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  1. Chad and Sarah kiss again
  2. The Contestant's Videos
  3. Is Chad Sexually frustrated?
  4. Which has a more famous line up? This series or the new stars of CBB19?
  5. Jordan: If I am saved, I will streak around the living room
  6. Elders vs Millennials pub quiz
  7. 9PM Ch5HD LIVE EVICTION Celebrity Big Brother Discussion Tues. 15/8/17
  8. Sarah Harding Imagine this series without her
  9. Sare vs. Jem OR Kim vs. Nic
  10. Chanting we love jam shows how stupid the idiotic the crowd are
  11. Big Brother taking away the alcohol
  12. Starting to think trisha was right...
  13. Sarah Harding "You lot have had it in for me from the beginning"
  14. YASSS Helen and Jemma safe
  15. Helen this series Coleen?
  16. 'GET SARAH OUT' chants
  17. Jemmma jemma jemmma.
  18. Jordan has been evicted: Pleased or Disappointed?
  19. Jordan Davies did not outlast Megan McKenna
  20. we
  21. Jordan's message sown on his jacket
  22. the crowd should be scrapped
  23. Calling it now
  24. Jordan
  25. Sarah for immunity!
  26. Another immunity task?
  27. Double on Friday
  28. delete
  29. Sarah's going to walk
  30. Well jemma has again wiped the floor with sarahs raggety drunkards hair.
  31. Team Jemma or Sarah
  32. One of the most interesting eviction nights in ages
  33. TiBB Poll - Who are your favourite and least favourite housemates? [Jordan out]
  34. The drinks are on Chuff !!!!!
  35. After tonight, who's side are you on?
  36. A backdoor eviction will happen (imo)
  37. Vote on Tellymix poll
  38. Sam Thompson Do you like him?
  39. Chad Johnson Sarah trying to get Chad to kick off all the time
  40. JORDAN is the FOURTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  41. Helen topping the vote - Another James Whale situation?
  42. Emma Willis kissing Jordan's arse
  43. Rylan on Jemma: "I wouldn't be friends with the person that is in the house now"
  44. Paul danans new flattened hair style.
  45. Jordan Davies Poor Jordan..
  46. Sarah Harding After tonight
  47. Jordan wanted to beat Megan's placement
  48. Sandi Bogle The new Pauline?
  49. What on earth is Paul on...
  50. Big Brothers Sarah Harding re-writes the history of BB.
  51. Chad not liking Paul and Sarah being friends
  52. Send Danan to Compton stat.
  53. nike air jordan ?
  54. Sarah Harding 'Nobody supports me in here'
  55. Jemma's boobs are MASSIVE
  56. The Task-will there be noms as well
  57. Chad Johnson LF last night...
  58. News article - Pictures from Day 15 show: Sarah, Chad, Jemma and Sandi
  59. Sarah bullying
  60. How do the housemates ...
  61. If it wasn't for CBB18 and CBB20
  62. Brandi & Jemma redecorate the bathroom
  63. Jemma and Chad bond
  64. Chad Johnson Sarah and Chad bicker - Vid
  65. There's been a MURDER in the #CBB
  66. two killers are
  67. hms profile pics
  68. Think/Want to Win?
  69. Paul Danan & Brandi Glanville start the Criminal Case interrogations
  70. Brandi Glanville The murder mystery task
  71. Helen Wood brands Sarah Harding a 'slag' for Chad kiss and tells Trisha to '***** off
  72. Nicola Roberts shades Sarah for her '5H are slutty' comment
  73. News article - Day 15, Wed Highlights Recap + Pictures [Pub Quiz, More Sarah + Chad]
  74. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion Weds 16/8/17
  75. Next Girls Aloud member you want to see do CBB?
  76. Sarah Use your anger "Enough is Enough" = "Im not putting up with it anymore"
  77. Who did you vote for to become the murderer?
  78. Who did you vote for to become the murderer?
  79. Is Sam a nasty piece of work too despite the jovial manner and soft voice ?
  80. "sarah, it's not possible to have contact with the outside world"
  81. Favourite launch night twist?
  82. Favourite launch night twist for CBB?
  83. "Let's try and break them up"
  84. WHO WILL WIN: Big characters vs. Quiet characters
  85. Sarah Harding Best HM of 2017?
  86. Does anyone know how to edit gifs?
  87. Chad dropping Sarah like a sack of ****
  88. Sarah so self absorbed, she drops Chad
  89. Is it funny people losing the plot!
  90. Sandi Bogle Sandie goes off at Brandi
  91. It all kicks off between Jemma and Paul (again)
  92. (SPOILER) and (SPOILER) killer nominated
  93. Rylan's rain check showed last years layout.
  94. Sarah being bullied....
  95. We used to get movie tie-ins...
  96. Crowd Chanting..Stage Managed?
  97. Two more housemates picked by the Killers (SPOILERS)
  98. News article - Pictures Day 16 show: Brandi Sandi Helen Sarah Chad (and the others)
  99. Murder mystery task....
  100. Criminal Case: CASE FILE task
  101. Who would you save ?
  102. News article - Day 16, Thurs Highlights Recap + Pictures [Sandi and Brandi + Jemma and Paul argue]
  103. Channel 5 steals a fan's tweet
  104. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion : Thurs 17/8/17
  105. The Killers have an Accomplice
  106. Sandi is awful
  107. Brandi Glanville Sandi against Brandi for why?
  108. Jemma only said "your acting your sons age"
  109. Brandi a racist?
  110. chad is the best male celeb since pete?
  111. Anyone else having problems with Virgin media not recording cbb AGAIN?
  112. Such a good episode tonight!
  113. So we will have a flash vote tomorrow?
  114. Brandi Glanville Thoughts on Brandi after tonight?
  115. If Sarah & Jemma were F2..
  116. Brandi vs Sandi - Who won?
  117. valimir putin or chad-topless calender-will you be buying it in 2018 yes or no poll?
  118. Sam Thompson What he said to Shaun..
  119. Jemma and Sandi talking about kids
  120. Derek Acorah Couldn't he feel the residual energy of who planted the horse heads?
  121. Will BB tell housemates about terror attacks?
  122. Danan and Brandi are going to do it
  123. Who would be evicted out of these four housemates?
  124. Who would go between sarah sandi chad and sam
  125. Brandi Glanville Is Sandi just paranoid?
  126. Chad Johnson From Hating chad at day 1 Now to him being 1 of my Fav housemates
  127. Helen Lederer Tragic
  128. Chad Johnson Relaxing the macho
  129. Are the housemates up for eviction tonight confirmed?
  130. Whos meds had sarah been sharing...
  131. Paul wont pick jemma, he will pick chad.
  132. don't pass the dutchie pass the drink on the left hand side
  133. Sarah then and now
  134. The house is a panto
  135. Sandi and Brandi clash.... again
  136. News article - Pictures - Day 17 show: Amelia Brandi Chad Paul Sarah Derek Sandi Helen Jemma Sam
  137. News article - Day 17, Fri Highlights + Pictures [Paul,Jemma make up; Sandi,Brandi clash + eviction]
  138. What is your favourite CBB rivalry
  139. Ben Frow’s EITF
  140. Why does Big Brother cause confrontation?
  141. What is so good about Sarah?
  142. Sarah Harding almost sets the house on FIRE
  143. Chad Johnson Calling all chad fans...
  144. Double eviction, 8:30 start!
  145. Paul Danan - Ribena REMIX
  146. TiBB's Favourite BBUK 2017 Housemate Ranking [CLOSED ~ Results start tomorrow!]
  147. Sarah Harding Predictions on tonights chants
  148. Arista on strike?
  149. 8:30PM LIVE Double Eviction Celebrity Big Brother Fri. 18/8/17
  150. Sarah Harding Bullying
  151. Vanessa quick!!!!!
  152. Get Danan out quick!!!!!!!!!
  153. "Sam and Sarah you have committed the perfect crime"
  154. Chad's ex Zoe speaks about him
  155. Cottage Pie > Jam
  156. Series is cancelled
  157. BRANDI is the FIFTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  158. Shaun Williamson He never gets shown?
  159. The eviction interviews go on for too long
  160. What were the cheers tonight?
  161. Brandi exposing Sarah's "special treatment"
  162. Would you be happy with a Jemma win?
  163. PAUL is the SIXTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  164. Paul Danan what dhdhhd
  165. Your finalists
  166. WHO voted Derek
  167. The Power of The Sarah and Chad fans
  168. What left you more shook?
  169. The drinks are on sam !
  170. I'm on the brink of dumping this series
  171. Who out of the older housemates stands the biggest chance of winning?
  172. Genuine prediction: These evictions will lead to BB getting axed
  173. All evictions so far have been reality stars
  174. Sandy coming?
  175. Proves you dont need to be shoved down our throats to not be evicted in VTS
  176. Derek Acorah is going to win
  177. 5 star or ch 5
  178. What is this bullish.t?
  179. Paul Danan Just totally unrealistic isn't it
  180. Helen - Cosmo or Nolan
  181. Dereks partner's weekend
  182. Chad Johnson Chad threatening Paul on tonight's show
  183. No more Flash votes please !!!
  184. Who would be the worst winner?
  185. Paul Danan Right guys who is coming to visit Danan??
  186. I called it 2 big characters leaving
  187. TiBB Poll - Who are your favourite and least favourite housemates? [Brandi, Paul out]
  188. The Vault
  189. Brandi's impersonation of Sam on BOTS
  190. Brandi Glanville On BOTS...
  191. Would Derek and Helen be the most boring final 2 ever?
  192. FAO Ponty
  193. Sarah and Chad are official
  194. Awful end to a great task
  195. Brandi Glanville Paul and Brandi = Perfect evection
  196. Sarah Harding Leaves with the biggest prize...
  197. Chad and Sarah - The Final 2 Campaign
  198. Sarah Harding Is this the first CBB where the winner is a cert from the get - go?
  199. Round 5- Favourite Polls
  200. Can the remaining cast keep this season afloat?
  201. Sick and disgusted at the bias towards sarah this year.
  202. Think about what Brandi said .........
  203. Sandi Bogle who is with me that Sandi has to win, to redeem this series with a worthy winner
  204. propaganda discussion
  205. Chad and Sarah the truth
  206. Bear to go in for the last week?
  207. Do you like Sarah?
  208. Why I want Chad to win
  209. Cbb eviction music help!
  210. News article - Pictures - Day 18 show: Shaun Chad Sarah Derek Amelia Brandi Sandi Helen Jemma Sam
  211. Chad her next victim ?
  212. Sarah DUMPS Chad after just 1 day
  213. Chad Johnson Last American
  214. Under The Radar
  215. Amelia Lily Do you like Amelia?
  216. Every Series Shock
  217. Hurricane Sue gives the OFFICIAL lowdown of the week in the CBB house
  218. Shes STILL NOT A HURRICANE . She even said herself on a video on Channel5.com/BB
  219. Paul & Brandi out for being liars behind backs . Isnt it time Jemma & Sam go 4 same ?
  220. Housemates enter The Vault
  221. Who would you nominate this week?
  222. Big Betting Odds Change, Sarah and Chad now Top 2
  223. 10:30PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion SATURDAY Adult Version19/8/17
  224. Helen Lederer Can she pull a Coleen and win?
  225. No more public votes...
  226. Less than a week to go - who do you think will win?
  227. News article - Day 18, Sat Highlights Recap + Pictures [Chad - Sarah a couple, Rap task]
  228. Face to Face nominations begin
  229. Charities
  230. 9:00pm 5* Celebrity Big Brother Discussion Sat 19/8/17
  231. What happened to Jemma?
  232. Paul Danan Cool TV personality
  233. Sarah Harding Orangeade
  234. Chances of Jemma winning?
  235. What theme should the big brother house have next year
  236. SPOILER faces eviction
  237. Get Sarah Out
  238. Derek 66/1 to Win !
  239. Who was in the right about the food argument?
  240. Derek Acorah Two faced?...
  241. What was the overall opinion here on Paul?
  242. Shaun Williamson its the air conditioning
  243. Sarah Harding Singing Mariah
  244. Sandi Bogle Smug...
  245. Chad Johnson "***** food!"
  246. The power of Jemma fans evicted paul.
  247. Sarah ripping into helens carear..and other things.
  248. OMG Sarah planning the wedding ?
  249. married ?
  250. Chad Johnson Chad ,now second favourite