View Full Version : BB11
- Im lost here ?
- HMs plan a "Silent Protest" tomorrow
- Shabby Shabby reminds me of...
- govan giving cold shoulder !!!!
- **** Nathan
- Ben - The biggest house bitch
- Who should be evicted?
- Have you noticed, keeva is actually pretty dull
- Ben Now I like Ben, but...
- Male Vs. Female Housemates
- How VERY dare she ?
- Its starting allready Early Nights...
- Can anyone remember who JJ and Sunshine nom ?
- Steve is virtually invisable in that house
- TiBB Poll - Who do you want evicted? [Ben, Dave, Govan, Mario nominated]
- marios glasses
- kick govan out next
- Was It Right For Mario To Moan
- Mario What Will Happen To Mario Once Ben Is Given The Boot
- What the Hell Happend Tonight?
- What i get by reading these threads
- Who do you see as the biggest sneak in the house?
- Sunshine Does she have any close connections in the house?
- What would you call a close friendship in BB terms
- To all the Ben haters
- BB Actually Wakes up all housemates!!!
- I'm really disappointed with the hms this year
- Ok so i know this is not bb11 related
- Nice to see a Ex-Hm on here
- I don't get it year in and year out..
- Any Ex HM?
- big brother website down
- On the week leading up to the 9th July
- Steven Steven doesn't have very many threads about him
- Marios big secret?
- Chanel 4
- Been early favourite to win bb isn't always a good thing
- David Get "Our Lord" Out of the House
- Josie Seen a different side to her recently
- so happy shabby is staying - anyone with me ?
- Anyone know why Josie and JJ seemed to avoid each other yesterday?
- Steven what were the producers of bb expecting from him?
- Has anyone ever seen.....
- Who are the nice hm's of BB11
- Caoimhe She seems like a lost soul
- OCD strikes!
- why is itsuch a probelm that hm's want to "go out and win it"
- Sunshine Her Rendition Of 'Paparazzi'
- Sunshine .....not a full shilling ?
- Mario and caoimhe
- Betting odds???????
- Mario to win...........
- Rude Awakening
- Rachael/jj,Ben/shabby so what is the next BB11 rival faction
- Whas missing from BB 11 this year for you?
- why do the hell does Ben still talk to JJ and vice versa
- Mario and shabby
- Dave is a little stirrer
- Anyone been on bbbm? I'm on tomorrow.
- Shabby Bookmakers say SHABBY now favourite to win BB!
- Which song would you give each HM for their best bits?
- Bedsit twist: Who would be the most interesting HM's?
- Mario has to ask for permission to talk to Ben
- The Tree Of Temptation
- C4 exec: 'BB will not return'
- :o Big News.. Massive News!
- FFS Shabby and Keeva got a room
- That dirty stinking squatter tramp is hogging the highlights programme every evening
- Luke and Bex bb9!!
- Get boring Mario out
- Please call 09011 323 005 to EVICT Govan!!
- On Launch Night They promised BB Wouldint go Quietly.
- JJ perving over Sunshine?
- Corin - Best body ever!
- Keep shabby in until she goes crazy and ****zes out!
- What will be the funniest moment friday?
- Gay/Bi Population Growing
- Where has the raings thread gone?
- A task
- Trouble and jealousy ahead
- If you could have a old HM as a new HM this series, who would it be?
- Nathan may be into Josie
- Only Ben gets blamed
- Caoimhe Put Keeva's Boyfriend In The House
- Govan Please call 09011 323 005
- Allstars - Winners Only
- Tree of Temptation: Sexy Voice
- Caoimhe: A Pretentious Name?
- All Stars Opening titles
- Only 2 Months Untill The Final Big Brother
- TASK - Can Housemates Be Stuck To A Wall
- this is great they have nothing left!
- Nathan is doing just what I thought he'd do.
- Why don't we all pick someone who DESERVES to win?
- shabby
- Mario Mario is such an easy target...
- New bb rules...
- Steven His arm makes me wanna vom
- If you're evicting Govan, you're going to ruin this season.
- Davina: Overpaid and Overrated (And Annoying)
- Will they get penalty for THIS rule break?
- Scabby sending a message to the outside world!
- I think they should put another 13 housemates in
- Ruining the experience!
- Things the housemates have said that make you want to SLAP them...
- Shabby....and Benefits..
- Ultimate BB
- steve makes me feel humble
- Caoimhe Look a like
- BB11 Housemates for Ultimate BB
- Did the Tree of Temptation Speak Truth?
- Day 15 -Highlight Show Discussion Thread (24/6/10)
- I can'twork out who sounds more thick when they speak...Corin or Josie
- David Wow, he talk b*ll*cks
- I dont have a problem with gays witches and warlocks
- What has ben actually done?
- Women Who Sleep With Makeup On
- Ok that's twice in the last few days JJ has stitched Ben up
- The reason JJ kicked off
- What are the bookies odds/latest polls suggesting bout 2moz's eviction?
- fair play to Mario
- Ben Brialliant HL show: Ben busted lol
- Josie The shortage in food will do
- Ben nominating Sunshine
- Dirty bitch
- The HLs made me laugh today!
- Sunshine Praise in the house for Sunshine
- '' Don't come out here bitching Dave''
- Nathan!
- All Series Best Bits?
- BB want Ben out then
- Double Standards galore?
- Childish....
- Ben Look At It This Way...
- I still can't stand Sunshine
- First weeks noms
- House Plan?
- If Shabby...
- biggest balls in the house
- Channel 4 Advertise Big Brother on the Youtube Homepage.
- John James John likes power over women.
- C4 exec: 'BB will not return'
- Keeva is drunk on LF
- backwards day and tasks !
- grow up kids!!!!!!!!!!!
- spot cream sponser !!!!!!
- If Shabby is Evicted...
- josie playing cupid !
- ben stealing food ????
- Does anyone miss Gnome cam?
- idiots talking about noms againnnnnnn!!!!!
- bitching and attention seeking ben
- Oh my god.. Shabby's gone!
- f off sunshine & john!!!!!!!
- Do you think Ife could win bb11?
- why is BB so unfair?
- shabby shunned ife !
- lego key
- Finally someone has manned up!!
- Another Rules infraction
- sgt major steve !
- whats with the nail varnish??????
- who wishes ........
- your opinion of john!
- corin being attacked !!!!!! lol
- Im no psycologist, but
- No more fake tits winners please!
- dave the idiot!
- Corin Corin was hilarious tonight
- Poor Ben
- Caoimhe is a ***
- wolf pack attack on ben
- The Jerry Springer Show
- opinions on them all
- Does JJ/Sunshine have the closest thing to a sibling relationship we have seen in BB?
- Get ..... Out!?
- scabbers the rat
- Govan is completely deluded...
- Nathan...
- Ben I can't wait to see shabby and co's reaction when he stays
- Who do you want in the ultimate housemate final? (Vote now)
- when will we get a good old drunken bb night
- The chants....
- What are the chances
- Govan: "The public will vote for Dave"
- will mario and nathan
- Sunshine Conversation
- BB producers will pick their chosen ex-hm's
- What Eviction from past bb's shocked you most?
- Botox Ben?
- Is there to many poll on this forum
- Might be going to eviction...
- /
- Rachael has she got a lot of tv interviews and photo shoots
- which ex-hm's do you see turning down all star bb?
- Ben The Book Club with Ben
- JJs intellect
- shabby talking a lot of sense for once
- pick a song that best describes a hm
- Keeva's Nip Slip Pic
- Ben and the Elephant in the room
- i have a horrible feeling
- "Ultimate Housemate" housemate selection...
- the all 'stars'
- Scabby Hatless
- Pair of wet sponges.
- Anyone else hoping that Govan's eviction will open HM's eyes?
- The BB producers are clearly desparate to keep Shabby in like Charley, Lisa etc..
- Tomorrow's task!
- lived feed tonight
- lived feed tonight
- Hopefully the new eye for BB All Stars will...
- im sorry but if shabbs wasen't there..
- UK and German Big Brother to link up for live World Cup task
- Govan Bye Bye Gollum, Gollum goodbye...
- What are the latest odds suggesting bout 2ngt's eviction?
- I wish that fat, boring waste of space Steve was up eviction.
- Govan odds are shortening!!
- Best housemate torture?
- mario is related to the parada family
- Tomorrow best task so far IMO
- Ben looks like Sideshow Bob.
- The Penny drops for Scabby!
- Ben ''Either way im walking''
- two going tonight
- Ife knows how unpopular her group are on the outside.
- Shabby needs to put on some shoes.
- How do YOU pronounce Caoimhe's name?
- Ben If Ben goes tonight.
- For the record...
- Are you voting this week?
- Ben Ben seeking sympathy still
- Ben and his obsession with his HAIR
- Ch4 9PM and 10:35PM Eviction Night Friday 25th/6
- Housemates have penalties task vs Germans
- Kweervan's clothes don't fit!
- Who does everybody think is going 2ngt?
- Double eviction tonight???
- You dumb BB fans!
- Why Aren't Former BB Stars on Tibb?
- The Gender Card?
- Depending on who is evicted which housemate will switch groups?
- JJ Grow a pair!!
- BB Should Scrap Evictions Alltogether
- david drunk the other nite
- hahahh john!!!!
- john talkin more crap zzzzzz
- dumb glue task lol
- Ben Attractive?
- awww ben lol
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