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  1. Brian Brian can't be beaten
  2. Have The HM's
  3. music on launch !!!WTF!!!
  4. yes ulrika, yes...genius.
  5. I can't believe the audience have turned on Nadia
  6. Classic Nadia
  7. WOW! Eviction Odds
  8. Evict The Bores - UBB Edition!
  9. Hey Nikki, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind HEY NIKKI! HEY NIKKI!
  10. If Nadia gets boos
  11. "Hey preston..the 1950's called
  12. Makosi Ultimate Big Brother Africa!
  13. In your opinion what has been the funniest moment's in BB history??
  14. Marcus Bentley yet again hints at another new housemate
  15. Coolio Big Brother made Coolio leave
  16. Should have been Nikki and Ulrika for the disco dance
  17. 1 more new housemate.
  18. Most Appreciative Winner
  19. In your opinion what has been the worst/most annoying moment's in BB history??
  20. Secret Task: Are You Listening Big Brother?
  21. Is Josie going back in?
  22. Big Brother voted worst TV programme EVER
  23. BB front page of heat magazine again :)
  24. Time for a diet fat nadia.
  25. Is this a One Horse Race Again??
  26. Save nadia!
  27. who can remember playing follow the van
  28. Anthony Hutton goes in (BBLB confirmed)
  29. Funniest One-Liner's in BB History
  30. If UBB had been only WINNERS who would have won?
  31. oh no you didn't
  32. Is Anthony Hutton now a UBB Housemate?
  33. this task must be the worst one i've ever seen.
  34. nadia on gmtv.
  35. Idea for Anthony's return- :)
  36. All big brother fans from series 1 to 11 bbch to ubb please read
  37. Why are we only allowed to criticize white heterosexual HMs?
  38. They are finding out who is nominated now :Live Feed
  39. If Nadia isn't evicted on friday...
  40. Housemates from every series?
  41. We need a quintuple eviction this week!!!
  42. And there are STILL folk who dont think hes the winner ?
  43. Can I have all my infractions reversed please.
  44. Who are the two favourites to be evicted?
  45. nadia naked looks like homer simpson.(graphic link)
  46. Victor is Sly
  47. Pro's and cons of ubb.
  48. Coolio Why wasn't Sam kicked out like Coolio?
  49. Coolio Coolio ASKED to LEAVE!
  50. Makosi Makosi going on Friday
  51. Guys I Feel Really Sorry For Nadia At The Moment...
  52. Ch4 10pm UBB 31/8/2010 Live Discussion
  53. Why no JON TICKLE????
  54. Brian The tree giving Brian a task : Live feed
  55. Nick MUST stay!
  56. MIddle-of-the-road dimwit brian will win
  57. Ulrika black peoples hair are like pubs
  58. Brian Brian Dowling is over-rated now!
  59. Makosi makosi you legend!
  60. BB and the housemates have ruined Nick!
  61. Makosi Makosi total fraud?
  62. Ulrika, MS 4x4, is disgusted by Makosi sex talk!
  63. Craigs prank on chantalle and brian
  64. No polls needed for this one.
  65. Team Makosi or Team Ulrika?
  66. Makosi makosi is back on form
  67. Could Nikki win this thing.
  68. Victor is gonna hide shoes and bitch with the girls.
  69. where any of the hms friends before going into the house
  70. Glyn in BB6...
  71. Ulrika is such a bitch!
  72. Who do you want evicted? [Week 2] - TiBB Poll
  73. Notice how Makosi's being shown more
  74. Does voodoo not come from south america
  75. Nikki and Chantelle Nominating Each Other
  76. Makosi LOVING Makosi tonight.
  77. Chantelle Is Chantelle a fraud?
  78. i notice Marcus bentley has again deleted his tweets
  79. i notice Marcus bentley has again deleted his tweets
  80. Who is your favourite and least favourite housemate? [Week 2 - updated] - TiBB Polls
  81. jade goody
  82. Makosi Things getting out of hand with Victor
  83. Are the producers ruining UBB?
  84. Ulrika Why?
  85. Makosi Get Makosi Out!
  86. Victor What make are his sunglasses?!
  87. Shocking Odds development.
  88. Why Did They Pick All The Rubbish Housemates?
  89. I Want It Right Now
  90. Victor and Nick talking about PEJ
  91. Nasty Nicks laugh....
  92. They Are In The Love Nest Again ?
  93. Dulrika - What time does she go to bed?!
  94. UK ejection vs. AUS ejection
  95. They should do a 24 hour task
  96. BB scared of Nadia?
  97. New Names For Housemates ???
  98. Victor victors poo
  99. Victor Stunk Out The toilet last night
  100. Makosi Makosi They Have a BB in Africa because of Me ?
  101. We have to save nick for night Live feed
  102. omg -OMG - omg strong views from the joe
  103. I'm Baxck from holiday and watched UBB for the first time...
  104. BBLB, BBBM -do they work? what would we like to see?
  105. Just IMAGINE !!!
  106. Nadia or Ulrika or Makosi?
  107. Victor Vic the D*ck whats the fuss about?
  108. nadia look a likes.
  109. Only sam pepper can defeat dowling
  110. Ulrika Why the hate?
  111. is anthony hutton coming in the house today?...
  112. Shopping task.....
  113. This could be brillaint !!
  114. Ex HM's
  115. Makosi FINALLY BIG BRO DOES RIGHT BY MAKOSI (this week's shopping task)
  116. Please EVICT Ulrika: 09011 323 030
  117. nadias fate is sealed.haha.
  118. Nikki I would have slapped her silly
  119. makosi my hip is not fat its bone
  120. You know what's gonna piss me off on Friday?
  121. People take Makosi far too seriously...
  122. Is Nadia a woman or a shemale ?
  123. Marcus Bentley's Tweets - true or false?
  124. Is this true?
  125. Ratings rise for UBB
  126. Omg!
  127. Brian brian abit full of himself?
  128. Who is your favourite housemate from BB11 and UBB?
  129. Everyone has done a complete 180 on Nadia!
  130. Where is the Makosi room?!
  131. Ulrika Get raisin face dulrika out
  132. Why is it ruining bb if nadia goes on friday?
  133. Deleted
  134. Brian Is Brian Overrated?
  135. Ultimate Big Brother Quotes...
  136. Hello, I have found a good link for watching old bb's
  137. Big Brother is front page on almost every glossy mag
  138. Imagine if Nikki or Chantelle were evicted!
  139. Nikki is always eating
  140. Nadia and Victor on fight night
  141. Wednesday 8th September
  142. Makosi Makosi's Fake 'Get Unpopular' Task Revealed!
  143. George lamb- FAIL!
  144. I love how stupid Big Brother is and how it doesn't know it's own History.
  145. Lmao @ all the people who think Ulrika is being evicted!
  146. Was Anthony only going in the camera runs...
  147. September 1st, only 10 days of BB UK left. EVER.
  148. Chantelle,JJ, Jo...
  149. Anthony Hutton
  150. Chantelle Should this be Chantelle's Part of the Task?
  151. Did Shabby and Nikki Get It On?
  152. The UBB HMs have used the paddling pool more than in the whole of BB11
  153. Nick Nick is so boring...Why is he in there?
  154. The Legend Ahmed was in the house (with Photos by Malza)
  155. Wedding ceremony?
  156. Makosi and Urika are ready to pop
  157. UBB Titles
  158. Your top ten housemates of all time
  159. Ch4 10pm UBB 1/9/2010 Live Discussion
  160. This should be Big Brother's Best Bits song
  161. Makosi
  162. Nikki said that Michelle looked like a Meerkat
  163. [QUESTION] Which of these songs should I use for my Big Brother video?
  164. Shes called Ulrika not Eureka
  165. "i cant coreagrafaf"
  166. Why is it ok for gays to be so ignorant towards hetrosexuals
  167. Nick was on the 9oclock news, Brian meets Kylie
  168. They made a MASSIVE mistake...
  169. I *******ing hate raisin face Dulrika and Brian
  170. The producers must be hacked off at Victors dissapointingly mild behaviour.
  171. None of these housemates are actually funny!
  172. urgh NIKKI grow up PLEASE!
  173. my hubby cant wait till the end
  174. Chantelle to perform 'I Want It Right Now'
  175. Why does BB Edit Music on live feed ?
  176. Why didn't they just give them proper cocktails anyway?
  177. its only a game show its only a game show
  178. Ulrika Sly Bitch
  179. Have the Aisleyne fans given up?
  180. nicky was dead right
  181. Brian
  182. TiBB Eviction Prediction [UBB - Week 2]
  183. l/f now bblbc with brian
  184. Who's Going Out On Friday ?
  185. Chantelle is getting so much damn press attention
  186. Nikki is a real nasty piece of work
  187. Whats happened ?
  188. Has anyone not seen bb5?
  189. To all my Haters on this board: If we manage to evict Nikki this week i will leave..
  190. until ultimate my fav was always...........
  191. thats all folks going to bed morrows
  192. What time does Victor have his jobby
  193. After spending most the night watching old bb5 vids
  194. Teeth Brushing
  195. is this really ULTIMATE big bro
  196. Really surprised Brian Belo hasn't made an appearance...
  197. Victor ''Schleps''
  198. Brian Calling all Brian Fans
  199. where is Makosi's sub-forum?
  200. Preston Hot pics
  201. Anyone notice the sudden change of Nikki's personality
  202. Heres why Nikki is the best HM that ever lived.
  203. Ulrika Why does Ulrika always 'talk down' to people?
  204. macosy and nick - O-M-G
  205. brian vs chantelle
  206. Please dont vote Makosi out yet
  207. *The Official UBB Ratings Thread* (Ratings so far inside)
  208. Is it just me who it bores..
  209. To evict, Makosi ... 09011 323 025 To evict, Ulrika ... 09011 323 030
  210. Please be nice to me - i'm irish.
  211. Brian Genuine?
  212. the ultimate bb quote
  213. Victor Odds cut on winning Ultimate BB
  214. Nasty Nick For The Win!!!!
  215. Anthony going in today.
  216. nadia is an angry lunatic
  217. Select your favourite UBB housemate in profile
  218. Does Makosi know her arse looks FAT ?
  219. Majorettes Weird and Wonderful
  220. CONFIRMED: Chantelle WILL sing 'I Want It All'
  221. The girl on the freederm advert before big bro...
  222. Out Of Interest How Many Of You Have Ever Applied To Be On BB??
  223. Anthony Hutton waiting in The Nest for Makosi
  224. Makosi did anyone see makosi sat on the horse,looked like she had brown balls and a winki
  225. do you think the whole series should have been UBB
  226. Why is Makosi in a green suit?
  227. Brian His Task
  228. Everyone will probably laugh..
  229. Chantelle or Nikki?
  230. Makosi is onto Victor and Nick
  231. Which HM
  232. Day 9 HL show spoiler!
  233. Marco (BB5)
  234. Michelle Be honest, you would!
  235. Question about Downloading Chantelle's Song? [Thanks Smithy]
  236. The Nick Vic Show.
  237. Battle of the Butts
  238. Day 85 Highlights discussion thread- 02/09/10- C4@10pm
  239. Highlights Discussion Thread-02/09/10-C4@10pm
  240. Makosi's Russel Brand revelation.
  241. Spirit of Jade Goody in UBB
  242. Chantalle to WIN
  243. Glyn was in the Garden - Live Feed
  244. Has nadia had any tasks yet?
  245. The Final 7 should've been
  246. Ulrika
  247. Marcus Bentley would return for Big Brother 12.
  248. Why the **** is Ulrika still there?
  249. Fat nads is threatening to walk agaiiiiiiiiin!
  250. Anyone else want Nadia...