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  1. Victor 3rd Evicted - Good Or Bad Descion?
  2. Liam & Victor's eviction percentages
  3. Jeremy & Emilia.
  4. i really wish.
  5. confused by LF
  6. Help george !
  7. Who are you supporting now?
  8. Six housemates in the final...poop
  9. im so glad.
  10. Mackenzie Crook to hijack next week
  11. Fierce!
  12. Week Two's Most Entertaining Housemate
  13. Week Two's Least Entertaining Housemate
  14. Rate Denise Van Outen as a hijacker
  15. Boyfriend
  16. Ninja
  17. nathan
  18. Hello Guys !!!
  19. Anyone know when jimmy carr is gona hijack
  20. I Love To Play My Bongos In The Morning
  21. Next Week's Evictions
  22. Post Double Eviction - Who is your favourite housemate?
  23. Calista,Jeremy,Amy Smoking?
  24. Liam throws apple at jay
  25. Antony's tattoo
  26. Who had the best best bits?
  27. Lots Of Differences
  28. Views Changed On Housemates ?
  29. if..
  30. Nomination predictions - week 3
  31. Great , its started already
  32. The official 'We Miss Victor' Fan Group
  33. Anthonys Dressing Gown
  34. Im sooooo... upset!
  35. Anthony And His Pink Pants!
  36. Not long to the final - Who do you want to win?
  37. Mcqueen Sisters get a warm welcome
  38. Hijack housemates on Harry Hill
  39. Who do you THINK Will Go On Wednesday...
  40. Who do You WANT To Go On Wednesday.
  41. Calista still sucks her thumb
  42. digital spy
  43. Liam
  44. Highlights 19/1
  45. Matthew Horne & James Corden
  46. who do you DISLIKE??
  47. what happens regarding the next nominations/evictions?
  48. Jeremys row emilia
  49. how will emilia chnage
  50. jon an anthony
  51. Can Someone Help Please
  52. Matt and James have gone into the House
  53. ******* Big Brother!
  54. Tonight Please?
  55. anthony will win
  56. Operation Amy VS Emilia Final 2 - Join Now!
  57. Hijacker Of The Public - What Do You Think.
  58. Highlights 20/1
  59. them hooll,yoak skanks who i never heard of didnt pick jon to0 play the task
  60. i smell contorvercy
  61. Should a hijacker revoke John's free pass?
  62. proof that bb is back to being controversial
  63. Rate The McQueen Sisters as hijackers
  64. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  65. I Feel Sorry For Calista.
  66. Rubbish task on Highlights 20th
  67. z-list or what
  68. Emilia Get A Life
  69. Can't be
  70. Lol
  71. ant give boxing a good nam e
  72. Nathan v Latoya?
  73. has anyone else ..
  74. Endemol U2U asking me.....
  75. Nerds Takeover BB House
  76. Audition Process
  77. Chris Moyles said 'Sexy Amy'
  78. Do you like Anthony ?
  79. This Weeks Nominations Are!
  80. Emilia v Latoya
  81. Emilia Vs Latoya(Poll)
  82. EVICT
  83. Highlights 21/1
  84. TiBB poll: Who do you want evicted?
  85. Emilia.....
  86. Rate Mat and James as hijackers
  87. All Saints
  88. latoya got what shne desever
  89. The Target
  90. The Washing Machine..
  91. BBBM audience!
  92. The Room of love
  94. BB:CH Title Screenshots
  95. Emelia-Jeremy-Amy triangle.... whats going on?
  96. Funniest moment so far?
  97. What's she talking about?
  98. Diary room King/Queen?
  99. Does Amy fancy Jez/Victor?
  100. Are the knifes out or paranoia setting in?
  101. how is this week gonna plan out
  102. Nathan's yellow and white hoody?! anyone help me?
  103. big divide
  104. Does anyone like Jay?
  105. Why is Emilia so unpopular?
  106. Anyone remember the order of entrances??
  107. im so glad calista will def be going this friday wooooooooooooooo
  108. Odds
  109. Who do you think
  110. I thought they.....................
  111. You Vote....AGAIN! but for this time which bad breakfast!
  112. Finale TV Listings
  113. Latoya - The hijackers choice
  114. Highlights 22/1
  115. BB:CH Pics
  116. British public are so dumb
  117. Roseanne Barr
  118. Person who has added NOTHING to the house
  119. Rate Mackenzie Crook's hijack
  120. Was 'Operation X' Harsh on John or just housemate's innocent curiosity?
  121. Jeremy and Emilia argument, it's about time.
  122. They're like a married couple!
  123. Amy is so jealous
  124. the big mouth audience?
  125. Emilia now hot fave to go!!
  127. Latoya: I won't be going anyway
  128. Housemates break into camera run
  129. Best/Worst opinions
  130. we have to evictg latoyaz!!!!!!!!!!
  131. ?? 1 day ??
  132. eating habits
  133. When is the final??
  134. Why on earth should Latoya stay over Emilia?
  135. Official Odds For Tonights Eviction
  136. Face to Face nominations tonight after eviction
  137. Celebrity Big Brother
  138. Anthony makes a mistake oops
  139. Highlights & Live Eviction 23/1
  140. what did anthony say that upset calista?
  141. Jimmy Carr
  142. have you voted and who for?
  143. Who's prettier?
  144. do housemates know.....
  145. Calista&Emilia.
  146. rate all siants as hijakwer5s
  147. Latoya Is 4th Evicted - Good Or Bad Descion?
  148. yyyyyyyyyeeeeeesssssssss!!!
  149. yeeeeeeee laytoa evicted!!
  150. Who wanted Emilia to go???
  151. Who are you supporting now
  152. jays odds have really dropped
  153. 4th eviction percentages [Threads merged]
  154. GamePlans.
  155. Anthony taking LaToya to Nando's
  156. 2nd show isnt live
  157. Not one single BOO!
  158. How many vote?
  159. Nomination predictions for tonight
  160. BB:CH winner
  161. Whos Going Next??
  162. Are you going to vote for AMY 2 win?
  163. Who's going to watch the live nominations?
  164. Nikki BB7s says the romance are fake in Celeb Hijack
  166. who would win out of Emilia and calista?
  167. Nominations Results!
  168. Who do you want out?
  169. Nominations-revealed!!!!!!!!!!
  170. Attention Amy Fans
  171. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!
  172. The 2 Fav's, whos gona snatch the crown??
  173. BB is not going to last much longer :(
  174. The time housemates stay up till---
  175. AMY 2 WIN!! CAMPAIGN...only leave a comment if ur going to join my AMY team!
  176. Amy, Jeremy and Emilia's fans... -
  177. Eliminate the competition?
  178. Is betting ruining big brother?
  179. The deadwood - Who has more to offer?
  180. latest odds! for the winner
  181. BBLB just called me!!!!
  182. :D
  183. VIP Tickets - Fridays' Eviction
  184. anyone got a picture of?
  185. If you could report anything about the outside world to the housemates, what would it be?
  186. Alternative Finale night.....
  187. Amy Now Fave To Win On Betfair
  188. Women will crown Anthony winner over Amy because women cant stand to see another women win, Do you agree?????
  189. Anthony to Win.
  190. AMY 2 WIN
  191. Dermot
  192. Highlights 24/1
  193. Who Thinks...
  194. Calista Or Anthony?
  195. Eviction Countdowns
  196. Rate Roseanne Barr's hijack
  197. housemates mean to magic nin ja
  198. bolloc ks to jon bein primje minster i think amy shouldx be
  199. And the Oscar goes to...
  200. 12 Jade Eden Pics
  201. Operation Dont Ruin BB
  202. mix theme, someone has it?
  203. Did anyone notice that TIBB member "Ramsden92" earlier on today??GOOD NEWS..........................................
  204. Rate All-saints as hijackers
  205. Who is the least talented??
  206. Song Identifications. Please help!
  207. Funniest moment
  208. Rate bbch out of ten
  209. Anthony &Calista - the 'joke'
  210. Emilia and Calista
  211. Malcolm McLaren 2 day Hijack
  212. Official Odds For Tonights Eviction - Updated
  213. Amy Officialy Bookies Favourite - Updated
  214. Big Brother 9 starts...
  215. Highlights & Live Eviction 25/1
  216. are we ...
  217. Is Anthony over-rated?
  218. Does Jay deserve a place in the final?
  219. Boring BB if....
  220. Purple Ninja Fan Club!
  221. calista phone line not operating!!
  222. dermot said its a vote to save!!!!
  223. we cant leave Amy to fight...
  224. Calista takes things..
  225. dressed as animals arguin in the gardcen
  226. Jay Is 5th Evicted - Good Or Bad Descion?
  227. Calista Is 6th Evicted - Good Or Bad Descion?
  228. EVICTED!!
  229. Jay and Calista are outa there!!
  230. Emilia still there!! woohoo!!!
  231. 5th and 6th eviction percentages
  232. Final 6 -- Winner Vote
  233. Exciting eviction!
  234. Final 6 - Who do you want to win Celebrity Hijack?
  235. Do Anthony Call Calista..
  236. Trampy
  237. so far no kissing!
  238. Emilia Should have gone :(
  239. The 'post everytime you vote Amy' thread!
  240. Sugababes Hijacking?
  241. Rate Jimmy Carr As a Hijacker!
  242. Think and Want!
  243. New Housemates?
  244. Come on sensible voters, lets give AMY the BB crown!!
  245. How can!?!?!
  246. come on voters give ANTHONY the CROWN
  247. Did anyone see BBBM? the whole audience were routing for AMY!! woo-hoo
  248. vote JEREMY!
  249. Vote CALISTA To Win.
  250. Amy is gonna come 2nd or 3rd. Emilia will win.