View Full Version : BB11
- rumors start now (apprantley)
- who Goes In You Decide+Half Houses?
- do you wreckon there will actually be a good big brother winner this year
- Big Bruv fans want screechy Nikki
- This man is definately going in the house!!!
- housemate housemate?
- Big Brother 11 | Launch Night Twist & Theme.
- How much do you want to know about BB11?
- For or against this whole EX-HM thing?
- Do you want ex housemates going back in?
- Nikki or Rachel?
- Favourite BB fansite?
- Twist Idea
- Confirmed: No ex-housemates will enter via The Suns poll.
- Big Brother 11 | Billboards & Other forms of Advertising.
- Prize Fund
- Come Dine With Me: Big Brother Special
- Sunday 30th May Offical Launch date
- Six Weeks To Go!
- Can Big Brother Survive on Another Channel?
- Is Shirley Jones returning?
- Official Petition To Bring Big Brother Back!
- Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!
- I hate these "axe Davina" suggestions!
- Housemates to be selected this week?
- Big Brother 11 | House Report
- Hopefully they will put some better girls in this year.
- NEW bb 11 website
- help wanted with a new bb website
- A Feature from 2007 that NEEDS to return for BB11.
- The final montage song???
- The Final Show
- Potential housemate!
- The Start Date
- Joshwa Plastic and Vinnie Cook
- The Joshwa Plastic Appreciation Thread
- The Amy Green Appreciation Thread!
- Amy V Joshwa V Vinnie!
- President!
- Big Mouth
- The Sun Poll Result - Rachel Rice (Most-Loved Contestant)
- 2 Of The Housemates
- davina photo shoot for big brother!
- does anyone else think that..
- Underground house?!
- Martin Marlowe is going into big brother house!
- Guinea pig week
- Pull a moonie!
- Vote for your most HATED contestant ever!!
- What do you want/not want to see in bb11?
- First ad airs?
- Posting pictures of potential HMs.
- First teaser advert here!
- This guy is Definate going to big brother house
- So what do cogs mean?
- Email from David Williams
- DIY make your own BB clock Advert.
- Holding Page up Soon!?
- BB11's First Ad - Real Or Not!?
- The producers just don't give a damn..
- Confirmed housemate
- Launch Night Twist Ideas for BB11
- Aerial Shots
- My cog eye design
- BB11 Start date - Erm, confirmed?
- cog ad is fake
- Looking Back Past BB House Aerial Shots
- What Will This Years Theme Be?
- Your Perfect BB11 Launch
- Just think..
- Describe your ideal housemate.
- If they DO put billboards up..
- Best date for launch
- Would you want the fights to be more physical?
- Anyone got that feeling...
- Minor information.
- Fantasy Big Brother APPLICATIONS.
- Past House Pictures
- Big Brother's Big Nose
- If your intrested...
- rumours of reality stars entering the house
- Vote For The House That Created A Great Series
- Poll Vote For Your Favorite Diary Room Chair
- Davina's eye to be used for final logo
- BigBrother Eye to be revealed tonight!
- Big Brother 11 News Thread!
- teaser advert!!
- /
- What BB 1&2 House Looks Like Now!
- Davina's Eye for BB11.. Yay or Nay?
- BB11 House Speculation
- How Many Housemates Do You Want On Launch Night?
- How would you design the house?
- Davina's Twitter
- Walker V Ejecter!
- TiBB 'Insider' Interview
- Email from Channel 4
- The new theme
- Havent Seen these House Pics ?
- Whats this
- In this photo? Which is still in "the process" !
- What Could Be The Housemate Twist?
- I wonder why they never archived the bb10 site
- Where to watch audition tapes?
- Do you think they should advertise like this?
- BB11 to get US outing?
- What 'theme' would you like for BB11, if any?
- Housemate Sweepstake Thread
- Free Complete Series Big Brother 5,7,9 DVDs
- The Bb House will Look Alot Like BB7 house
- Jedward BB House-guests?
- June 3rd Launch for BB11?
- This guy's gonna be the fit hunk in BB11
- BB11 launching in Late May?
- I had a dream..
- George Lamb confirms he is back
- UPDATED:// NOW EASIER TO READ: My MSN convosation with a proven insider.
- idea for a new big brother
- Idea for ex-housemates making appearence at the end
- Last year for ex housemates to cash in on BB?
- big brother house decor !!
- How would you like it, if the BB11 Eye was Red?
- big brother will launch in june/THE MILLION POUND DROP twist?
- Who will sponser Big Brother 11?
- It's official...
- Don't any of you want a lil mystery ?
- Which Holding Page will..
- message from the other side
- no queeny gays please
- More oldies this year please
- Question to those who audition every year..
- I hope this year brings another black diva
- no romances please!
- where are they up to?
- Who's been checking TiBB every half hour?
- Heat Coverage
- daniel eatock Spat.
- Big Brother UK All-Stars
- Large delivery suspiciously near to the house
- i think i know the housemate twist
- TiBB Special- BB10 Heat Coverage (20 Pages!)
- I refuse to believe THIS IS THE END OF BB
- Davina to host Million Pound Drop
- My BB Titles Edit :D
- Nice aerial view of Elstree Studios
- Cool BB11 idea..
- 4 Months :(
- They better give them ALOT of alcohol this season
- Can the housemates hear..
- And so it begins...
- The Hatch
- BB11 Launch
- BB11 Final
- Which of these rumours do you believe?
- Someone Explain 'Million pound drop conspiracy'
- will C4 keep the rights to BB?
- Tickets to Live Shows
- When are we going to get news?
- No hype?
- The BB10 Holding Page changed abit
- Davina’s BBusy on two shows
- !!The Winner Of Big Brother All-Stars 2010 Is....!!
- Rumour, bb11 Housemate ?
- BB11 Housemate..
- BB11 'Houseguest'
- BB11 Logo
- Hope theres an Underdog this year!!
- Million Pound Drop Linked To BB?! (Article)
- Holding Page
- No news until MID MAY
- BB11 Markerting campaign - The End Begins
- What are you going to watch
- BB11 Housemate
- Jedward in Person just Confirmed they will Not be on Big Brother
- Just found the bb11 holding page!
- AJ's Download solution
- NEW! Eye leak official!
- Wonder what this is all about!!!
- You know what I need?
- The NEW BB Commercial!!
- Favourite Walker?
- Big Brother 11 Launch Date
- Your BB 'Death' Ideas..
- Channel 4 are Idiots!!!!!
- Big Brother Come Dine With ME
- Youtube?
- Big Brother Launch Date- Thursday June 17th 2010
- 3 Ex Housemates on the telly (heads up)
- Chatting to David from bb10 tonight..
- BB Start Row During Trailer Filming
- Exclusive Trailer Pics Next Monday
- Ashlei Swain claims to be going into hiding today
- Men go in first and Women go in the day after?
- BB11 'The Death'
- You can rule May out
- Get it right, it's pictures on monday.
- How Annoyed & Gutted Will You Be.....
- Is the actual theme 'Death'?
- My titles!
- Not happy with "The Death" of BB at all....
- Benazir from bb10.. going into bb11????
- Guess the Housemate
- EYEEES On The Prize.
- Reply From Beinazir Lasharie
- The series will NOT be depressing, launch brought forwrd, holding page
- Charley at the Funeral
- housemates
- So what plans do you have for the summer of 2011 without BB?
- Argument's at the Grave Side
- Favourite Series Promo shots
- BB11 Ex Housemate Trailer 'Master List'
- When will Channel 4 let us know if Live Feed has make a come back?
- Big Brother 11 Website MasterThread
- whats the point of the guinea pigs?
- country tasks!
- Aerial Shots soon ???
- i know theres too many threads on this
- what was last years tagline about?
- is the BB11 chair being buried?
- Holding Page Thread!!!! *Threads merged*
- My big brother 11 dream
- C4 releases official advert images
- New constrution Pic
- When do you think the eye will be released
- BB9 Timelapse video??
- Sorry guys, looks like this insider is bull.
- Whats going on!? wheres the pics?
- NEW final montage request
- series 11
- No return for live feed
- Discussion- 23 Pictures
- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO from the BB11 Trailer shoot
- My dream BB11 hm
- Davina's opening line
- BB 10th June - My logic
- who is sponsoring?
- I have some inside gossip give me a few mins ! (from bb trailer)
- Eatock Design vs Human Eye
- Email from David Williams regarding Logo-Daniel Eatock is involved!
- could this work?
- Back to Basics
- Make them really want to win it
- Davina. C4. Mon 24 May. 10pm.
- Should Tokens Return?
- David Williams E-mail Regarding Adverts
- here's the ****ing argument!
- What do Victor, Jay. Bea, Kenny and probably many more have in common?
- When Do We Want The BB11 Hype To Start?
- vt frauds!
- xx
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