View Full Version : Ultimate BB
Pages :
- Big Brother 12: New music or not?
- Help Nick and Ulrika!
- Kenneth Tong
- Davina's eviction interview
- Singing task about to start on LF
- Is there a chance Nadia could get one of the loudest Boo's in BB history???
- Who will regret ?
- Preston
- Chantelle, Who Does She Think She's Kidding?
- Makosi The wasp sting..
- UBB=Fail
- THIS Is Why We Should Have Cameras in the BB Toilet!
- Chantelle, her ONLY topics of conversation
- Nikki, A Pathetic Wimp?
- Are the Production Team Idiots?
- Makosi is a great housemate!!!!
- have i missed anything exciting last few days?
- How Much Money Have you Spent on BB Voting so far (this year?)
- Ulrika are they trying to save her?
- What is wrong with Channel 4?
- Victor Where was Victor?
- When is Little Cousin On? I have only seen one show
- BB Producers Know NOTHING of Human Psychology
- Help the chuff please ,thank you ,please
- Bb wants makosi saved!
- Chantelle is disappointing..are we ever going to move on from same old storyline
- Brian Breaking News *Spoilers*
- *Must Read Thread*
- Did anyone else hide behind the couch when nadia was laying with her legs wide open
- Makosi=Perfect Figure
- Im confused. Did makosi have sex in the pool?
- Sorry Makosi but
- Love her or hate her, she's been entertaining
- How come they're all still up?
- BB Should Have ONLY Put in McCririck or Science Clones
- Brian Dowling = Alan Carr?
- Betting odds !!
- Makosi ruins bblbc for nick and vic
- POLL: Michelle bass's hair
- what was ulrika showing in the toilet ?
- Just thinking what a pleasure it is to watch UBB
- Chantelle's odds shortening across the board..
- I'm going to the eviction tonight :D
- Why Prestelle divorced
- why is the black woman a sure thing 2 go?
- Nikki Laughing at her Task (for now)
- Housemates
- Tonights evictions!!
- New Housemate
- Makosi Surely there should be a vote for Best BB Housemate Ever
- Hahahahah i told you!
- Nikki is being Pete's PA
- I hope they interview Makosi and Nadia inside
- Guys i Think I know Who Is Going In!!!!
- Going by their clue...........
- Nadia V Charley/Pete Burns
- I hope the New Housemate Is Pete Burns
- chantelle i want it right now?
- Ch4 9pm UBB EVICTION | Live Discussion Thread
- Can mods please sticky this ratings thread!
- I really hope the new housemate isn't Alex Ried
- "Big Brother rocked by new race row"
- ulrika's game plan is working
- Anyone Know Who's Going In The House Tonight??
- Davina going in as a HM tonight....
- Tonights new housemate.
- This time next week
- Pete on LF now
- I like Davina better when she was a Zombie in Dead Set.
- So hope Nikki doesn't go tonight!
- This time next week it will be the last ever day of BB !
- Another Quad Eviction on the cards then?
- send in dickie and dolly now
- Best bits from bbuk - 10 years.
- Who do you think will go tonight peeps?????
- Tonight's Housemate Will Be A Celebrity.
- BB on Channel 5.
- i realli hope its not pete burns going in
- What changes need to be made to BB when it moves to Five??
- Davina has posted new housmate is a female!!!
- 99.9% chance that....
- The Twitter Buzz
- pete burns!
- New Housemate Predictions.
- Sam Pepper to enter the Ultimate Big Brother House Tonight?
- Another hint that BB is heading to FIVE.
- The New Housemate
- Celeb going in
- Tina Malone Or Sov to go in!
- Nadia Could Stay!
- Wedding Task
- Which Celebrity Would You Love To See In There?
- Vanessa Feltz going in!
- Pete Bennett clearly p!ssed off at BB on BBLB
- Bookies Predict Four-Way Race for UBB Win
- I did read a rumour ages ago
- UBB's 'I Want It All' Isn't the same as the Celebrity Big Brother 4 Version!
- Nikki To really wind Nikki up........
- Davina is NOT going in PROOF
- Did they do the Electric Shock task in CBB6?
- Sam Pepper should never have been a housemate.
- Who are we going to class as the 'last ever housemate'?
- What's the deal between makosi and davina?
- tina malone is NOT going in
- davina mcCall is goin in the house tonight!
- Makosi fans...this is how we save her
- The BB Movie Thread
- only 1 celeb worth the effort
- The New housemate is....
- Mystery New Housemate!!
- Fingers
- So..he finger*******ed her...
- Glyn in the dancing Task!
- Brian the coward
- Nadia might be on her period!
- Nikki now 3rd fave to win!
- nadia is turned into john james
- Vanessa Feltz. ******* off channel 4
- I detest the house, I detest the show
- Josie, Ulrika and now Vanessa
- Vannesa: 3 days in the Big Brother house
- Ulrika had every right to be upset
- Peeps need help please!!!
- Why was I hearing cheers for Ulrika?
- Which housemate has changed the most?
- Don't waste your time with live chats!!!!!!!!
- what BB twitter do you follow?
- Big Brother Have Toatlly *******ed up UBB
- Are we in danger of Ulrika sneaking through this show?
- Is UBB too busy?
- Who have you all voted to evict tonight?
- Should Dave be invited back?
- Why the **** is Vanessa going in!?
- eviction spoiler
- Why doesn't Divvy go and get them
- Makosi I'm going to miss your morning showers
- Nadias face !!!!!!!
- Makosi OUT, Vanessa In, LMAO AT THIS FAIL!!
- Ulrika and Vanessa are going to be a nightmare
- Is Makosi the best female HM of all time?
- Why does Preston need to be white to be Mokosiz 'brother'
- Why was Brian shocked Nadia was evicted
- Nikki's 'period' line was cruel and calculated - reminded of her treatment of Sam
- Why do people think girls are jealous of HMs?
- Ulrika Why is she so "popular" it seems?
- LOL Nadia- I'm old and bitter and fat.
- Awful outcome, once again.
- The Percentages for Tonight
- John James, Josie, and their fans have ruined BB
- Davina has said that...
- Should the Elstree crowd be banned from watching the show?
- Davina: What about Chantelle and Preston?..
- Anyone else feel Davina handled Nadia's interview badly?
- Omg this show is pathetic
- Nadia Uncomfortable viewing
- ANOTHER Blonde!!
- UBB Big Mouth Discussion 3/09
- Michelle was fantastic
- Just to lower the tone a bit.
- I hate divvy davina
- Ulrika new best friend for ulrika the chosen one to keep her happy do you agree
- Is Anyone
- Nikki Dark Horse?
- Get the **** off our screens Davina
- Davina favbouring Nikki over other HM
- no coolio questions for nadia then.
- Oh god Nick and Victor!!!
- Makosi storms off
- Is Ultimate BB becoming the Ultimate Fail?
- Makosi Good for Her
- This might cause an argument but...
- Davina - like Marmite
- If There Is A Quadruple Eviction Coming Up, Who Would You Want Out?
- Coolio No Wonder He Got Booted Out
- Nadia A no show
- Davina is half french????
- Davina is just in it for the money now
- fred and rose
- BBLBC Episode 5?
- I feel so bad for Nadia :(
- How come Davina gets away with....
- Kenneth wearing the green suit
- This Time Next Week...
- Think i would have preffered not to have UBB
- Tickets to the final
- Anyone else worried about Nadia?
- Nikki go to Bed
- That disturbing freak Sree on the BBBM mug
- Who will Michelle stick to now Makosi and Nadia have gone?
- 10/9/10 | Big Brother's Final Day. [Brilliant Channel 4 Schedule]
- Jared Christmas?
- john does voodoo
- Another Big Brother Memory Ruined! [CBB4 Related]
- baying crowds
- Makosi taking her eviction very well
- pete bennett getting divorced
- Nadia Did Makosi Drag Nadia Down?
- Ulrika: 'It's'
- bloddy hell its quarter past one
- Ulrika omg it's a quarter past one
- I went to see piranha 3d tonight....
- 3 Days Everyone. 3 Days.
- old vanessa (bingo wings) feltz has pulled an exotic
- Vow to NEVER Put Ex HMs Back In
- Nikki laughing by waving a kitchen knife
- My First Eviction Review... [updated with pictures]
- Congratulations are in order
- Official Ulrika Fan Club (5 MEMBERS) - Ulrika stayed
- What the
- Christ. Hold the ****ing phone, they're still up.
- Do you think Shahbaz watches Live Feed?
- The BB Housemates vs. The CBB Housemates
- Which Big Brother do you wish YOU were in, if any?
- George Lamb, has anyone else noticed...
- Nadia on Suicide Watch?
- Nadia's exit song?
- So it's Okay to make fun of Venessa Feltz body
- I could do better...
- /
- I wish there were no celebs, seriously.
- Smug BRIAN Thinks He Already Has It WON
- Urika called vanessa "bridezilla"
- Watch michelle now !
- I'm SO angry!!!
- nadia: its like jade all over again
- Nadia was stupid insulting john james to josie
- we can dream
- bblbc..vanessa ripping the piss out of nick and victor
- housemates that have tried to kill themselves
- The Last Ever HM To Enter The House...
- nadia may have made josie leave BUT josie made keeva leave...
- Ulrika
- I really enjoyed seeing Nadia upset like that.
- good riddeance macosy and unlucky nadia - anyone feel the same ?
- People how great was the crowd's reaction to Nadia last night!!
- The British public are disgusting...
- Does anyone else think Nadia secretly fancied Coolio?
- we have now witnessed why bb died
- Eurovision Game For UBB Housemates
- What did Nadia Do that John James didnt!!
- The Official Vanessa Feltz Fanclub
- Makosi - Best female housemate of all time
- The End Of An Era...
- Davina...
- Makosi & Nadia discuss Big Brother - 2007
- Vanessa Feltz does not deserve to be in the house
- Today's Task
- Davina McCall to enter Ultimate BB house?
- Is it offensive to say...
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