View Full Version : Ultimate BB
Pages :
- Brian Brian can't be beaten
- Have The HM's
- music on launch !!!WTF!!!
- yes ulrika, yes...genius.
- I can't believe the audience have turned on Nadia
- Classic Nadia
- WOW! Eviction Odds
- Evict The Bores - UBB Edition!
- Hey Nikki, you're so fine, you're so fine, you blow my mind HEY NIKKI! HEY NIKKI!
- If Nadia gets boos
- "Hey preston..the 1950's called
- Makosi Ultimate Big Brother Africa!
- In your opinion what has been the funniest moment's in BB history??
- Marcus Bentley yet again hints at another new housemate
- Coolio Big Brother made Coolio leave
- Should have been Nikki and Ulrika for the disco dance
- 1 more new housemate.
- Most Appreciative Winner
- In your opinion what has been the worst/most annoying moment's in BB history??
- Secret Task: Are You Listening Big Brother?
- Is Josie going back in?
- Big Brother voted worst TV programme EVER
- BB front page of heat magazine again :)
- Time for a diet fat nadia.
- Is this a One Horse Race Again??
- Save nadia!
- who can remember playing follow the van
- Anthony Hutton goes in (BBLB confirmed)
- Funniest One-Liner's in BB History
- If UBB had been only WINNERS who would have won?
- oh no you didn't
- Is Anthony Hutton now a UBB Housemate?
- this task must be the worst one i've ever seen.
- nadia on gmtv.
- Idea for Anthony's return- :)
- All big brother fans from series 1 to 11 bbch to ubb please read
- Why are we only allowed to criticize white heterosexual HMs?
- They are finding out who is nominated now :Live Feed
- If Nadia isn't evicted on friday...
- Housemates from every series?
- We need a quintuple eviction this week!!!
- And there are STILL folk who dont think hes the winner ?
- Can I have all my infractions reversed please.
- Who are the two favourites to be evicted?
- nadia naked looks like homer simpson.(graphic link)
- Victor is Sly
- Pro's and cons of ubb.
- Coolio Why wasn't Sam kicked out like Coolio?
- Coolio Coolio ASKED to LEAVE!
- Makosi Makosi going on Friday
- Guys I Feel Really Sorry For Nadia At The Moment...
- Ch4 10pm UBB 31/8/2010 Live Discussion
- Why no JON TICKLE????
- Brian The tree giving Brian a task : Live feed
- Nick MUST stay!
- MIddle-of-the-road dimwit brian will win
- Ulrika black peoples hair are like pubs
- Brian Brian Dowling is over-rated now!
- Makosi makosi you legend!
- BB and the housemates have ruined Nick!
- Makosi Makosi total fraud?
- Ulrika, MS 4x4, is disgusted by Makosi sex talk!
- Craigs prank on chantalle and brian
- No polls needed for this one.
- Team Makosi or Team Ulrika?
- Makosi makosi is back on form
- Could Nikki win this thing.
- Victor is gonna hide shoes and bitch with the girls.
- where any of the hms friends before going into the house
- Glyn in BB6...
- Ulrika is such a bitch!
- Who do you want evicted? [Week 2] - TiBB Poll
- Notice how Makosi's being shown more
- Does voodoo not come from south america
- Nikki and Chantelle Nominating Each Other
- Makosi LOVING Makosi tonight.
- Chantelle Is Chantelle a fraud?
- i notice Marcus bentley has again deleted his tweets
- i notice Marcus bentley has again deleted his tweets
- Who is your favourite and least favourite housemate? [Week 2 - updated] - TiBB Polls
- jade goody
- Makosi Things getting out of hand with Victor
- Are the producers ruining UBB?
- Ulrika Why?
- Makosi Get Makosi Out!
- Victor What make are his sunglasses?!
- Shocking Odds development.
- Why Did They Pick All The Rubbish Housemates?
- I Want It Right Now
- Victor and Nick talking about PEJ
- Nasty Nicks laugh....
- They Are In The Love Nest Again ?
- Dulrika - What time does she go to bed?!
- UK ejection vs. AUS ejection
- They should do a 24 hour task
- BB scared of Nadia?
- New Names For Housemates ???
- Victor victors poo
- Victor Stunk Out The toilet last night
- Makosi Makosi They Have a BB in Africa because of Me ?
- We have to save nick for night Live feed
- omg -OMG - omg strong views from the joe
- I'm Baxck from holiday and watched UBB for the first time...
- BBLB, BBBM -do they work? what would we like to see?
- Just IMAGINE !!!
- Nadia or Ulrika or Makosi?
- Victor Vic the D*ck whats the fuss about?
- nadia look a likes.
- Only sam pepper can defeat dowling
- Ulrika Why the hate?
- is anthony hutton coming in the house today?...
- Shopping task.....
- This could be brillaint !!
- Ex HM's
- Makosi FINALLY BIG BRO DOES RIGHT BY MAKOSI (this week's shopping task)
- Please EVICT Ulrika: 09011 323 030
- nadias fate is sealed.haha.
- Nikki I would have slapped her silly
- makosi my hip is not fat its bone
- You know what's gonna piss me off on Friday?
- People take Makosi far too seriously...
- Is Nadia a woman or a shemale ?
- Marcus Bentley's Tweets - true or false?
- Is this true?
- Ratings rise for UBB
- Omg!
- Brian brian abit full of himself?
- Who is your favourite housemate from BB11 and UBB?
- Everyone has done a complete 180 on Nadia!
- Where is the Makosi room?!
- Ulrika Get raisin face dulrika out
- Why is it ruining bb if nadia goes on friday?
- Deleted
- Brian Is Brian Overrated?
- Ultimate Big Brother Quotes...
- Hello, I have found a good link for watching old bb's
- Big Brother is front page on almost every glossy mag
- Imagine if Nikki or Chantelle were evicted!
- Nikki is always eating
- Nadia and Victor on fight night
- Wednesday 8th September
- Makosi Makosi's Fake 'Get Unpopular' Task Revealed!
- George lamb- FAIL!
- I love how stupid Big Brother is and how it doesn't know it's own History.
- Lmao @ all the people who think Ulrika is being evicted!
- Was Anthony only going in the camera runs...
- September 1st, only 10 days of BB UK left. EVER.
- Chantelle,JJ, Jo...
- Anthony Hutton
- Chantelle Should this be Chantelle's Part of the Task?
- Did Shabby and Nikki Get It On?
- The UBB HMs have used the paddling pool more than in the whole of BB11
- Nick Nick is so boring...Why is he in there?
- The Legend Ahmed was in the house (with Photos by Malza)
- Wedding ceremony?
- Makosi and Urika are ready to pop
- UBB Titles
- Your top ten housemates of all time
- Ch4 10pm UBB 1/9/2010 Live Discussion
- This should be Big Brother's Best Bits song
- Makosi
- Nikki said that Michelle looked like a Meerkat
- [QUESTION] Which of these songs should I use for my Big Brother video?
- Shes called Ulrika not Eureka
- "i cant coreagrafaf"
- Why is it ok for gays to be so ignorant towards hetrosexuals
- Nick was on the 9oclock news, Brian meets Kylie
- They made a MASSIVE mistake...
- I *******ing hate raisin face Dulrika and Brian
- The producers must be hacked off at Victors dissapointingly mild behaviour.
- None of these housemates are actually funny!
- urgh NIKKI grow up PLEASE!
- my hubby cant wait till the end
- Chantelle to perform 'I Want It Right Now'
- Why does BB Edit Music on live feed ?
- Why didn't they just give them proper cocktails anyway?
- its only a game show its only a game show
- Ulrika Sly Bitch
- Have the Aisleyne fans given up?
- nicky was dead right
- Brian
- TiBB Eviction Prediction [UBB - Week 2]
- l/f now bblbc with brian
- Who's Going Out On Friday ?
- Chantelle is getting so much damn press attention
- Nikki is a real nasty piece of work
- Whats happened ?
- Has anyone not seen bb5?
- To all my Haters on this board: If we manage to evict Nikki this week i will leave..
- until ultimate my fav was always...........
- thats all folks going to bed morrows
- What time does Victor have his jobby
- After spending most the night watching old bb5 vids
- Teeth Brushing
- is this really ULTIMATE big bro
- Really surprised Brian Belo hasn't made an appearance...
- Victor ''Schleps''
- Brian Calling all Brian Fans
- where is Makosi's sub-forum?
- Preston Hot pics
- Anyone notice the sudden change of Nikki's personality
- Heres why Nikki is the best HM that ever lived.
- Ulrika Why does Ulrika always 'talk down' to people?
- macosy and nick - O-M-G
- brian vs chantelle
- Please dont vote Makosi out yet
- *The Official UBB Ratings Thread* (Ratings so far inside)
- Is it just me who it bores..
- To evict, Makosi ... 09011 323 025 To evict, Ulrika ... 09011 323 030
- Please be nice to me - i'm irish.
- Brian Genuine?
- the ultimate bb quote
- Victor Odds cut on winning Ultimate BB
- Nasty Nick For The Win!!!!
- Anthony going in today.
- nadia is an angry lunatic
- Select your favourite UBB housemate in profile
- Does Makosi know her arse looks FAT ?
- Majorettes Weird and Wonderful
- CONFIRMED: Chantelle WILL sing 'I Want It All'
- The girl on the freederm advert before big bro...
- Out Of Interest How Many Of You Have Ever Applied To Be On BB??
- Anthony Hutton waiting in The Nest for Makosi
- Makosi did anyone see makosi sat on the horse,looked like she had brown balls and a winki
- do you think the whole series should have been UBB
- Why is Makosi in a green suit?
- Brian His Task
- Everyone will probably laugh..
- Chantelle or Nikki?
- Makosi is onto Victor and Nick
- Which HM
- Day 9 HL show spoiler!
- Marco (BB5)
- Michelle Be honest, you would!
- Question about Downloading Chantelle's Song? [Thanks Smithy]
- The Nick Vic Show.
- Battle of the Butts
- Day 85 Highlights discussion thread- 02/09/10- C4@10pm
- Highlights Discussion Thread-02/09/10-C4@10pm
- Makosi's Russel Brand revelation.
- Spirit of Jade Goody in UBB
- Chantalle to WIN
- Glyn was in the Garden - Live Feed
- Has nadia had any tasks yet?
- The Final 7 should've been
- Ulrika
- Marcus Bentley would return for Big Brother 12.
- Why the **** is Ulrika still there?
- Fat nads is threatening to walk agaiiiiiiiiin!
- Anyone else want Nadia...
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