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  1. Big Brother 12: New music or not?
  2. Help Nick and Ulrika!
  3. Kenneth Tong
  4. Davina's eviction interview
  5. Singing task about to start on LF
  6. Is there a chance Nadia could get one of the loudest Boo's in BB history???
  7. Who will regret ?
  8. Preston
  9. Chantelle, Who Does She Think She's Kidding?
  10. Makosi The wasp sting..
  11. UBB=Fail
  12. THIS Is Why We Should Have Cameras in the BB Toilet!
  13. Chantelle, her ONLY topics of conversation
  14. Nikki, A Pathetic Wimp?
  15. Are the Production Team Idiots?
  16. Makosi is a great housemate!!!!
  17. have i missed anything exciting last few days?
  18. How Much Money Have you Spent on BB Voting so far (this year?)
  19. Ulrika are they trying to save her?
  20. What is wrong with Channel 4?
  21. Victor Where was Victor?
  22. When is Little Cousin On? I have only seen one show
  23. BB Producers Know NOTHING of Human Psychology
  24. Help the chuff please ,thank you ,please
  25. Bb wants makosi saved!
  26. Chantelle is disappointing..are we ever going to move on from same old storyline
  27. Brian Breaking News *Spoilers*
  28. *Must Read Thread*
  29. Did anyone else hide behind the couch when nadia was laying with her legs wide open
  30. Makosi=Perfect Figure
  31. Im confused. Did makosi have sex in the pool?
  32. Sorry Makosi but
  33. Love her or hate her, she's been entertaining
  34. How come they're all still up?
  35. BB Should Have ONLY Put in McCririck or Science Clones
  36. Brian Dowling = Alan Carr?
  37. Betting odds !!
  38. Makosi ruins bblbc for nick and vic
  39. POLL: Michelle bass's hair
  40. what was ulrika showing in the toilet ?
  41. Just thinking what a pleasure it is to watch UBB
  42. Chantelle's odds shortening across the board..
  43. I'm going to the eviction tonight :D
  44. Why Prestelle divorced
  45. why is the black woman a sure thing 2 go?
  46. Nikki Laughing at her Task (for now)
  47. Housemates
  48. Tonights evictions!!
  49. New Housemate
  50. Makosi Surely there should be a vote for Best BB Housemate Ever
  51. Hahahahah i told you!
  52. Nikki is being Pete's PA
  53. I hope they interview Makosi and Nadia inside
  54. Guys i Think I know Who Is Going In!!!!
  55. Going by their clue...........
  56. Nadia V Charley/Pete Burns
  57. I hope the New Housemate Is Pete Burns
  58. chantelle i want it right now?
  59. Ch4 9pm UBB EVICTION | Live Discussion Thread
  60. Can mods please sticky this ratings thread!
  61. I really hope the new housemate isn't Alex Ried
  62. "Big Brother rocked by new race row"
  63. ulrika's game plan is working
  64. Anyone Know Who's Going In The House Tonight??
  65. Davina going in as a HM tonight....
  66. Tonights new housemate.
  67. This time next week
  68. Pete on LF now
  69. I like Davina better when she was a Zombie in Dead Set.
  70. So hope Nikki doesn't go tonight!
  71. This time next week it will be the last ever day of BB !
  72. Another Quad Eviction on the cards then?
  73. send in dickie and dolly now
  74. Best bits from bbuk - 10 years.
  75. Who do you think will go tonight peeps?????
  76. Tonight's Housemate Will Be A Celebrity.
  77. BB on Channel 5.
  78. i realli hope its not pete burns going in
  79. What changes need to be made to BB when it moves to Five??
  80. Davina has posted new housmate is a female!!!
  81. 99.9% chance that....
  82. The Twitter Buzz
  83. pete burns!
  84. New Housemate Predictions.
  85. Sam Pepper to enter the Ultimate Big Brother House Tonight?
  86. Another hint that BB is heading to FIVE.
  87. The New Housemate
  88. Celeb going in
  89. Tina Malone Or Sov to go in!
  90. Nadia Could Stay!
  91. Wedding Task
  92. Which Celebrity Would You Love To See In There?
  93. Vanessa Feltz going in!
  94. Pete Bennett clearly p!ssed off at BB on BBLB
  95. Bookies Predict Four-Way Race for UBB Win
  96. I did read a rumour ages ago
  97. UBB's 'I Want It All' Isn't the same as the Celebrity Big Brother 4 Version!
  98. Nikki To really wind Nikki up........
  99. Davina is NOT going in PROOF
  100. Did they do the Electric Shock task in CBB6?
  101. Sam Pepper should never have been a housemate.
  102. Who are we going to class as the 'last ever housemate'?
  103. What's the deal between makosi and davina?
  104. tina malone is NOT going in
  105. davina mcCall is goin in the house tonight!
  106. Makosi fans...this is how we save her
  107. The BB Movie Thread
  108. only 1 celeb worth the effort
  109. The New housemate is....
  110. Mystery New Housemate!!
  111. Fingers
  112. So..he finger*******ed her...
  113. Glyn in the dancing Task!
  114. Brian the coward
  115. Nadia might be on her period!
  116. Nikki now 3rd fave to win!
  117. nadia is turned into john james
  118. Vanessa Feltz. ******* off channel 4
  119. I detest the house, I detest the show
  120. Josie, Ulrika and now Vanessa
  121. Vannesa: 3 days in the Big Brother house
  122. Ulrika had every right to be upset
  123. Peeps need help please!!!
  124. Why was I hearing cheers for Ulrika?
  125. Which housemate has changed the most?
  126. Don't waste your time with live chats!!!!!!!!
  127. what BB twitter do you follow?
  128. Big Brother Have Toatlly *******ed up UBB
  129. Are we in danger of Ulrika sneaking through this show?
  130. Is UBB too busy?
  131. Who have you all voted to evict tonight?
  132. Should Dave be invited back?
  133. Why the **** is Vanessa going in!?
  134. eviction spoiler
  135. Why doesn't Divvy go and get them
  136. Makosi I'm going to miss your morning showers
  137. Nadias face !!!!!!!
  138. Makosi OUT, Vanessa In, LMAO AT THIS FAIL!!
  139. Ulrika and Vanessa are going to be a nightmare
  140. Is Makosi the best female HM of all time?
  141. Why does Preston need to be white to be Mokosiz 'brother'
  142. Why was Brian shocked Nadia was evicted
  143. Nikki's 'period' line was cruel and calculated - reminded of her treatment of Sam
  144. Why do people think girls are jealous of HMs?
  145. Ulrika Why is she so "popular" it seems?
  146. LOL Nadia- I'm old and bitter and fat.
  147. Awful outcome, once again.
  148. The Percentages for Tonight
  149. John James, Josie, and their fans have ruined BB
  150. Davina has said that...
  151. Should the Elstree crowd be banned from watching the show?
  152. Davina: What about Chantelle and Preston?..
  153. Anyone else feel Davina handled Nadia's interview badly?
  154. Omg this show is pathetic
  155. Nadia Uncomfortable viewing
  156. ANOTHER Blonde!!
  157. UBB Big Mouth Discussion 3/09
  158. Michelle was fantastic
  159. Just to lower the tone a bit.
  160. I hate divvy davina
  161. Ulrika new best friend for ulrika the chosen one to keep her happy do you agree
  162. Is Anyone
  163. Nikki Dark Horse?
  164. Get the **** off our screens Davina
  165. Davina favbouring Nikki over other HM
  166. no coolio questions for nadia then.
  167. Oh god Nick and Victor!!!
  168. Makosi storms off
  169. Is Ultimate BB becoming the Ultimate Fail?
  170. Makosi Good for Her
  171. This might cause an argument but...
  172. Davina - like Marmite
  173. If There Is A Quadruple Eviction Coming Up, Who Would You Want Out?
  174. Coolio No Wonder He Got Booted Out
  175. Nadia A no show
  176. Davina is half french????
  177. Davina is just in it for the money now
  178. fred and rose west...samanda...wtf
  179. BBLBC Episode 5?
  180. I feel so bad for Nadia :(
  181. How come Davina gets away with....
  182. Kenneth wearing the green suit
  183. This Time Next Week...
  184. Think i would have preffered not to have UBB
  185. Tickets to the final
  186. Anyone else worried about Nadia?
  187. Nikki go to Bed
  188. That disturbing freak Sree on the BBBM mug
  189. Who will Michelle stick to now Makosi and Nadia have gone?
  190. 10/9/10 | Big Brother's Final Day. [Brilliant Channel 4 Schedule]
  191. Jared Christmas?
  192. john does voodoo
  193. Another Big Brother Memory Ruined! [CBB4 Related]
  194. baying crowds
  195. Makosi taking her eviction very well
  196. pete bennett getting divorced
  197. Nadia Did Makosi Drag Nadia Down?
  198. Ulrika: 'It's quarter.past.one'
  199. bloddy hell its quarter past one
  200. Ulrika omg it's a quarter past one
  201. I went to see piranha 3d tonight....
  202. 3 Days Everyone. 3 Days.
  203. old vanessa (bingo wings) feltz has pulled an exotic
  204. Vow to NEVER Put Ex HMs Back In
  205. Nikki laughing by waving a kitchen knife
  206. My First Eviction Review... [updated with pictures]
  207. Congratulations are in order
  208. Official Ulrika Fan Club (5 MEMBERS) - Ulrika stayed
  209. What the
  210. Christ. Hold the ****ing phone, they're still up.
  211. Do you think Shahbaz watches Live Feed?
  212. The BB Housemates vs. The CBB Housemates
  213. Which Big Brother do you wish YOU were in, if any?
  214. George Lamb, has anyone else noticed...
  215. Nadia on Suicide Watch?
  216. Nadia's exit song?
  217. So it's Okay to make fun of Venessa Feltz body
  218. I could do better...
  219. /
  220. I wish there were no celebs, seriously.
  221. Smug BRIAN Thinks He Already Has It WON
  222. Urika called vanessa "bridezilla"
  223. Watch michelle now !
  224. I'm SO angry!!!
  225. nadia: its like jade all over again
  226. Nadia was stupid insulting john james to josie
  227. we can dream
  228. bblbc..vanessa ripping the piss out of nick and victor
  229. housemates that have tried to kill themselves
  230. The Last Ever HM To Enter The House...
  231. nadia may have made josie leave BUT josie made keeva leave...
  232. Ulrika
  233. I really enjoyed seeing Nadia upset like that.
  234. good riddeance macosy and unlucky nadia - anyone feel the same ?
  235. People how great was the crowd's reaction to Nadia last night!!
  236. The British public are disgusting...
  237. Does anyone else think Nadia secretly fancied Coolio?
  238. we have now witnessed why bb died
  239. Eurovision Game For UBB Housemates
  241. What did Nadia Do that John James didnt!!
  242. The Official Vanessa Feltz Fanclub
  243. Makosi - Best female housemate of all time
  244. The End Of An Era...
  245. Davina...
  246. Makosi & Nadia discuss Big Brother - 2007
  247. Vanessa Feltz does not deserve to be in the house
  248. Today's Task
  249. Davina McCall to enter Ultimate BB house?
  250. Is it offensive to say...