View Full Version : BB11
- Mario what a bitch ?
- Shabby's reaction to the 'FITTIES' in the crowd.
- Its that time of year again on BB.. Live Feeders get on Live Feed Now!
- Coirin... GET HER OUT...
- BB11 Housemates on Twitter.
- Diary Room on Live Feed.
- Views on tonight's show and blabbering lol.
- Could this work ??? Fans please read
- David Backstabber
- There are 2 Steves
- Where's the hate?
- Crap I'm starting to like Nathan a lot now
- Week Four Nominations Predictions?
- On tonight's HLs they never showed them drunk
- Corin Corin Looks FIT Tonight ;)
- John James Falling into an ego trap?
- Haha JJ is like an innocent lil' kid
- Mario is YUK.
- God or BB on your side. I'll take BB!!!
- David If only he knew
- Corin and Josie
- I Love When The HM Have Beer :D
- New Housemate: Beauty Queen
- Ben's USA Career?
- Corin Does Coriander work as a stripper or in a lap dance club?
- Brian Dowling In For Mario?
- Unseen Picture of Dave the Monk!!!!
- the tree!
- Sunshine Sunny In The Sunday Star
- Ben Ben don't like anal sex, is he homophobic?
- Save and Replace - anyone else think...
- ben - mario and tiff (anyone no who's this new lady is?)
- Ben Someone help me please....
- Housemates you'd happily show the door right now
- Is Brian Dowling Going In Friday?
- Seond Friday show is on For Longer This Week!
- Ben forever the gent.
- Scabby losing her grip over her "group"
- Who's ON BBLB today?
- Ben Ben defying the tree
- Highlight Show should be brilliant tonight!!!
- Josie Whats so special about Josie?
- Josie Whats so special about Josie?
- David Will he ever leave?
- Lets see them then!
- *NEW TASK* Weelchair Basketball!
- Sunshine accuses caoimhe of bullying
- Howmuch out of 10 do you want John and Josie to get it on?
- Who cares/?
- mario is full of s***
- Celeb To Enter House
- And Channel 4 Continue to block Big Brother in the UK...
- They're playing in Australia colours
- What happened on yesterdays late E4 LF?
- Anyone know where I can watch the old BB's?
- I am worried about Shabby.
- Is Shabby just a watered-down version of Kitten (BB5)?
- Where's the talking Parrot?
- David Sharing the prize money
- Caoimhe The spelling of her name
- Ife Anyone feel bad for Ife?
- I want them all up soon!..
- If Nathan is up and wins the Save and Replace task..
- Trust Ben,lol
- Should BB put all HMs up in a vote to save as part of their Ben vendetta?
- Can Anyone Remember
- Day 25 Highlights Spoiler!
- Josie has just gone up in my estimation now on livefeed!
- Ben Please stop with the threads...
- Ben"I've got a D&G in there which is probably worth more than all your stuff put toge
- My nom/eviction idea for this week...
- Ben The Quotes of King Ben
- Mario Possibly the most annoying accent of all time.
- Corin and Shabby funny moment
- Public Nominate + Housemates Evict Twist Idea
- Sunshine The Big Brother House is now overcast
- Ben People don't dislike Ben because he is posh...
- Shabby Shabby slapped Corin?
- Live nominations idea?
- Boyband On BBLB
- Big Brother is a pantomime!
- Does All-Stars Start On Finale Night?
- Forum favourites?
- Ife.
- Do we know for sure that...
- Dream All Stars line up?
- 9PM Ch4 Big Brother 4/7/10 Sunday Show
- diary room
- wouldn't you just love....
- Anyone remember Myke Hawke being grilled by Paris & Nicole?
- Shabby I agree with her.
- Does anyone think ceeva and shabby will be nominated next week?
- "I'm clinicaly obese" "I love trees, every sort of tree"
- Dave is a real Christian
- Ben "I Would Like To Say Thank You To Sunshine............"
- Over Taking Scums
- Nathan has some nerve...
- Ben still me fave
- Ife The worm has turned
- David You've gotta give him some credit.
- why ben why !
- Corin L/F True colours showing through...
- that american commando
- Fighting for the"common"man gggggrrrrr
- can someone post me a link to live feed please in a pm.
- unfit dave
- everyone is starting to get annoying now
- Anyone else wetting themselves at John and Josie in the diary room then?
- Is trouble brewing?
- they will all leave the house with very clean teeth
- Bedroom trashed!
- ben was talkin to american commando
- Could somebody please fill me in?
- Ben dropped Dave in it
- mario grow up zzzzzzz
- ben & marios converstion durning tonights H/L
- Corin absoloutley going mental on LF!!
- Fan, Sh!t, Hitting!!
- Ben Well, what a whitewash that was... expected but still dissapointing
- caoimhe is a b*tch!
- josie is in for a shock does anyone agree
- ratty without ciggy's !
- I Hate these housemates
- ife's task!!!!!!
- what were they hiding ????
- Big Brother Prank
- If Nathan and JJ were in the bedroom they would of been loving it.
- team dont rock the boat forming in the garden
- john & josie in dr zzzzz
- when they finally get their suitcases back
- shabby in bathroom said ....
- My Opinion has never changed on any bunch of Housemates as much as this year...
- HAHA Mario's face!
- Tobacco gate!
- Davina McCaw..
- Those with LF....please keep us updated
- Nominations will be wide open tomorrow, tonight really divided the house into 2.
- Corin is a bitch
- Quick Question for Sunshine fans?
- team dullard,team rebel,you decide.
- mario would have loved that
- Stand by for about an hour of apologies
- My cock is looking safe..
- Is it just me or is Camomile a mook?
- The new JJ!!
- Why with LF
- Corin Go Corin!!
- a little snippet video for us poor ones.
- Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the new Gollum!!
- shabby:
- Ife will be evicted Friday
- Ife "My belief is science..."
- Ife is REALLY going for it!
- Haha Camomile just got her ass handed to her by Ife.
- Josie make you mind up ffs !!
- So the new housemates are confirmed for Friday?
- House is dead without Sunshine
- Ife What happaned with Ife, Shabby and Caoimhe?
- Shabby Caoimhe and Shabby walking...[Merged]
- IFFY wins!!
- Shabby...
- "The way people treat Ben, disgusts me!"
- I can't see BB allowing them into the DR!
- Caoimhe Notice..
- What happend between Ife, Caoimhe and shabby?
- They Should Have Done A Kenny
- Corin 'I Can't See Myself Getting Into Arguments'
- Can you imagine it?
- Has someone smudged some pizza on iffys painting.
- How about a team vs team Save and Replace task?
- Should we call it a night and give up?
- Shabby I love you shabby...
- Production team not letting them leave
- Shabby is a silly billy
- Caoimhe Family never wanted her to do it
- If Ben Goes, This Series Turns Into BB4
- King Ben and the drunk Monk will be loving this
- Shabby Caoimhe "They can't just show your rages..."
- Could they change their minds?!
- fao :Alpertinator
- The Poll: Do You THINK Shabby & Caoimhe will walk out tomorrow morning?
- JJ biting his nails
- Should They Kick-Off In The Morning
- Has anyone walked in previous BBs
- Josie very clever gameplayer
- Nathan 'Dave Is Ben's Hired Goon'
- Who is most frequently and longest in the Diary Room
- Mike Hawke & Ben
- Caoimhe 'Executive Producer Wanted Ben In The House'
- Ben Ben is a poor excuse for a human being!!!
- Tonights HL show is gonna be epic
- D: I've just realised
- Steven I bet his wife put him on BB
- Ohh I say...
- Cant believe in 24 hours everything has changed!
- Game Plans..
- Iffy's OCD kicks in again!
- Shabby Kick her out already!
- a love poem for john james and josie from the joe <
- is this a fair recap on last night show? (poem)
- Ife needs to get a "L"
- Sunshine Sunshine back on twitter!
- Last night's audio cap Shabby & Caoimhe
- Who does he think he is?
- do you think they will walk
- If they do leave!
- come on bb walk them up
- come on bb wake them up
- Help!
- Ben Self destructive?
- Are they serious?
- Nathan is a Crybaby
- BB trying to save Shabby from walking out.
- Do you WANT them to leave?
- BB can SAVE Shabby by telling her one thing..
- i think nominations have been cancelled
- BB producers caused this problem
- mike hawk always good for a giggle
- will CAOIMHE walk?
- Craig phillips was on Loose women ITV1
- Please stop begging Shabby to stay Big Brother
- I've been away- update PLEASE
- The producers beg shabby not to go!
- HL show on at 8:00 tonight
- They wont go
- Hira and Maysoon for BB-All Stars!
- BB Should Just Start Nominations Soon and Ignore These Attention Seekers
- Has anyone noticed that the male voicein the DR is..
- Rent a gob
- What Happened Lastnight
- Masturbategate
- highlight show times
- Where's Mario and his shield?
- Pissed off at the LF
- Shabby Shabby has walked out! [edit: not yet]
- Shabby and Ben
- This game show could be much better
- Ife Now Ife wants to go?
- An empty house
- Get your skates on big brother.
- see all this stuff thats happened after the wheelchair game.
- Iffy finally realises
- No nominations today?
- Scabby has NOT walked out
- Full house(for now)
- less DR chats this year
- ViP Eviction Tickets | FREEDERM
- how funny would this be from ToT
- Shabby Shabby and BB11 Trending on Twitter!
- Breaking News! R.E: Nominations
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