View Full Version : BB14
- Dexter v Gina v Wolfy
- Fat
- Are the nominations tonight?
- Jackie or Charlie?
- Selecting The Lucky keys
- Hot Tub, Pool?
- Message form the outside AGAIN
- How will Face To Face Nominations work tomorrow?
- Big Brother June 30 - Day 17 Highlights discussion thread - C5 at 9PM
- Is Wolfy REALLY that bad? [maybe she is]
- Rank HMs in Entertainment Value
- Are Gina and Dexter Your 2 Favourite Housemates?
- Wolfy now bitching around the clock.
- Tobacco Wars!
- Joe and Dans bust up (vid)
- Dan & Joe/Jack
- Wolfy's loss of Memory.
- Coach is just too smart for Jackie and Gina
- Who is Jackie to judge anyone?
- the twins
- Wolfy needs to go...
- So what do you think Dexter's plan was in not revealing the message on the ball?
- Wolfy vs Dan vs Dexter
- Wolfy the hypocrite
- Was anyone else disappointed when...
- Dan vs. Wolfy
- Lessons in being a suave playboy....
- I was right.
- Would you rather
- Wolfy influencing nominations ?
- Is Sophie jealous of Hazel/Dan's friendship?
- Daily Star Monday: Big Bro Savile cop in terror alert
- Who is the biggest bitch and who is the most genuine housemate?
- if I were Dexter id have done the same
- All starting to kick off on LF tonight
- Wolfy The Real Snake Caught Out By Gina!! *video*
- Jo Wilfred Daley and the tennis ball rage
- Does Dan need to disassociate himself from Hazel?
- Most trustworthy housemate?
- Where are all the Secrets and Lies?
- So Gina Is Trying To Turn Dan Straight?
- The clue was in the word "AUDITION", Girls ROFL
- Wolfie - is she bringing a needed electricity to the house ?
- Punishment for Wolfy
- Have Wolfy (cheers) and twins got arrogant and smug?
- Sam - most AWOL winner?
- Who,s wrong, us or them
- Callum - where did he stand on Fat-gate
- Gina's Potty mouth
- Jemima's Mate Michael
- Wolfy is attractive just overweight
- So face to face noms tonight - who's up?
- Who will the third nominee be?
- Face 2 face - HM should write down names before revealing who and give reasons
- My nightmare nominations
- Dexter and Gina Talk in the toilet (Video)
- Straight men - annoying when hot Hazel type girls flirt and frolick with gay guys?
- 3 people have been sent to jail for discussing nominations
- Ex-HMs this series needs
- Should Gina and Dexter somehow be exempted from being nommed face to face?
- Dexter and Gina the new BB12 Aaron and BB13 Deana
- Wow, so X is gone (tennis spoiler)...
- The gina wolfy chat/argument
- I hope this changes Dexter?
- Dexter: Big Brother is a playground in a prison (Video)
- Daley Dialogue
- Dexter and Sophie Argument
- Will wolfy go on friday
- where is the live feed
- Big Brother July 1st - Day 18 Highlights discussion thread - C5 at 10 PM
- Daft things said by Dexter
- Coming up music
- Wolfy Millington makes Big Brother bully claim
- Will Dexter get nominated by all the HM's tonight?
- BBC News 'Magazine' slags off Daily Star BB Coverage hahah
- If Wolfy is up for eviction........
- Who will nominate the Twins tonight?
- What week will Sam get involved in the house?
- tomoro daily star frount page
- Will 10 mins be enough time to nom?
- Good HL show for making up the public's mind
- Joe soon backed down in the argument when...
- It seems Callum/Sam/Daley watching Gina/Wolfy/Jackie's VTs has been left out
- Poor Big Brother:(
- Didn't Wolfy once accuse Dexter of playing the victim.?
- We didnt ask you to do anything...
- So, after two weeks in..
- Wolfy: Possessed by the Demon of Anger
- Should Wolfy share her cigarettes?
- Wolfy's latest tactic - playing the Bullying card.
- Dexter is Handling his Nomination like a BOSS !!!
- Sam + Sophie's hidden dislike?
- now is our chance GET WOLFY OUT
- Oh **** you very much C5
- OPERATION Get Wolfy Out!
- Eviction reactions
- Dan V Dexter v Gina v Wolfy
- Has this series run out of steam for anyone else?
- Operation Get Wolfy Out - Dexter/Gina/Dan Fans Unite !!!!
- The bores/dullards/do nothings slip through another nomination round
- Nominated but what is this twist comment about?
- The public would have nominated...
- TiBB Poll - Who do you want to evict? [Third Eviction]
- Housemates are all sheep...
- Face to Face nominations
- Let's talk: The Bullying Card
- jackys rant
- Dan having a go at Callum
- Dan is melting down
- So would Dexter's nominations have made a difference?
- Jackie and Hazels Nominations
- Double Standards from BB?
- Callum finally puts dan in hes place and gets called a sheep?
- wolfy: "everybody knows i'm gonna make it to the final"
- Hazel thanks
- Do you like Aj (Poll)
- If it was Vote to Save...
- The way Dexter is treated is reminiscent of how Shebaz was treated in BB7
- Dan v Wolfy
- Gina halving her nominations received.
- oh my stars
- OH GOD! What if the twist...
- The Dexter Situation..
- Early Xmas presents
- Lets hunt us a Wolfy
- Cigarette task
- Gina and Hazel
- "LIVE" from the House.
- Wolfy - 'I aint going nowhere' (Video)
- Callum didn't nominate Gina because...
- Wolfy is what evictions were made for
- Hazel....
- Who do you think will be saved on Wednesday?
- Did Callum nominate Dexter last week?
- Callum nominating Dan
- Sophie's Potential
- Keep Dexter the Snake in!
- Gina Exposes Callum As A Manipulator And Lier *video*
- where can you see episodes?
- dexters technique with women
- When Wolfy is Evicted to Boo's on Friday.....
- Do you think alot of people ( public ) like Dexter?
- Gina is safe... Isn't she?
- Week two was poor but week three is pure gold bb
- Face to face V diary room nominations..which do you prefer...
- Could the twist be...
- CONFIRMED: Housemates get to save one of the nominees from eviction!
- never trust a bee.
- they could be Double trouble and not a double Bore
- eviction odds??
- It's the predictable pick on someone for being different again on Friday
- I'm Boycotting this show if Wolfy is saved on Wednesday !!!
- A message to all Gina and Dexter fans
- Quick Look at the Ratings since 2000
- What's with the massively OTT reaction to the the twist?
- Wolfy or BB13 Becky - least likeable
- Anti Dexter's nomination reasons were reasons to keep him in!
- Gina vs Hazel
- Wolfe knows she safe !!!
- The housemates might save Dan
- Who did Dexter nominate?
- Dexter and Gina.
- Should HMs watch an ep of HL show (ala BB9)
- Bad decisions so far
- They all think Wolfy is a contender so why would they save her?
- If they hate Gina and Dexter shouldn't they not save Wolfy?
- Sophie - all mouth
- Any vague possibility Gina could be saved?
- he 5,4,3,2,1 shopping task (contains spoilers)
- Jack and Joe's nominations
- Daley - who will he save?
- Just as well none of the bores are up
- Can Jackie talk Charlie into saving Wolfy?
- I think the nominees should do a negative plea
- Wolfy at her best, so modest
- It's not a FIX
- What's left?
- "Who Goes? YOU Decide"
- Not the chosen one....
- The Daily Daley(Exciting Up To Date News!)
- if wolfy is saved?
- lesbian wolf
- Why do you hate Wolfy so much?
- Do the producers want Dan out next?
- Wolfy The Hypocrite...
- Dexter mini task
- nothing to worry about I HOPE
- Day 20: Housemates' bouncy balls (spoiler)
- Surely, if Wolfy is So Confident She's Not Going....
- Wolfy hypocrisy
- I like wolfy
- Big Brother July 2nd - Day 19 Highlights discussion thread - C5 at 10 PM
- This series - going downhill big time!
- Wolfy in 20 years
- Where are the Alpha Males ?
- The Wolfy appreciation thread.
- The 'whale' comments
- Do you think the editing has improved?
- Wolfy lying.
- I don't like Wolfy but...
- Poor Dan's Upset
- Has BB14 fell flat on it's arse now?
- This eviction echoes BB13's...
- Dexters board
- Secret to rock the house?
- BOTS do seem to be out of step with public opinion every year.
- Jackie would've been up? [Dexter's nominations]
- Who will last longer?
- #Getwolfyout (Trending on twitter)
- Who will last longer? #2
- Liking Dan...
- Do the HMs save one HM tomorrow?
- Marcus said a `MASSIVE Secret`.
- Who is Mr Nice Guy?
- Sam - irrelevant past the point of irrelevance?
- Who has the biggest todger?
- Favourite BB Living Area?
- Have these idiots learned nothing ?
- Who is auditioning next year?
- Dex and Gina playing chase
- Will Wolfy's confidence get the better of her?
- So...Do We know what is happening tomorrow night ?
- Never did I ever think
- They should throw a ball in
- When will they decide
- Got to be Dexter out on Friday if Wolfitdowny stays tonight.
- Even if BB Do Save Wolfy..............
- cig-gate - was Wolfie wrong ?
- Hazel's secret desire
- Why do people suport nasty people yet hate good people sorting nasty out ?
- Who should the HM's save tonight?
- How is Wolfy different?
- Hope Sam v Sophie 'feud' boils over
- Views on sly Callum ?
- If Dexter stays in a few more weeks
- What will the chants be on eviction night?
- Twins parents must be good looking
- Twist 'revealed'
- Wolfy death threats
- What tasks will BB give Wolfy to make her popular again
- Dexter and Hazel chatting
- Will the penny drop that Dexter and Gina aren't as disliked as they think
- They seriously should use people from Jeremy Kyle
- Gina and Dexter being adorable.
- Jackie or Charlie
- Dexter ..that mid week feeling (vid)
- Twist update...
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