View Full Version : General Chat
- Which comedians have you seen live?
- If TIBB did not exist/stopped existing, which other forum/SMP would you be active in?
- Home video of Niamhs 6th birthday
- What is the most painful thing (physically) you have experienced?
- Waitrose is a lovely supermarket
- Am no longer teetotal.
- He was a skater boy, she said see you later, boy
- I need a new mobile phone.
- The best ever sauce?
- Do you delete pictures...
- Woman gets stuck at a red light
- Why is your best friend "your best friend"?
- Who is the most interesting person you know.
- If you could make anything a swear word , what would it be?
- What clothing do you find people most attractive in?
- Comet Neowise, has anyone from here seen it?
- Speeding motorist smashes police cars in M11 chase
- Look what that bitch Carol Baskin has done now!
- Staycationing, vacationing or staying put?
- When did you realise your were getting older?
- Queuing for supermarkets
- What have you done as an adult , that the child you would have never believed?
- What do you call these?
- Flanderisation of TV characters
- Where is the worst place you have ever slept?
- Finish this sentence. Don't you just hate it when......?
- What do you do to keep yourself feeling young?
- Feeling so sad
- Hot dogs
- Q magazine ceasing publication
- Most unique thing about your home ?
- Most unique thing about your Diet?
- A lovely PM I received
- Pets and their eating habits
- What kind of food did you like as a child?
- What age were you when you had your first kiss?
- Signs you are getting older
- Celebrities who have a different sexuality to you but you wish you had the same
- Boxer Hawley dropped by MTK Global after vile homophobic rant
- I just remembered.
- Rate out of 5 stars the last meal you had?
- Things that are Undervalued?
- Place you want to go in Europe that you have never been
- Holidays you've had cancelled due to Covid 19
- Alternate safer plans for Summer due to Covid-19
- ASMR, is anyone else also against this irritating hobby
- Liverpool or Manchester?
- Favourite Celebrities
- How do I report someone for Covid 19 quarantine violations?
- Lobster tails.
- Gypsys stole our dog
- Road rage
- Happy Birthday Wonderwoman
- A very important poll (please vote)
- Tips to stay cool?
- It's JK Rowling's birthday!!!
- Happy Birthday Andybigbro.
- Smithy’s Moving Thread [December Update!!!!]
- Which Mobile Phone Network do you use?
- What shall I get my boyfriends mum for her birthday?
- Coronavirus/Monday Dilemma...
- Infractions Amnesty Day!
- What's your favourite pudding?
- Parmnions apprentice/driver thread.
- When did you start wearing a mask.
- Heatwave incoming
- Compilation of President Reagan's Humor from Selected Speeches, 1981-
- Gypsy Rose Blancharde
- What are the Most Important Criteria When Booking a Hotel
- Favourite science?
- Man throws bucket of water into a dogs face.
- How many showers did you have today
- Ben Shapiro guest raps on WAP
- MARS in 4K
- Man smashes car window with an AXE to rescue Yorkshire Terrier trapped inside
- Do you eat the manky crisp
- If you were to be reincarnated as an animal
- What race are you?
- Where in the world am I now?
- Avatars and Signatures
- Do you say Thank you or Cheers.
- Has anyone taken advantage of the Government's Eat out to help out scheme?
- Turkey Twizzlers are BACK!
- Worst personality trait(s)
- I got stopped by the met police last friday..
- If you found £20 near the tills in tesco
- Favourite big supermarket
- What is your least favourite type of Tattoo?
- What animal will you never trust?
- Men. your thumb to your middle finger IS
- Years Of Therapy Give Girlfriend Unfair Advantage In Fight
- Text or call?
- Mentor teaches why it is okay for boy to cry
- Facebook, tic...twitter..tic tibbb...tic.
- How come I'm getting week long bans and others just get a day for the same thing.
- Has there ever been a tibb hijack game
- Things You Disliked about That’s So Raven
- WHY do i have to listen to Radio 2 (and other) news people say Covid 19 like this?
- I wanna be a bird
- Could you be in a relationship with someone who...
- Omah
- Jim Davidson TV
- Baby names: Dua Lipa and Kylo Ren inspire parents' choices...
- Tunnock's Tea Cakes
- What does your postcode say you are?
- How high is your I.Q.?
- without saying your first name , is your first name common or uncommon?
- What is your most prized heirloom?
- How long does your monthly paycheque last?
- Where is he this weekend?
- David Blaine balloon stunt - Ascension
- How often do you visit your local pub.?
- What do you love about Autumn and all things Autumn etc...
- Skydiving and it's world records
- Have you ever nearly been abducted?
- Do you think trent reznor has a big dick
- Foods you dislike (that others like)
- If you were tasked to RE-BRAND TIBB..
- Boiled eggs - love or loathe?
- People NOT covering their noses with a mask
- Are people sticking to the guidelines and wearing Masks?
- Best
- Richmond Sausages are the WORST on the planet
- Favourite Tea?
- Chocolate - More a Woman thing?
- Saturday The 5th of September
- Question
- What’s your broad voice type?
- Kids....
- Second Chance...
- Happy Birthday Cherie
- Turkish men selling Watermelons from a LAMBO
- Someone just posted 100 quid through my door and we dont know why
- Do you leave good and bad feedback
- Predictive it or hate it?
- 493
- How far did you go with the L.B.B. fad?
- Looking for a way to spend the next 9 hours?
- A 3-month-old Snow Leopard - Public Debut Chicago Zoo
- Favourite 90s/00s television show(s)
- Do you pay your TV Licence?
- Anyone seen Paul Smith's standup?
- What the Irish say and what they mean
- Tibb decides.
- What were your favourite childhood games?
- Have you tried this new crisp SENSATION??
- America or the British Isles?
- is it odd when members do polls but dont vote in there own poll
- Christmas Shopping
- Has JK Rowling's transphobia put you off Harry Potter?
- How long should the regular working week be?
- I hurt myself last night.
- If you could live 2019 again knowing that COVID-19 would happen...
- America or Canada?
- Trip to Lake 9
- Niamh, I need your help please.
- if Boris joined the forum....
- What’s the oldest piece of clothing you own?
- inspired by Smithys thread...whats the most recent item of clothing you have bought?
- Has it ever been proven that Marc almond...well you know.
- Goodbye for a wee bit tibb.for the youth of tibb I leave you this.
- What’s your smell/favourite perfume, aftershave, fragrance etc...
- When does autumn really start?
- How often do you check dates on long lasting items?
- Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
- Stupid question but...
- Re: Social Lockdown. What will you do at Christmas
- Top three qualities you look for in a prospective partner
- Thursday Dilemma/nieces and daughters...
- Whats the scam
- Items you always lose?
- I just saved a wasp from drowning!
- Things you only realised about certain TV shows when you got older
- I've had an Annus Horriblus as the Queen once said.
- When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up...
- If you could travel to any 3 countries...
- Do you drive?
- Do you own an electric scooter?
- Dad slowly reveals his big lottery win to his sons
- Do you believe in ghosts/ghost experiences/spooky stories etc...
- Awful lot of my posts mysteriously vanishing over the last couple of days...
- Foul mouthed parrotts separated at Zoo
- Will we or won't we have a second lockdown?
- Welcome to October
- if you were granted 3 wishes...
- Indonesia has its own real-life ''jurassic park'' with new killer-komodo zoo
- CAPITAL DANCE - new Radio station launch DAB+
- Christmas Commercials 2020
- Christmas Bargains/Offers/Sales 2020
- 10.5 Pointless questions...
- TiBB members you miss
- How long have you been on Tibb?
- Things that were acceptable 10 years ago but not anymore
- What song would be your ‘life theme song‘...
- Little/ish things that really irritate you
- Rare Color Film 1924 London
- Should 16/17-year-olds be allowed to buy soft alcoholic drinks?
- A quote a day (or whenever I post them)
- Halloween plans?
- Pets Day
- What do you like about the Winter months?
- what do you miss about the summer?
- It's National Vodka Day.
- Most Talked About Celebs Of 2020
- Ghost hunter warns Poundland's £1 Ouija boards 'could unleash deadly demons'...
- Tips on flying the nest...
- What’s the most thoughtful gift you’ve received?
- hi..
- I am BLIND!!
- what have you bought today?
- Feb-U-ary or Feb-RU-ary?
- Megavalanche 2018 - Damien OTON POV Winning run
- What is wrong with people - covid rant
- Airplane White Noise in 1st Class | Sleep, Study, Focus | 10 Hour Plane Sound
- WHat do LOndon folks think of DOnald Trump?
- Today is 10-10 2020
- Have you had/do you have covid
- Do psychic abilities exist?
- Do you believe in unconditional free speech
- New
- Do you wear band/artists clothing
- Is coffee part of your morning ritual?
- Big Brother: The Game
- Diane Abott goes crazy on a bus
- Your thoughts on Public Displays of Affection?
- What lockdown tier are you in?
- Anyone else off tomorrow.
- How tall are you?
- Your experiences with bullying?
- What were you like as a child?
- A question for the speccy foureyeses
- Do/would you have the flu jab?
- What's your job now and what's your dream job?
- How old is your bed?
- What's the difference between a raven and a crow?
- Book recommendations
- One of Irelands Greatest Celebs Fungie the Dophin is missing
- Puppy with green fur born in Sardinia - let’s call him Pistachio...
- Can this idea be moved to the correct forum by a mod please.
- clocks go back this weekend
- If I spend 12 hours a day in different areas and houses and 12 hours on my own
- 'Sorry this product is not available'
- Global Work and Travel
- What things do you do but never admit to doing?
- Why lockdown has now gone way, way too far.
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