl sighed, "Yeah" Liam sighed.

Sergov was driving a flatbed truck to Area 51, he was in a large parade of tanks, flatbeds and even a Prime War, when they arrived Sergov jumped out of his truck, and began shooting all the guards outside Area 51 dead, then he sighed, "its time" he radioed into the Prime War, the Prime War equiped its nuclear warhead and shot it at Area 51, suddenly the whole Nevada desert was dust.

"I am the destroyer of worlds"

Area 51 revealed itself, a large underground bunker, sealed off from the surface. Sergov stood up, he had survived the explosion, but was badly affected by radiation, he stumbled into the bunker, where he fell, he looked beside him and pulled his Crab mobile phone out, he had no signal, he stood up and walked to a nearby lift, he was grabbed by a few soldiers and was taken to be showered down, he was then taken into a large white hospital side room.

Jones was sat in a Theatre on Broadway, he stared at the stage remembering the time he came to New York as a child, he had watched one of those classic plays. Maria, another member of the Resistance walked in "Hey Jones, what ya doing?" She asked, "Remembering" Jones sighed, Maria sat down in a seat further on up, "Not expecting a play are you?" she laughed, "Nah, but maybe it would be a good idea to put one on" He thought.

Back in Area 51, "He has been quite seriously contaminated" a voice echoed through the room, "you know what you have to do, they will come for him soon" another voice echoed, "but testing hasnt taken place, not even on animals" the first voice said, "Well its time for the test, its the only chance we will get" the second voice sighed.
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Old 14-12-2008, 10:23 PM #4
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This will be continued post-Christmas
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Old 23-01-2009, 04:35 PM #5
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Resistance: Welcome to Area 51
5th April 2010 9:45am: Liam arrived in Area 51 in a flatbed truck along with Karl, Rose, Mccall, Maria and Jones, they walked down the crater toward the bunker, Karl kicked the door open, he ran in and looked around, "its clear" he shouted, everyone ran toward the large lift, the lift went down 30 miles, when they reached the bottom, there where dead bodys everywhere, "What the hell? it wouldnt reach here..." Liam wondered, the somekind of what only could be described as a werewolf jumped out of a lab window, everyone began shooting at it, it soon fell to the ground "well that was easy" Liam wondered, he walked out of the lift area and over to the warewolf, he quickly stepped backwards when he realised who it was, "Sergov!" Liam gasped, Sergov then died.

Jones walked into the lab, all of the experements had been smashed up, "come on Jones, you know what we are here to do" Liam called him over, the team walked into a large hall, stood right in the middle was a scientist, "What have I done...What have I done!" he screamed, "What the hell is up with him?" Maria wondered, Karl walked over to him, "What is it?" he asked, his name tag said Dr. Crab, "Doctor, what have you done?" Karl asked, "I doomed us all, once the Shadow has the weapon it will all end" the Doctor explained, "what weapon?" Karl asked, "I have no idea what it does I just worked on it, but if theres one thing I do know, its that it can turn the whole planet into dust" the Doctor sighed.

Liam walked toward the Doctor and put gun to the Doctors head, "Where is this weapon?" Liam asked, "I have no idea, I really dont know, The Shadow are planning to use it soon, I dont know when" the Doctor, Liam shot the Doctor, "Liam, what has happened to you?" Karl asked, "He deserved it" Liam sighed, "no he didnt, your loosing it Liam" Rose shouted, suddenly the place began collapsing, everyone ran toward the lift, and it began going up, as the whole structure around it was collapsing, it then reached the top, every one ran off, apart from Liam who stood on the lift, he had the gun aimed at Karl.

Then the lift gave way and it fell all the way to the bottom, everyone else headed outside, a Crab Co-operation helicopter was there, "What the hell, who are Crab?" Jones wondered, everyone ran toward the helicopter.
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