
Shane Jenek aka Courtney Act wins, Ann Widdecombe second - final
Feb 02, 2018 - 10:49 PM - by James

Pictures of Shane's time in the house.

Shane aka Courtney has won Celebrity Big Brother 21, with Ann second.

Here are the final % stats following the vote close:

Shane J / Courtney - 49.43%
Ann - 39.50%
Shane L - 7.42%
Jess - 2.75%
Wayne -0.90%

CBB's champion left the house to cheers from the crowd, greeted by Emma.

Shane J / Courtney confirmed: "This is just amazing! Thank you! Thank you to...[Read more]

Shane Lynch finishes in third place - final
Feb 02, 2018 - 10:42 PM - by James

Pictures of Shane's time in the house.

In tonight’s live final, Emma Willis revealed to the house that Shane finished in third place.

Shane L spoke to Emma: “Three as a number in my life is always good, I'm happy with that!

I think it's the correct final two. I feel like I would have robbed someone of their place. I do think they are far greater housemates that deserve to be in there right now.

...[Read more]

Jess Impiazzi finishes in fourth place - final
Feb 02, 2018 - 10:39 PM - by James

Pictures of Jess's time in the house.

In tonight’s live final, Emma Willis revealed to the house that Jess received the second-fewest votes and finished in fourth place.

Jess told Emma about how she's feeling about being out: “Flabbergasted! It's all so unreal to walk out and then people are all cheering at you. It is such a wonderful thing inside your tummy.”

...[Read more]

Wayne Sleep finishes in fifth place - final
Feb 02, 2018 - 10:35 PM - by James

Pictures of Wayne's time in the house.

Since Tuesday, viewers have been voting for their winner of Celebrity Big Brother: Year of the Woman. 32 days ago, eight women entered the CBB house and three days later, eight men joined them.

In tonight’s live final, Emma Willis revealed to the house that Wayne received the fewest votes and finished in fifth place.

Talking to Emma, Wayne said: “It’s massive! Being from a different kind of world than media, to have been nominated and not being evicted and then get to the final,...[Read more]

Ann, Jess, Shane J, Shane L and Wayne vote-to-win numbers
Feb 01, 2018 - 11:03 PM - by James

The voting numbers for the final five. The final is tomorrow on Channel 5 at 9:00 PM.

Ann to win:
Landline: 090 20 44 24 03
Mobile: 6 44 24 03

Jess to win:
Landline: 090 20 44 24 08
Mobile: 6 44 24 08

Shane J to win:
Landline: 090 20 44 24 14
Mobile: 6 44 24 14

Shane L to win:
Landline: 090 20 44 24 15
Mobile: 6 44 24 15

Wayne to win:
Landline: 090 20 44 24 16
Mobile: 6 44 24 16

Calls to the long number will cost 50p plus your network access charge. Calls to the short number will cost 50p.

Day 30: video clips, pictures - C5 Thurs 1-2-2018 9:00 PM [all ex-housemates return]
Feb 01, 2018 - 3:25 PM - by James

All the ex-housemates from the series returned to the house yesterday as part of a task which features in tonight's episode.

Emma Willis returns tomorrow night from 9pm on Channel 5 for the live final! Either Ann, Jess, Wayne, Shane L or Shane J will be crowned the CBB winner.

Video clips:

Breakfast with a serving of 'strippers'
The housemates have a surprise wake-up call

Memborable moments of the series - video clips
Feb 01, 2018 - 1:28 PM - by James

The Celebrity Big Brother final is tomorrow from 9pm on Channel 5

As the end of this series draws near, the public has decided and the Celebrity Big Brother 2018 finalists are Jess Impiazzi, Wayne Sleep, Ann Widdecombe, Shane Lynch and Shane Jenek.

As the final approaches tomorrow, we’ve been looking back over the series to capture some of the best moments. This year audiences have seen a great range of conversations, from serious topics such as Brexit to the downright ridiculous, parmesan cheese anyone? Friendships have been formed between the most unlikely pairings - such as Shane J and Andrew and Ann and Jess - and we’ve witnessed tasks which set out to explore gender stereotypes as well as...[Read more]

Day 29: video clips, pictures - C5 Wed 31-01-18 9:00 PM
Jan 31, 2018 - 1:57 PM - by James

Some of the ex-housemates from the series, including Ginuwine, John and India, are returning to the house today as part of a task .This will be shown in tomorrow's 9pm episode of CBB on Channel 5.

Video clips:

Shane J talks about sex on TV
...[Read more]

Amanda Barrie is eleventh housemate evicted - Day 29
Jan 30, 2018 - 10:09 PM - by James

Since yesterday, viewers were voting to save six nominated housemates: Amanda, Ann, Ashley, Malika, Shane J, Shane L. Tonight – in a triple eviction – Emma Willis revealed live to the house that Amanda received the third-fewest votes and would be the eleventh housemate to leave Celebrity Big Brother January 2018.

Earlier Ashley and Malika left the house after polling the fewest votes. Shane J and Ann were announced to have the most votes.

...[Read more]

Ashley James and Malika Haqq are ninth and tenth housemates evicted - Day 29
Jan 30, 2018 - 9:42 PM - by James

Since yesterday, viewers were voting to save six nominated housemates: Amanda, Ann, Ashley, Malika, Shane J, Shane L. Tonight – in a triple eviction – Emma Willis revealed live to the house that Ashley and Malika received the fewest votes and would be the ninth and tenth housemates to leave Celebrity Big Brother January 2018.

Shane J and Ann were announced to have the most votes.

Ashley and Malika left the house first and were greeted to cheers from the crowd.

...[Read more]

Day 28: video clips and pictures - Triple eviction live Show C5 Tues 30-01-18 9:00 PM
Jan 30, 2018 - 3:34 PM - by James

Tonight is a live triple eviction. Ann, Amanda, Malika, Ashley, Shane L & Shane J - all face eviction tonight. Emma Willis will back on Friday for the live CBB final from 9pm on Channel 5.

Some of the ex-housemates from the series will be returning to the house tomorrow as part of a task. This will be shown in Thursday's 9pm episode of CBB on Channel 5.

Video clips:

Malika misses her best friend
In the diary room, Malika talks about missing her pregnant best friend
...[Read more]

Amanda, Ann, Ashley, Malika, Shane J, Shane L nominated - voting numbers
Jan 29, 2018 - 11:40 PM - by James

Six housemates are nominated for the triple eviction. Here are the voting numbers to save:

Landline: 090 20 44 24 01
Mobile: 6 44 24 01

Landline: 090 20 44 24 03
Mobile: 6 44 24 03

Landline: 090 20 44 24 04
Mobile: 6 44 24 04

Landline: 090 20 44 24 12
Mobile: 6 44 24 12

Shane J
Landline: 090 20 44 24 14
Mobile: 6 44 24 14

Shane L
Landline: 090 20 44 24 15
Mobile: 6 44 24 15

Day 27: video clips, pictures - C5 Mon 29th Jan 9:00 PM [more nominations revealed]
Jan 29, 2018 - 4:15 PM - by James

Also in tonight's episode, housemates nominate for the last time. Amanda & Shane J are two of the housemates that are facing eviction tomorrow night.

Emma Willis returns tomorrow from 9pm on Channel 5 for a live eviction.

Video clips:

Shane J and Amanda clear the air
Shane J & Amanda talk about their argument from the night before

Day 26: video clips, pictures - C5 Sun 28th Jan 9:00 PM [nominations to be revealed]
Jan 28, 2018 - 3:59 PM - by James

Nominations for Tuesday's eviction will be revealed in tomorrow's episode.

Video clips:

Housemates have to find and press buzzers within a time limit in order to take part in a task to win a reward for the house:

Day 25: video clips and pictures - C5 Sat 27th Jan 10:00 PM
Jan 27, 2018 - 9:32 PM - by James

Highlights fof Andrew, Daniel and Jonny's last day in the house.

Video cips:

#1 - Andrew and Shane J discuss the CBB 'bubble':

#2 – Ashley requires some assistance with a face mask:

#3 - The housemates play

...[Read more]

Daniel O'Reilly is eighth housemate evicted - Day 25
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:24 PM - by James

After Jonny's eviction during the triple eviction live show Emma Willis revealed that Daniel received the next fewest votes, and would be the eighth housemate to leave Celebrity Big Brother January 2018.

After saying goodbye to his fellow housemates, Daniel was greeted to cheers from the crowd.

...[Read more]

Jonny Mitchell is seventh housemate evicted - Day 25
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:16 PM - by James

Viewers had been voting to save Andrew, Daniel, Jonny or Shane J. In the triple eviction – after Andrew's eviction - Emma Willis revealed that Jonny received the next fewest votes and would be the seventh housemate to leave Celebrity Big Brother January 2018.

...[Read more]

Andrew Brady is sixth housemate evicted - Day 25
Jan 26, 2018 - 11:15 PM - by James

Since yesterday, viewers were voting to save Andrew, Daniel, Jonny or Shane J. Tonight – in a triple eviction – Emma Willis revealed live to the house that Andrew received the fewest votes and would be the sixth housemate to leave Celebrity Big Brother January 2018.

Andrew left the house first and was greeted to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

...[Read more]

Day 24: video clips and pictures - Triple eviction live Show C5 Fri 26th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 26, 2018 - 5:26 PM - by James

Emma Willis returns tonight for a live triple eviction. Four housemates - Andrew, Daniel, Jonny and Shane J - have been nominated and three of them will be leaving the house tonight.

Video clips:

Ann and Andrew try to reconcile

Four Housemates nominated - Andrew, Daniel, Jonny, Shane J - voting numbers
Jan 25, 2018 - 11:50 PM - by James

Four housemates are nominated for the triple eviction on Friday. Here are the voting numbers to save:

Landline: 090 20 44 24 02
Mobile: 6 44 24 02

Landline: 090 20 44 24 05
Mobile: 6 44 24 05

Landline: 090 20 44 24 10
Mobile: 6 44 24 10

Shane J
Landline: 090 20 44 24 14
Mobile: 6 44 24 14

Day 23: video clips and pictures - C5 Thurs 25th Jan 9:00 PM [Nominated HM revealed]
Jan 25, 2018 - 1:59 PM - by James

In tonight's episode, some of the housemates nominate face to face. Shane J is one the housemates that is facing eviction tomorrow night.

Emma Willis returns tomorrow from 9pm on Channel 5 for a live triple eviction.

Video clips:

Andrew offers to comfort Ashley
Andrew lets Ashley know he's there for her if she needs a cuddle or more

Day 22: video clips and pictures - C5 Wed 24th Jan 9:00 PM + behind-the-scenes: 10:05
Jan 24, 2018 - 2:17 PM - by James

On tonight's episode - housemates receive letters from home.

Following that, there is an look at how Big Brother is made in a special behind-the-scenes show at 10:05pm on Channel 5.

To add, some of the housemates will be nominating face to face tonight which will be shown in tomorrow night's episode. Emma Willis will return on Friday from 9pm for a triple live eviction.

Video Clips:

Malika talks about wanting to leave...
In the diary room, Malika asks for arrangements to be made for her to leave the Celebrity Big Brother house
...[Read more]

Ginuwine is fifth housemate evicted - Day 22
Jan 23, 2018 - 10:05 PM - by James

Ginuwine became the fifth celebrity to be evicted after the flash vote during tonight's eviction show.

He had the least votes of the five nominated housemates: Ann, Daniel, Ginuwine, Jonny and Wayne.

After saying goodbye to his fellow housemates, Ginuwine was greeted to cheers from the crowd.

...[Read more]

Five Housemates nominated - Ann, Daniel, Genuwine, Jonny, Wayne - voting numbers
Jan 23, 2018 - 9:20 PM - by James

Five housemates are nominated for tonight's eviction. Here are the voting numbers to save:

Landline: 090 20 44 24 03
Mobile: 6 44 24 03

Landline: 090 20 44 24 05
Mobile: 6 44 24 05

Landline: 090 20 44 24 06
Mobile: 6 44 24 06

Landline: 090 20 44 24 10
Mobile: 6 44 24 10

Landline: 090 20 44 24 16
Mobile: 6 44 24 16

Day 21 preview: video clips and pictures - Live Show Ch5 Tues 23rd Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 23, 2018 - 1:41 PM - by James

Tonight will be another a live eviction. Five housemates face eviction tonight, two have been revealed & one will be evicted:

Plus the backdoor evicted housemate John Barnes, will be interviewed live by Emma.

Video clips from tonight's highlights:

Daniel raps it up
Daniel gives ex-housemate Rachel a run for her money and does a rap

John Barnes is fourth housemate evicted - Day 20
Jan 22, 2018 - 10:29 PM - by James

John became the fourth celebrity to be evicted after the backdoor eviction.

The women won the earlier task which decided that John and Daniel, rather than Amanda and Ann would face the final decision about which housemate would leave the house.

The female housemates then gathered to discuss which housemate to evict, and they chose John.

John said in the diary room: "Surprisingly OK because it happened so suddenly and unexpectedly so I haven't had time for it to sink in.

"But I'm looking forward to seeing my wife and kids.

"I don't feel that they don't like me but they get on better with Dan.

"There's no hard feelings at all, you could see they were upset,...[Read more]

Day 20 preview: video clips and pictures - Mon 22nd Jan - 9pm on Ch5
Jan 22, 2018 - 2:07 PM - by James

Tonight's episode of CBB will also reveal the latest housemate to leave the CBB house. Emma Willis will return tomorrow from 9pm for the next live eviction.

Video clips from tonight's highlights:

Famous for being famous
John and Ann discuss the generation gap and how people are now 'famous for being famous'. Ann reveals she has previously asked some young people who they would rather be: Jordan or Mother Teresa?
...[Read more]

Day 19 preview: video clips and pictures - Sun 21st Jan - 9pm on Ch5
Jan 21, 2018 - 8:21 PM - by James

Highlights of Saturday. In tonight’s episode, women and men will compete to determine which gender will be safe from the backdoor eviction. The next housemate to leave the CBB house will be revealed in tomorrow’s episode.

Video clips from tonight's highlights:

Ann and Ashley clear the air

Day 18 preview: video clips and pictures - Sat 20th Jan: 9pm on 5Star - CH5 10:25 PM
Jan 20, 2018 - 10:13 PM - by James
Highlights of Friday - Rachel and Maggie's last day in the house.

Video clips from tonight's highlights:

#1 - The housemates revolt as Ann proposes industrial action:

#2 – Andrew and Courtney in the toilet together:

Selection of images from tonight's episode: (From http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/gall...ails-1246.html)

Amanda and Wayne

...[Read more]

Maggie Oliver is third housemate evicted - Day 18
Jan 19, 2018 - 10:43 PM - by James

Maggie became the third celebrity to be evicted after polling the second fewest votes in the 5-way vote-to-save.

Emma Willis had earlier announced that Ann and Andrew were in the top-two and Rachel had the fewest votes and was evicted. John came third in the vote and stayed in the house.

After saying goodbye to her fellow housemates, Maggie was greeted to cheers from the crowd.

Asked how she felt to be out, Maggie told Emma: “I got mixed feelings. I feel like I have made some friends that I am going to be friends with for a long time. I would have liked to stay until the end.”

Emma asked Maggie how she felt about Ann nominating her for eviction: “I wasn’t surprised that Ann nominated me...[Read more]

Rachel Johnson is second housemate evicted - Day 18
Jan 19, 2018 - 9:50 PM - by James

Rachel is the second celebrity to be evicted from the CBB house after polling the fewest votes in the 5-way vote-to-save.

Emma Willis first announced that Ann and Andrew were in the top-two in the vote before Rachel was evicted.

After saying goodbye to her fellow housemates, Rachel was greeted to cheers from the crowd.

Asked how she felt to be out, Rachel told Emma: “It’s more fun than you can imagine, but it’s tough in there.”

When Emma asked Rachel if she felt there was a pecking order in the house, Rachel replied: “I didn’t think so. I was trying so hard to be humble, clearly not very good at it. Shane L is a really great, humble guy. I can see why he found me a bit imperious at...[Read more]

Day 17 preview: video clips and pictures - Live Show Ch5 Fri 19th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 19, 2018 - 2:02 PM - by James

Tonight live, Emma Willis will announce the second and third evicted housemates of the series. Maggie, Andrew, John, Rachel and Ann all face eviction.

Video clips from tonight's highlights:

The case of Boris Johnson's hair
Rachel is asked about her brother's hair style

Andrew, Ann, John, Maggie and Rachel nominated for double eviction
Jan 18, 2018 - 10:54 PM - by James

Andrew, Ann, John, Maggie and Rachel will face eviction on Friday, in what will be a double eviction,

Ashley won immunity in a previous task, and Ann and Daniel won the latest task, and chose to save Daniel and put up Maggie for eviction in his place.

These are the voting number in a Vote to Save.

To save Andrew
6 44 24 02 from a mobile
090 20 44 24 02 from a landline

To save Ann
6 44 24 03 from a mobile
090 20 44 24 03 from a landline

To save John
6 44 24 09 from a mobile
090 20 44 24 09 from a landline

To save Maggie
6 44 24 11 from a mobile
090 20 44 24 11 from a...[Read more]

Day 16 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 Thurs 18th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 18, 2018 - 3:17 PM - by James

In tonight's show, the nominations twist will be revealed and the vote will open.

The pair of celebrities that win the driving task will have the power to save one of the nominees (Andrew, Ann, Rachel, Daniel and John) and replace them with a housemate of their choice to face the public vote.

Emma Willis will return tomorrow from 9pm for a live double eviction.

Video clips from tonight's show:

Ashley and Ginuwine get close under the covers
...[Read more]

Date of final confirmed as 2nd February
Jan 17, 2018 - 3:44 PM - by James

Channel 5 have confirmed that the date of the live final for this series of Celebrity Big Brother will be Friday 2nd February 2018, with the show starting at 9 PM.

Day 15 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 Wed 17th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 17, 2018 - 3:11 PM - by James

Tonight at 9.00pm on Channel 5.

This week as part of a task - to be shown in tomorrow night's 9pm show - there will be a nominations twist and then the vote will open. Emma Willis will return on Friday for a live double eviction.

Video Clips:

"Bully bully bully"
Ann is not pleased and has some harsh words for Big Brother

Day 14 preview: video clips and pictures - 16th Jan 9:00 PM + Nominations
Jan 16, 2018 - 3:00 PM - by James

Celebrity Big Brother is tonight at 9.00pm on Channel 5.

The nominated housemates were revealed on Bit On The Side as John, Ann, Daniel, Rachel and Andrew.

However, this week as part of a task to be shown in Thursday night's 9pm show, there will be a nominations twist and then the vote will open. Emma Willis will return on Friday for a live double eviction.

Video clips from tonight's (16th January) show:

Courtney obliges to waxing Andrew’s bottom
Following Andrew's

...[Read more]

Day 13 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 Mon 15th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 15, 2018 - 3:12 PM - by James

Celebrity Big Brother is tonight at 9.00pm on Channel 5.

Video Clips:

Trouble in paradise
In the garden, Shane J and Ashley are talking about Ginuwine and how he has "flicked his switch"

Day 12 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 14th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 14, 2018 - 3:44 PM - by James

Celebrity Big Brother is tonight at 9.00pm on Channel 5.

In tonight's task, men and women will compete in a game show quiz. Andrew and Jess have been voted as captains of the respective teams.

Video Clips:

#1 Daniel and Andrew discuss Courtney

#2 Men put together a shopping list with Wayne leading the way
...[Read more]

Day 11 preview: video clips and pictures. 13th Jan: 5Star at 9:00PM - Ch5 at 10:30PM
Jan 13, 2018 - 7:31 PM - by James

From http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/gall...ails-1239.html

Tonight's Celebrity Big Brother is at 10:30pm on Channel 5 (or catch it first at 9pm on 5Star).

Following the task earlier this week, the men are now in charge of the House and assign roles to the female housemates:

Butlers – Amanda & Ann
Chefs - Malika & Rachel
House Cleaners – Maggie & India
Bathroom Cleaners – Ashley & Jess

Video clips:
#1 - Amanda takes her butler duties seriously and gives Wayne a scrub in the bath:

India Willoughby is first housemate evicted - Day 11
Jan 12, 2018 - 11:17 PM - by James

India was the first celebrity to be evicted from the CBB house after polling the fewest votes in the vote-to-save between India and Jonny Mitchell.

In her eviction interview, India said: ‘I was expecting a hail of bullets. I cocked it up really early on.

‘I had so much more to offer but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.’

Emma asked if India expected to be nominated: “I sensed it in the room actually. The whole three bears episode. Honestly, that was another big mistake. I watch Big Brother every year and I know it’s crucial to get a good bed because obviously sleep is a big issue in there. Paramount in my head, as soon as I got in the house, I wanted a single bed. It was just one of those things; I didn’t see that it was...[Read more]

Day 10 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 12th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 12, 2018 - 2:50 PM - by James

Video Clips:

Andrew and Shane J take a bath together

Day 9 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 11th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 11, 2018 - 3:44 PM - by James

Video clips:

Amanda calls India out for playing the victim

Day 8 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 10th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 10, 2018 - 3:48 PM - by James

The female housemates nominated live last night: India and Jonny face eviction live on Friday.

Video clips:

Bromance or Romance?
Jonny can't help but notice the connection between Courtney and Andrew whilst discussing their bond in the garden:
...[Read more]

India Willoughby And Jonny Mitchell nominated for vote to save eviction
Jan 10, 2018 - 12:44 AM - by James

In tonight's face-to-face nominations India Willoughby and Jonny Mitchell were put up for eviction.

Only the women could nominate and Malika, Amanda, Jess, Maggie and Shane Jenek were immune from eviction having won tasks in the first week.

India received 6 nominations, Jonny received 4, Ann received 3, Andrew received 2 and Ginuwine received 1 nomination.

Amanda Barrie nominated India and Jonny
Ann Widdecombe nominated India and Andrew
Ashley James nominated India and Jonny
India Willoughby nominated Ann and Ginuwine
Jess Impiazzi nominated India and Ann
Maggie Oliver nominated India and Jonny
Malika Haqq nominated Andrew and Ann
Rachel...[Read more]

Day 7 preview: video clips and pictures - Ch5 9th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 09, 2018 - 2:30 PM - by James

Tonight, Emma Willis will be live from the CBB house for the first face to face nominations of the series. The women will be nominating and we will find out who faces eviction Friday! Rylan revealed this last night on BOTS:

Video Clips:

Meghan Markle is talked about in the bedroom, Ann gives her view: 'she is trouble because of her background and attitude':

Day 6 video clips and pictures - Ch5 8th Jan 9:00 PM
Jan 08, 2018 - 2:56 PM - by James

India agrees sex as a woman could be better than as a man and she should have been given a 'map' after surgery. Amanda and Rachel say men should be given a 'map':

Day 5 video clips and pictures
Jan 07, 2018 - 2:53 PM - by James

More pictures from CBB21 Day 5 HERE.

Video clips from tonights show at 9:00 PM on Channel 5.

Andrew shows he's a modern man.

Day 4 Video clips and pictures + male HMs' assigned jobs
Jan 06, 2018 - 4:16 PM - by James

More pictures from CBB21 Day 4 HERE.

Tonight, as part of the task, the assigned jobs given to the male housemates by the women are:

Butlers – Wayne & Ginuwine
Chefs - John & Shane L
House Cleaners – Shane J & Andrew
Bathroom Cleaners – Jonny & Daniel

Video Clips

#1 - Courtney has another wardrobe malfunction.
When Courtney meets the housemates, her skirt falls off again.
...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Wayne Sleep
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:51 AM - by James

Ballet Legend
Age: 69

Wayne Sleep is a British dancer and is famous for being the shortest male dancer ever admitted into the Royal Ballet School.

Over the years Wayne has had to overcome a lot of adversity; he believes that his height, gender and sexuality could all have stood in his way…but they didn’t!

Alongside his dancing work, Wayne has also dazzled inTV shows including I’m A Celebrity Get Me out of Here, Hell’s Kitchen, Celebrity MasterChef, Celebrity Come Dine with Me, Stepping Out and The Real Marigold Hotel.


“I am looking forward to Celebrity Big Brother most,...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Shane Lynch
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:49 AM - by James

Pop Music Artist
Age: 41

Shane Lynch is an Irish pop sensation who is best known for beinga member of Boyzone.

A fan of entertainment shows,Shane has appeared on The Games, Cirque De Celebrite, Celebrity Masterchef and the celebrity version of Love Island. He was also a regular panelist on Bit On The Side.

Shane is also known for his interest in motor racing, whereby he has completed a numberof championships and has even had his own show based around cars.


“I know plenty of people who have been in there and they have told me how amazing this experience is. I am an...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Shane Jenek aka Courtney Act
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:48 AM - by James

Performing Artist
Age: 35

Shane Jenek is an Australian performing artist who is best known for working under the stage name, Courtney Act.

His success rocketed when he appeared on television shows,Australia Idol, RuPaul’s Drag Race and most recently Single AF.

The drag performer has also released a solo single, appeared in Little Mix’s music video and branched out into the business world; setting up a company which sells wigs for drag queens.


“I want to be an easy to get along with housemate. I’m not the kind of person that is difficult for the sake of itbut, also, I’m...[Read more]

Housemate profile: John Barnes
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:46 AM - by James

Football Hero
Age: 54

John Barnes is an ex professional footballer who has played for England on 79 occasions and spent the majority of his career at Watford FC and Liverpool FC. He is also known for his rap in New Order’s smash hit ‘World in Motion.’

Fast forward to today, John has seven children and is happily married to his second wife. He is now mostly seen in the media as a pundit and match analyst on a number of sport channels.


“I’m hoping it’s going to be quite eventful.”

“I do like to cook.”

“I think I’ll be an accommodating housemate but probably an...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Jonny Mitchell
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:43 AM - by James

Reality TV Personality
Age: 26

Jonny Mitchell is a reality television personality who is best known for appearing on the third series of Love Island.

Since leaving Love Island, Jonny has continued to be in the press with speculation of new romances and love interests.

Alongside reality television, Jonny works in business and has recently launched his own Foreign Exchange Company.


“I am looking forward to the experience. I am looking forward to meeting new people, having a good time. I want to make friends. I’m not going in to rattle cages.”

“I don’t like...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Ginuwine
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:41 AM - by James

Music Artist
Age: 47

Ginuwine is an American singer, songwriter, dancer and actor who rose to fame in the early 1990’s.

Ginuwine is perhaps best known for his multi-platinum selling single, Pony. The song was released in 1996 and went onto achieve huge multi-platinum success becoming his most successful single to date.


“This is really a platform for me to really step back out. I’ve been waiting for the correct time and the right time for me to do the proper thing and I believe it starts with Celebrity Big Brother.”

“I am coming to win; I didn’t come here to...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Daniel O’Reilly aka Dapper Laughs
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:40 AM - by James

Age: 33

Daniel O’Reilly is a British comedian who is best known for his controversial character, Dapper Laughs.

Born in South London, Daniel rose to fame as one of the first British Vine stars to break out of the social network site and find mainstream success.

In October last year, Daniel took to Instagram to announce he was starting a fresh as a comedian, and would be working under his own name, Daniel O’Reilly.


“I think I am going to be a bit of an annoying housemate but probably because I like to have a lot of fun, but I think I am going to be a good...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Andrew Brady
Jan 06, 2018 - 9:37 AM - by James

The Apprentice TV Star
Age: 27

Andrew Brady is best known for appearing on series 13 of the hit show The Apprentice.

During his time on the show viewers were given an insight to his cheeky, fun and ladies’ man personality.

Andrew describes himself as flirty, funny andsometimes offensive.


“It’s going to be fantastic. There’s going to be such big characters and it’s going to be a case of seeing who I can offend, who I am going to be friends with and seeing who is going to win.”

“Presumably, the folks will see me as a bit of a joker, bit of a lothario, gets...[Read more]

Day 3 Video clips and pictures + eight male HMs to enter tonight
Jan 05, 2018 - 5:10 PM - by James

More pictures from Day 3 here

Tonight, Emma Willis will introduce the eight new male housemates live. Emma will also be announcing live to the house that the women will have the power.

The female housemates will be tasked to allocate roles to the new eight male housemates: 2 butlers, 2 chefs, 2 house cleaners and 2 bathroom cleaners.

Video clips from tonight's show.

In the kitchen, Rachel showcases a ‘slut drop’ she learnt from Elizabeth Hurley
...[Read more]

Day 1 Video Clips inc. immunity reveal and pictures + John Barnes confirmed to enter
Jan 03, 2018 - 5:32 PM - by James

Maggie was revealed as the third housemate to get immunity.

Last night, ex-football player John Barnes was confirmed as one of the male CBB housemates entering the house on Friday.

Video clips from tonight's show.

In the living area, Amanda and Jess announce that they will grant immunity to Maggie and there are no hard feelings among the other housemates:

Housemate profile: Rachel Johnson
Jan 03, 2018 - 12:34 AM - by James

Age 52

Rachel Johnson is a journalist and author.

In 1989 Rachel joined the world of journalism and worked for the likes of the Financial Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, the Evening Standard and most recently The Mail on Sunday.

In 2009, Rachel became the ninth editor of The Lady.

She has also released multiple novels, has been a regular guest on BBC Breakfast and has appeared on Newsnight, Question Time, Front Row, Tonight and The Pledge.



“I think what I’m looking forward to most about Celebrity...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Malika Haqq
Jan 03, 2018 - 12:27 AM - by James

American TV Personality
Age 34

Malika Haqq is a US reality TV star who is best known for appearing on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and being the best friend of Khloe Kardashian.

Coming across as a confident woman who isn’t afraid to bare all, Malika posed nude in Dash Dolls; a spin off series of KUWTK, which saw Malika and her twin sister run a boutique owned by the Kardashians.

In June 2017 Malika appeared alongside ex CBB housemates Calum Best, Tiffany Pollard and Chad Johnson in Famously Single 2.



“I’m mostly looking forward to winning Celebrity Big...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Maggie Oliver
Jan 03, 2018 - 12:21 AM - by James

Whistle*blower in the Rochdale Grooming Scandal
Age 62

Maggie Oliver is best known for being a former Detective Constable in the Greater Manchester Police and exposing the Rochdale child sex grooming scandal.

Maggie quit the force after serving 16 years to expose the wrongdoings of senior officers within the police force.

Most recently, Maggie has continued to stay in the spotlight with interviews on Loose Women, Lorraine and BBC News; talking about the decisions she made to the on-going work she does to protect girls that have been exposed to grooming.



...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Jess Impiazzi
Jan 03, 2018 - 12:14 AM - by James

Glamour Girl & TV Personality
Age 28

Jess Impiazzi is a British glamour model who first rose to fame in 2009.

The model first hit the TV screens when she appeared on The Only Way is Essex, shortly followed by Ex on the Beach.

Alongside her TV work, Jess works as an actress. Most recently she has appeared in the movie Dangerous Game alongside ex CBB housemates Calum Best and Darren Day.



“I’m most looking forward to going into Celebrity Big Brother to meet new people, have fun and just enjoy the experience.”

“I think I’ll be quite a fun...[Read more]

Housemate profile: India Willoughby
Jan 03, 2018 - 12:03 AM - by James

Age 52

India Willoughby is Britain’s first transgender television newsreader and the first trans panellist on Loose Women.

Born as Jonathan Willoughby, she began her career on ITV in 2000.

As Jonathan, she married and has a son who is now 19.



“I’m very much a people person, I can’t wait to meet my fellow housemates. I’ve no idea who’s going in the house; I’m really looking forward to it.”

“I think it’s terrific that Big Brother is actually doffing its cap to the suffragettes and everything they did 100 years ago. Rights for...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Ashley James
Jan 02, 2018 - 11:55 PM - by James

Social Influencer, DJ & TV Presenter
Age 30

Ashley James is a social influencer, DJ and TV presenter who first rose to fame when she appeared on Made in Chelsea. Since then, she
began concentrating on her music career as a DJ.

Ashley feels strongly about female empowerment and this year she launched her own t-shirt collection egaliTEE, featuring empowering and quality slogans.

While not new to celebrity dating, Ashley describes herself as a ‘secret hopeless romantic’.



“The thing that I’m looking forward to the most about Celebrity Big...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Ann Widdecombe
Jan 02, 2018 - 11:44 PM - by James

Former Politician
Age - 70

Ann Widdecombe is a former Conservative Party Politician, author and owner of many controversial opinions and beliefs.

A former MP for the constituency of Maidstone, and expressing conservative views, Ann became most known for: opposing abortion, voting for the reinstatement of the death penalty, opposing same-sex marriage and believing modern feminism is a “big whinge”.

In 2010 Ann retired from politics and set her sights on stardom, appearing on Strictly Come Dancing and most ...[Read more]

Housemate profile: Amanda Barrie
Jan 02, 2018 - 11:35 PM - by James

Soap Opera Legend
Age - 82

Amanda Barrie is an English actress who is best known for playing the role of Alma Sedgewick in Coronation Street.

She has played a number of iconic female characters throughout her career, enlisting her as one of the UK’s national treasures.


“I should be a very old housemate, wise and giving advice. That nobody will take.”

“This year’s Celebrity Big Brother theme is wonderful. It’s about women and empowerment.”

(On male housemates entering ...[Read more]

CBB Teaser Trailer Released
Dec 25, 2017 - 12:12 PM - by James
A teaser trailer for Celebrity Big Brother January 2018 has been released by Channel 5.

...[Read more]

Rachel Johnson - first confirmed housemate
Dec 24, 2017 - 12:50 PM - by James

Channel 5 have confirmed that journalist Rachel Johnson will be a housemate for January's Celebrity Big Brother.

She is the sister of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and daughter of Stanley Johnson who recently appeared on I'm a Celebrity.

Channel 5 statement:

We can confirm that journalist Rachel Johnson, will be one of the female Celebrity Big Brother housemates entering the Celebrity Big Brother house live at 9pm, Tuesday 2nd January 2018 on Channel
...[Read more]

House Pictures
Dec 18, 2017 - 11:01 AM - by James
Channel 5 have released pictures of the newly-decorated interior of the house for the Celebrity Big Brother starting in January 2018.

The pictures include a sauna, outdoor seating, a lounge with a fire, bathroom, dining table and one bedroom. Pictures of the second bedroom and the diary room will be released at a later date.

...[Read more]

Sandra Martin of Gogglebox signs - report
Dec 14, 2017 - 4:28 AM - by James

Sandra Martin of C4's Gogglebox has signed up for January's Celebrity Big Brother says The Sun. Her friend and fellow Gogglebox contributor, Sandi Bogle, appeared in last summer's CBB and is said to have persuaded Sandra to go in the house.

Sandra and Sandi appeared on Gogglebox together until 2016 when Sandra’s daughter replaced Sandi. Sandra also left Gogglebox this year.

Source speaking to The Sun: “Sandra is heading into the house –...[Read more]

Holly Hagan in talks for CBB - report
Dec 12, 2017 - 1:07 PM - by James

It has been reported that ex-Geordie Shore star, Holly Hagan is in talks to appear on January's Celebrity Big Brother. She previously claimed to have been twice turned down for the show.

Holly appeared on Geordie Shore between 2011 and 2016.

A 'CBB Insider' is quoted: “Holly has been for an interview with show bosses and is seriously considering going on.

“In a lot of ways, it’s perfect timing – she’s single, she has left Geordie Shore and she thinks she...[Read more]

Jonny Mitchell from Love Island reported to be CBB housemate
Dec 08, 2017 - 11:21 PM - by James

Jonny Mitchell, who was a member of the Love Island 2017 cast, has reportedly signed up for the Celebrity Big Brother series that starts January 2018.

The report says the show producers hope he will pursue a romance in the house after he split from Made in Chelsea’s and former CBB-housemate Stephanie Pratt earlier this month.

The Sun speculates: “Jonny is going to be a big hit on the show.

“Viewers really enjoyed watching him on Love Island this summer – and clearly there’s still more to see from Jonny.
...[Read more]

Charlotte Leslie - former MP reportedly signs up to be CBB housemate
Dec 07, 2017 - 2:37 PM - by James

Charlotte Leslie, who is a former member of parliament for Bristol, has signed for the Celebrity Big Brother series that starts January 2018 reports The Sun.

Charlotte who is 39, represented the Bristol North West constituency between 2010 and 2017, but lost her seat in June's general election.

January's series will begin with an all-female cast of housemates, with the male housemates entering the house later.

A source is quoted in The Sun: “January’s series will mark 100 years since women won the vote and is all about, strong, empowered women.

“Channel 5 bosses have been desperate to...[Read more]

CBB Eye Logo + Launch date revealed as Tuesday 2nd January 2018
Dec 05, 2017 - 10:31 PM - by James

CBB 21 January 2018 Eye Logo

Channel 5 have released the new logo for the January 2018 series of Celebrity Big Brother. In a change to the design they have used a photographic eye-picture, rather than the graphic template used since Big Brother started on Channel 5 in 2011.

The broadcaster previously revealed that the series would start with an all-female cast (like 2007's BB8), purportedly to mark 100 years since women got the vote.

The male housemates will enter the house at unspecified points later in the series, and Channel 5 say that the housemates 'will take part in a series of entertaining tasks and hidden experiments which will test their - and our - assumptions, challenge gender stereotypes and reveal...[Read more]

Emma Willis and Rylan CBB Pictures
Dec 04, 2017 - 10:41 PM - by James

Channel 5 have released the presenter pictures for January's Celebrity Big Brother. The channel previously said that the series would launch with an all-female cast of celebrity housemates.

...[Read more]

Series to begin with all-female housemates - Channel 5 confirm
Dec 04, 2017 - 12:37 PM - by James
Channel 5 have confirmed that the January 2018 Celebrity Big Brother series will begin with all-female housemates, to mark 100 years of womens' suffrage. Male housemates will enter later.

For week one (from C5 press release):

In January 2018, as the nation marks 100 years since women won the right to vote for the very first time, Celebrity Big Brother launches this series with an all-female cast of celebrity housemates in a salute to a centenary of women’s suffrage on Channel 5.

Presented by Emma Willis, Celebrity Big Brother will initially explore how the all-female housemates interact, from politicians to performing artists, as they enter the house first, ahead of the celebrity male housemates.

Over the course of the series, as the male counterparts enter the house, the housemates will take part in a series of entertaining tasks and hidden experiments which will test their - and our - assumptions, challenge gender
...[Read more]

Newsreader India Willoughby signs up for CBB? - report
Nov 28, 2017 - 9:05 AM - by James

The Sun newspaper has reported that newsreader India Willoughby is in talks to appear in the Celebrity Big Brother house, for the series that starts in January 2018.

A source is quoted as saying: "India is in talks to sign up for the show- they'd love to land her.

"She's outspoken would be amazing television."

India is a newsreader on Channel 5 news and has also appeared on Loose Women, and Good Morning Britain on ITV.

She is also a trans-rights activist.

Ir was previously rumoured that January's CBB would be all-female housemates, and business-woman Michelle Mone was reported to have turned down the show.

Source: ...[Read more]

Michelle Mone rejects £350K CBB offer - report
Oct 23, 2017 - 2:03 AM - by James

Michelle Mone

The Sun newspaper has reported that Ultimo lingerie entrepreneur and House of Lords Baroness rejected a £350,000 offer to appear in the January 2018 Celebrity Big Brother series.

A source is quoted in the article:

“Producers told Michelle how keen they were to get her on next year’s show.

“They offered a lot of money to start with and kept increasing their offer.

“But Michelle has told them it’s a firm no. While she loves watching CBB, she doesn’t think the House of Lords would be overly impressed with her going into the other house.

“It doesn’t exactly scream serious businesswoman and peer.

“She has always said she would happily go on Dragons’ Den...[Read more]

All female housemate line-up for January CBB considered?
Oct 09, 2017 - 6:01 AM - by James

It has been reported in the Sun newspaper that Channel 5 are considering making January 2018 Celebrity Big Brother an all-female house. The move would be part of a series of programmes C5 plan to show to mark the 100th anniversary of women getting the right-to-vote.

A source is quoted in the article: “Channel 5 wants to make a real splash as part of their women’s vote celebrations.

“They are keen to cast opinionated women like Germaine Greer over no-mark reality TV girls who look good but have little to say or bring to the conversation.

“Bosses are expecting cat fights galore, plenty of tension and clashing personalities.”

Australian journalist and feminist Germaine Greer previously appeared...[Read more]

Laura Simpson (Wayne Rooney party girl) in talks for CBB?
Oct 09, 2017 - 6:00 AM - by James

Laura Simpson appeared on ITV's This Morning.

It was reported that Laura Simpson - who was with Wayne Rooney - when he was arrested for drink-driving has had meetings with Big Brother producers about appearing in January's Celebrity Big Brother.

A source was quoted in Sun Online: “Laura seems dead set on keeping her short lived fame going. She has been for a meeting with producers of CBB to talk about getting onto the next series, but bosses seem less than impressed with her appearance on This Morning so the jury is out as to whether she will get a place.”

Laura appeared on ITV's This Morning...[Read more]

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