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  1. Has Sarah broken CBB record ?
  2. Reality hits home
  3. Did sarah get a warning for biting amelias leg?
  4. A "flurry of bets" put on Our Sare overnight, now clear favourite to win
  5. Sam randomly turning on Brandi
  6. The 'be sarcastic about the housemates' thread
  7. Derek Acorah Didn't expect that from him ... [SPOILER]
  8. The Broom v the elders
  9. Darcy Oake (From 2014 but still..)
  10. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion : Sun 20/8/17
  11. Who would you put back in??
  12. News article - Pictures from Day 19 (Sun) show: Sam Amelia Shaun Chad Sarah Derek Sandi Helen Jemma
  13. News article - Day 19, Sun Highlights Recap + Pictures [Sarah feels betrayed; Sam, Amelia flirt]
  14. I'm Sarah stroking Chad's dick
  15. Sarah Harding feat "The Chad"
  16. TiBB Poll - Who do you want to SAVE? [6th eviction]
  17. This series would be TRASH without our Sarah
  18. Sarah the CBB Queen
  19. Cannot stand sam
  20. Why wont they leave helen alone
  21. Jemma Lucy A truly vindictive cow...
  22. Secret Backdoor Eviction on wednesday?
  23. Chad Johnson USDA beef
  24. Is it VTE?
  25. Sarah Harding Balls out
  26. Sam Thompson The Chase
  27. Career ideas for Harding when she leaves the house?
  28. Shaun Williamson spoons, cool or tool?
  29. Rank C5 CBB’s
  30. Raph and Chad will be at the same wrap party, right?
  31. None of them can b trusted - all FAKE reasons 4 noming Sarah ..here s real reason ...
  32. Sam s Fake Emotions for Amelia ?
  33. Is Amelia really as nice as some think ?
  34. You can snog and stroke dick with your night mask on all you want.
  35. Yet another of Sarahs mate on BOTS
  36. Early Tellymix poll (4,400+ votes)
  37. Eviction odds
  38. Playing back nominations
  39. Do you think it's a legit reason to vote off for being jealous that some are pairing
  40. True Romance
  41. Shaun Williamson His reasons for nominating...
  42. How did fall out of love with amelia so quickly?
  43. Is sam playing amelia?
  44. News article - Pictures, Clips from Day 20 show: Sarah, Chad, Amelia, Jemma Sandi Derek
  45. Sarah....What a flipping mess.
  46. Helen's Storytime
  47. can sandi still win
  48. Day 20 recap and highlights
  49. Sweet God !!!!
  50. Sam Thompson the odd couple
  51. Paul Danan Makes sense now why Danan was evicted
  52. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion Monday 21/8/17
  53. Sandi a kitchen dictator
  54. Chad is really lovely guy
  55. Sarah Harding A CBB legend?
  56. Sandi Bogle sadistic bitch
  57. Perched like a jakey hanging on for his swig of the tennents super.
  58. Sad will be over by the end of the month
  59. Sarah Harding "You're taking the ****ing piss"
  60. Sarah Harding One of the most complex housemates we've had in years
  61. Sarah really needs help
  62. Are there any positive sarah threads anymore?
  63. Sarah&Chad or Sukhvinder&Imran
  64. Who were this years best housemates
  65. Sarah and Jemma have morphed.
  66. Mother and Son
  67. Sam proves again how fake he is
  68. Sarah will NOT win
  69. Save Chad.....from Sarah
  70. Helen Lederer Even when her husband came in...
  71. Were they the real reasons Jemma gave for wanting to walk before the eviction ?
  72. Why I Want Jemma to Win
  73. Save jemma: 6505806
  74. Derek Acorah Derek is a dancer
  75. gemma letter A plus
  76. Chad Johnson I have to play this fooking game!
  77. Jemma has a go at Chad - Enough with the PDA's - Vid
  78. When you KNOW you're in trouble
  79. Sarah Harding Her visit in the vault was from her PA
  80. Sarah - a surprise evictee tonight?
  81. Amelia Lily what was Amelia expecting Sarah to do
  82. If they quit do they not get paid?
  83. Oh ffs ,baby talk now
  84. they only have a couple of drinks in the evening
  85. Shared Interview tonight
  86. What pronoun do you use to describe BB?
  87. Charah - best showmance since?
  88. News article - Pictures from Day 21 show (Tuesday): Derek, Amelia, Sarah, Chad, Jemma, Sandi
  89. News article - Day 21, Tues Highlights Recap + Pictures [Chad Helen Jemma Sam Sandi Sarah nominated]
  90. Big swings in eviction and winning odds today!
  91. Double Interview tonight
  92. Ch5HD. Live double eviction 9pm tues 22/8/17. CBB.
  93. Megatron Harding
  94. "Give me that broom" wtf??
  95. Sandi AND Helen are evicted: Pleased or Disappointed?
  96. Sick of the public
  97. Sandi and Helens Fans
  98. Sandi Bogle Did the possessiveness over the kitchen
  99. Jemma in the FINAL
  100. When Sarah wins
  101. SANDI is the SEVENTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  102. Someone else's chance in the kitchen
  103. The worse final 7 ever
  104. HELEN is the EIGHTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  105. What were the chants tonight?
  106. A Good Final
  107. Big shout out
  108. WTF just happened ?
  109. Sarah Harding should she release a cover of Obsessed?
  110. The Chad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  111. The crowd's reaction if Sarah wins
  112. Sarah's charity should be Alcoholics Anonymous
  113. Shaun has won this
  114. Sarah's EX-Boyfriend DEVASTATED about CHEATING SCUM
  115. Who do you think will be backdoored?
  116. Can The Chad achieve mission impossible
  117. "and the winner of celebrity big brother 2017 is..."
  118. Sarah Harding the winning campaign (090 20 44 58 13/6 50 58 13)
  119. How did that happen
  120. Who the ******!?
  121. Tellymix poll: Who do you want to WIN?
  122. Derek Acorah Hot tub
  123. Jemma Lucy TO WIN CAMPAIGN: Mobile (6 50 58 06) / Landline (090 20 44 58 06)
  124. Sarah is 32 how is she an older woman?
  125. TiBB Poll - Who do you want to win and least favourite housemate? [Helen, Sandi out]
  126. Sarah's song playing...
  127. Jemma Lucy saying that Sara/Chad takeover making babies in smoking area
  128. Derek Acorah Derek for the win! (6 50 58 04 / 090 20 44 58 04)
  129. Sarah training Chad - confirmed
  130. Realty T.V. Kills relationships
  131. Trisha Paytas Did Trisha loose viewers?
  132. When will these icons enter the CBB house?
  133. hasn't this series gone really fast yet it doesn't have anything to show for it
  134. ex hm take over the house
  135. We want this Gogglebox legend next
  136. Jemma consoling Sarah
  137. Sandi on BOTS "a woman like me is supposed to win a show like this"
  138. Sarah Harding Are they serious about the air-conditioning?
  139. Ideal running order
  140. The only way for Jemma to win..
  141. Sinitta: "would you recommend it?"
  142. so Sarah wants to make porn
  143. Sandi Bogle She was playing up to the cameras
  144. Wow, surprised the just aired that convo on Live Feed
  145. Could Jemma actually win?
  146. How many votes..
  147. Emma Willis...best TV presenter ever.
  148. What songs will they play for the exit music of the hms.
  149. Wtf just happened in the double
  150. tango'd
  151. Sam 2nd fav to win
  152. What have each evictee said about sarah during their eviction night
  153. Chad fans.....
  154. Are you voting ?
  155. Whose win would leave you content
  156. If you don't want Sarah to win..
  157. Emma desperately trying to get Sandi and Helen to complain about Chara
  158. Ex Housemates going back in!
  159. Vote Shaun to WIN!!! 090 20 44 58 14/ 650 58 14
  160. Just remembered this CBB advert from 5 years ago...
  161. Dream Boot Order for CBB20
  162. Amelia Win would be as bad as Derek
  163. CBB Hijack: The Big K is back!
  164. News article - Pictures and clips from Day 22 show: Shaun, Sam, Derek, Amelia, Sarah, Chad, Jemma
  165. Jemma got more votes than Sandi ?????????????????
  166. Oh God my dinner just came back
  167. Omg chad has to win now...
  168. How does emma keep getting hotter?
  169. News article - Day 22, Wed Highlights Recap + Pictures [Taco Task]
  170. CBB Hijack: Marissa puts Shaun in the Doghouse
  171. Its r quite simple Jemma wins & people boycott r big -she doesnt n ratings survive
  172. BOTS live from the house
  173. Bored of CBB20. Excited for January?
  174. Rylan and Jemma have beef
  175. Sarah Harding I won't allow it!
  176. Totally deluded
  177. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion WEDS. 23/8/17
  178. Could Sam win?
  179. Sarah's romantic plans with Chad after Friday's final CONFIRMED.
  180. Funny how Jemma cldnt find way 2 put Sarah down dancing 2 " Sound Of The Underground
  181. Chelsea Singh predicts Sam will win
  182. Sarah thinks the rent a mob booing will damage her career
  183. Poll Will sarah and chad last
  184. Is sam being cruel to amelia?
  185. Jemma vs a pile of liquid chit?
  186. "That crowd don't have enough money to vote!"
  187. would YOU have a showmance if you were in there?
  188. It's kinda worrying
  189. Sandi was bordering on sexist towards chad imo
  190. Jemma Lucy I forgot to put a bet on Jemma at 80/1 FUMING
  191. Trisha Paytas thinks she may be black.
  192. Derek Acorah His request...
  193. Who can stop Hardings pity party?
  194. Derek's horrific story?
  195. Jemma caught out by Amelia trying to cover over her sick bias IE was it 2 or 3 ?
  196. Jemma s fake offer of advice to Sarah ... here s IMO the real reasons behnd it
  197. Why Sarah s feelings towards Chad are probably genune - not so sure about him
  198. Does anyone know who went out the back door
  199. Ive a confession to make
  200. Someone just been evicted
  201. SPOILER saved from backdoor eviction?
  202. Cant wait for this !!
  203. Is Amelia at the hotel?
  204. Stopped watching after the 5th episode.
  205. What time did the VTW lines freeze?
  206. Helen didn't reveal who went on bots
  207. Sam Thompson Brandi tells Amelia about sam
  208. Sarah Boyfriend devastated
  209. Derek Acorah Derek / Pat Phelan
  210. Amelia FINALLY confronts Sam (Video)
  211. Favourite 2017 Series?
  212. Paul Danan Dangerous Danan says
  213. Ben Frow says he wishes C5 didn't have BBUK and other stupid things
  214. Chad Johnson Chad has just given us the best quote of the season
  215. Chad Johnson a master strategist? well, no but...
  216. Sarah Harding The Media.
  217. The next person to be evicted is... (unknown)
  218. News article - Day 23, Thurs Highlights Recap + Pictures [Karthik Marissa Jordan Brandi Paul return]
  219. 9PM Ch5HD Celebrity Big Brother Discussion (All housemates return): Thurs 24/8/17
  220. SPOILER Backdoor Evicted!
  221. Nadine Coyle speaks out about Sarah
  222. Favourite graphics for new set?
  223. Who Makes The DVD Cover (CBB20 Edition)
  224. "if you were a spice girl you'd be sh*tty spice"
  225. "one of the best big brothers ever"
  226. Which group of housemates do you prefer? Evicted or Remaining
  227. SHAUN is the NINTH housemate to leave - Pleased or Dissapointed?
  228. Bookies are predicting a 3 horse race
  229. TiBB Poll - Who do you want to win? [Final Six]
  230. TiBB Poll - Who is your overall favourite housemate of Celebrity Big Brother 20 2017
  231. Predict Friday's Final 6 positions!
  232. Jordan and Sam more CBBees than CBB
  233. Amelias face at sarah when she walked into mincegate.
  234. Jemma Lucy Best 5 seconds of any episode ever
  235. michelle on BOTS
  236. IS having BBBOTS from the house a silly idea?
  237. chad is THE best straight male housemate ever
  238. Distinct lack of men in the bbbots audience again tonight.
  239. Amelia Lily Surprise of the series??
  240. Jemma and Sarah have carried this series
  241. Sam Thompson The Sam and Amelia show - to take the heat off Sarah/Chad.
  242. Digital Spy Website Poll
  243. Chad spot on about Jemma : “You’re just sh**ty YOUR AURA everythin about u is sh**ty"
  244. Sarah Harding Queen of doing the Trapeze
  245. Chad ending jemma
  246. random public voting
  247. Proper Interview
  248. Are you excited for tonight's final?
  249. final 6 6 6
  250. I this going to be the most sickly final ever ?