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  1. Mario what a bitch ?
  2. Shabby's reaction to the 'FITTIES' in the crowd.
  3. Its that time of year again on BB.. Live Feeders get on Live Feed Now!
  4. Coirin... GET HER OUT...
  5. BB11 Housemates on Twitter.
  6. Diary Room on Live Feed.
  7. Views on tonight's show and blabbering lol.
  8. Could this work ??? Fans please read
  9. David Backstabber
  10. There are 2 Steves
  11. Where's the hate?
  12. Crap I'm starting to like Nathan a lot now
  13. Week Four Nominations Predictions?
  14. On tonight's HLs they never showed them drunk
  15. Corin Corin Looks FIT Tonight ;)
  16. John James Falling into an ego trap?
  17. Haha JJ is like an innocent lil' kid
  18. Mario is YUK.
  19. God or BB on your side. I'll take BB!!!
  20. David If only he knew
  21. Corin and Josie
  22. I Love When The HM Have Beer :D
  23. New Housemate: Beauty Queen
  24. Ben's USA Career?
  25. Corin Does Coriander work as a stripper or in a lap dance club?
  26. Brian Dowling In For Mario?
  27. Unseen Picture of Dave the Monk!!!!
  28. the tree!
  29. Sunshine Sunny In The Sunday Star
  30. Ben Ben don't like anal sex, is he homophobic?
  31. Save and Replace - anyone else think...
  32. ben - mario and tiff (anyone no who's this new lady is?)
  33. Ben Someone help me please....
  34. Housemates you'd happily show the door right now
  35. Is Brian Dowling Going In Friday?
  36. Seond Friday show is on For Longer This Week!
  37. Ben forever the gent.
  38. Scabby losing her grip over her "group"
  39. Who's ON BBLB today?
  40. Ben Ben defying the tree
  41. Highlight Show should be brilliant tonight!!!
  42. Josie Whats so special about Josie?
  43. Josie Whats so special about Josie?
  44. David Will he ever leave?
  45. Lets see them then!
  46. *NEW TASK* Weelchair Basketball!
  47. Sunshine accuses caoimhe of bullying
  48. Howmuch out of 10 do you want John and Josie to get it on?
  49. Who cares/?
  50. mario is full of s***
  51. Celeb To Enter House
  52. And Channel 4 Continue to block Big Brother in the UK...
  53. They're playing in Australia colours
  54. What happened on yesterdays late E4 LF?
  55. Anyone know where I can watch the old BB's?
  56. I am worried about Shabby.
  57. Is Shabby just a watered-down version of Kitten (BB5)?
  58. Where's the talking Parrot?
  59. David Sharing the prize money
  60. Caoimhe The spelling of her name
  61. Ife Anyone feel bad for Ife?
  62. I want them all up soon!..
  63. If Nathan is up and wins the Save and Replace task..
  64. Trust Ben,lol
  65. Should BB put all HMs up in a vote to save as part of their Ben vendetta?
  66. Can Anyone Remember
  67. Day 25 Highlights Spoiler!
  68. Josie has just gone up in my estimation now on livefeed!
  69. Ben Please stop with the threads...
  70. Ben"I've got a D&G in there which is probably worth more than all your stuff put toge
  71. My nom/eviction idea for this week...
  72. Ben The Quotes of King Ben
  73. Mario Possibly the most annoying accent of all time.
  74. Corin and Shabby funny moment
  75. Public Nominate + Housemates Evict Twist Idea
  76. Sunshine The Big Brother House is now overcast
  77. Ben People don't dislike Ben because he is posh...
  78. Shabby Shabby slapped Corin?
  79. Live nominations idea?
  80. Boyband On BBLB
  81. Big Brother is a pantomime!
  82. Does All-Stars Start On Finale Night?
  83. Forum favourites?
  84. Ife.
  85. Do we know for sure that...
  86. Dream All Stars line up?
  87. 9PM Ch4 Big Brother 4/7/10 Sunday Show
  88. diary room
  89. wouldn't you just love....
  90. Anyone remember Myke Hawke being grilled by Paris & Nicole?
  91. Shabby I agree with her.
  92. Does anyone think ceeva and shabby will be nominated next week?
  93. "I'm clinicaly obese" "I love trees, every sort of tree"
  94. Dave is a real Christian
  95. Ben "I Would Like To Say Thank You To Sunshine............"
  96. Over Taking Scums
  97. Nathan has some nerve...
  98. Ben still me fave
  99. Ife The worm has turned
  100. David You've gotta give him some credit.
  101. why ben why !
  102. Corin L/F True colours showing through...
  103. that american commando
  104. Fighting for the"common"man gggggrrrrr
  105. can someone post me a link to live feed please in a pm.
  106. unfit dave
  107. everyone is starting to get annoying now
  108. Anyone else wetting themselves at John and Josie in the diary room then?
  109. Is trouble brewing?
  110. they will all leave the house with very clean teeth
  111. Bedroom trashed!
  112. ben was talkin to american commando
  113. Could somebody please fill me in?
  114. Ben dropped Dave in it
  115. mario grow up zzzzzzz
  116. ben & marios converstion durning tonights H/L
  117. Corin absoloutley going mental on LF!!
  118. Fan, Sh!t, Hitting!!
  119. Ben Well, what a whitewash that was... expected but still dissapointing
  120. caoimhe is a b*tch!
  121. josie is in for a shock does anyone agree
  122. ratty without ciggy's !
  123. I Hate these housemates
  124. ife's task!!!!!!
  125. what were they hiding ????
  126. Big Brother Prank
  127. If Nathan and JJ were in the bedroom they would of been loving it.
  128. team dont rock the boat forming in the garden
  129. john & josie in dr zzzzz
  130. when they finally get their suitcases back
  131. shabby in bathroom said ....
  132. My Opinion has never changed on any bunch of Housemates as much as this year...
  133. HAHA Mario's face!
  134. Tobacco gate!
  135. Davina McCaw..
  136. Those with LF....please keep us updated
  137. Nominations will be wide open tomorrow, tonight really divided the house into 2.
  138. Corin is a bitch
  139. Quick Question for Sunshine fans?
  140. team dullard,team rebel,you decide.
  141. mario would have loved that
  142. Stand by for about an hour of apologies
  143. My cock is looking safe..
  144. Is it just me or is Camomile a mook?
  145. The new JJ!!
  146. Why with LF
  147. Corin Go Corin!!
  148. a little snippet video for us poor ones.
  149. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the new Gollum!!
  150. shabby:
  151. Ife will be evicted Friday
  152. Ife "My belief is science..."
  153. Ife is REALLY going for it!
  154. Haha Camomile just got her ass handed to her by Ife.
  155. Josie make you mind up ffs !!
  156. So the new housemates are confirmed for Friday?
  157. House is dead without Sunshine
  158. Ife What happaned with Ife, Shabby and Caoimhe?
  159. Shabby Caoimhe and Shabby walking...[Merged]
  160. IFFY wins!!
  161. Shabby...
  162. "The way people treat Ben, disgusts me!"
  163. I can't see BB allowing them into the DR!
  164. Caoimhe Notice..
  165. What happend between Ife, Caoimhe and shabby?
  166. They Should Have Done A Kenny
  167. Corin 'I Can't See Myself Getting Into Arguments'
  168. Can you imagine it?
  169. Has someone smudged some pizza on iffys painting.
  170. How about a team vs team Save and Replace task?
  171. Should we call it a night and give up?
  172. Shabby I love you shabby...
  173. Production team not letting them leave
  174. Shabby is a silly billy
  175. Caoimhe Family never wanted her to do it
  176. If Ben Goes, This Series Turns Into BB4
  177. King Ben and the drunk Monk will be loving this
  178. Shabby Caoimhe "They can't just show your rages..."
  179. Could they change their minds?!
  180. fao :Alpertinator
  181. The Poll: Do You THINK Shabby & Caoimhe will walk out tomorrow morning?
  182. JJ biting his nails
  183. Should They Kick-Off In The Morning
  184. Has anyone walked in previous BBs
  185. Josie very clever gameplayer
  186. Nathan 'Dave Is Ben's Hired Goon'
  187. Who is most frequently and longest in the Diary Room
  188. Mike Hawke & Ben
  189. Caoimhe 'Executive Producer Wanted Ben In The House'
  190. Ben Ben is a poor excuse for a human being!!!
  191. Tonights HL show is gonna be epic
  192. D: I've just realised
  193. Steven I bet his wife put him on BB
  194. Ohh I say...
  195. Cant believe in 24 hours everything has changed!
  196. Game Plans..
  197. Iffy's OCD kicks in again!
  198. Shabby Kick her out already!
  199. a love poem for john james and josie from the joe <
  200. is this a fair recap on last night show? (poem)
  201. Ife needs to get a "L"
  202. Sunshine Sunshine back on twitter!
  203. Last night's audio cap Shabby & Caoimhe
  204. Who does he think he is?
  205. do you think they will walk
  206. If they do leave!
  207. come on bb walk them up
  208. come on bb wake them up
  209. Help!
  210. Ben Self destructive?
  211. Are they serious?
  212. Nathan is a Crybaby
  213. BB trying to save Shabby from walking out.
  214. Do you WANT them to leave?
  215. BB can SAVE Shabby by telling her one thing..
  216. i think nominations have been cancelled
  217. BB producers caused this problem
  218. mike hawk always good for a giggle
  219. will CAOIMHE walk?
  220. Craig phillips was on Loose women ITV1
  221. Please stop begging Shabby to stay Big Brother
  222. I've been away- update PLEASE
  223. The producers beg shabby not to go!
  224. HL show on at 8:00 tonight
  225. They wont go
  226. Hira and Maysoon for BB-All Stars!
  227. BB Should Just Start Nominations Soon and Ignore These Attention Seekers
  228. Has anyone noticed that the male voicein the DR is..
  229. Rent a gob
  230. What Happened Lastnight
  231. Masturbategate
  232. highlight show times
  233. Where's Mario and his shield?
  234. Pissed off at the LF
  235. Shabby Shabby has walked out! [edit: not yet]
  236. Shabby and Ben
  237. This game show could be much better
  238. Ife Now Ife wants to go?
  239. An empty house
  240. Get your skates on big brother.
  241. see all this stuff thats happened after the wheelchair game.
  242. Iffy finally realises
  243. No nominations today?
  244. Scabby has NOT walked out
  245. Full house(for now)
  246. less DR chats this year
  247. ViP Eviction Tickets | FREEDERM
  248. how funny would this be from ToT
  249. Shabby Shabby and BB11 Trending on Twitter!
  250. Breaking News! R.E: Nominations