View Full Version : My Big Brother 11
9:00- Opening Line- There's something in the air, now dare the enter the lair, BIG BROTHER'S BACK!
9:01- Titles
9:02- Davina discusses what a year it's been so far and the year's only just started because Big Brother's back, she smiles and enters the house.
9:10- Davina finishes the house tour in the diary room and a VT roles of what happend at the auditions.
9:14- A 'Sneak' Preview of the housemates (Website styley), as Davina reveals that the first housemates will be entering after the break!
9:15- Break
9:19- Davina returns and the first VT rolls and the housemate enters the house.
9:24- The Second VT rolls and the second housemate enters the house.
9:30- Break
9:33- The Third VT enters and the Third and Fourth housemates enter the house.
9:37- Now with four housemates in, the fifth VT airs and the 5th housemate enters the house.
9:42- The next VT airs and the 6th housemate enters the house.
9:46- Break
9:50- The Seventh VT rolls and another housemate enter's the house.
9:56- The Eigth VT rolls and another housemate enter's the house.
10:02- The next VT airs and the Ninth housemate enters the house.
10:06- Break
10:09 The Tenth VT rolls and another housemate enters the house.
10:14- The 11th Housemate's VT airs and he/she enters the house.
10:19- The 12th Housemate's VT rolls and they enter the house.
10:25- Break
10:29- The 13th and 14th Housemate's VT's roll and they enter the house.
10:39- The Fifteenth Housemate enter's the house.
10:44 Break
10:47 The 16th and last housemate enters the house.
10:52 Davina talks to the house, saying that Heaven and Hell will return and the results of the housemate's first nominations will impact this.
10:54 Big Brother calls one housemate to the diary room, and this is broadcast on the plasma, they must name three letter's of the alphabet written on a white board, little does the housemate know that these letter's represent housemate's Surname's beggining letter's, and the three names he/she chooses, the chosen housemates will face a punishment, a night in the BB Dungeons...
10:58 Davina says goodbye to the audience.
11:00 End of Show.
Rachel rice fan!!!
Do you like my ideas? :cat:
Day 2- On release of BB's Dungeon, the three housemates must give up one of their two luxury items. They then re-enter the house.
Day 3- The three housemates are side-lined again as the rest of the housemates are given a Luxury Roast Dinner, the other three getting Ham Sandwhiches.
Day 4- The three housemates have a chance to swap their fate, they mst endure as long as possible on a merry-go-round as other housemates throw various food items at them, whoever stays on the longest escapes BB's evil clutches and must nominate two housemates to join the other two in the unluckiest status in the house.
Day 5- Big Brother announces that the four housemates are up for the public vote, little do they know that it's the other 12 housemates that face the public vote, with a vote to save.
Day 6- The four punished housemates must spend a day in Big Brother's dungeon again, today it's been filled with rat poo and smell's like a pig sty.
Day 7- Another day in the house as Big Brother becomes as hellish as ever, removing the four housemates bed and replacing them with wire frames and a sleeping bag.
Day 8- The first housemate is evicted as the Hellish theme is stopped, and the housemates discover that the four have been saved and the other housemates spared. Also a cage of possible housemates is dropped in BB's Dungeon, the remaining housemates must decide between them, three housemates to join them, the housemate count now standing at 18.
Day 9- As housemates sleep the Heaven and Hell barrier is put in the house and the housemates must nominate two leaders, once elected they must take part in a lottery style selection where the Heaven and Hell housemates are chosen.
I like your ideas, But if im one of the hosuemates i dont wana go to the dungeon lol!!
Yeah, me neither, but there safe from the public vote so it's kinda fair (Y) :devil:
Day 10- The Hell housemates find a secret door where they can play pranks on the Heaven housemates.
Day 11- The Heaven housemates nominate which of the 9 Hell housemates should face eviction.
Day 12- The Hell housemates play more pranks on the Heaven housemates as the door to the Prank room shuts with one housemate still inside BB announces they've been evicted, however they are lead to a secret room.
Day 13 It's Wednesday and a Hell housemate is set a secret mission, they must pretend they are walking and then sneak through the house to get into the secret house and join the housemate in the Secret house, named the Big Brother Dojo, it's Japan themed.
Day 14 Another day in the house as the 7 remaining Hell housemates face another day in hell, today for their task they must eat lot's of disgusting food. The three nominated housemates discover tomorrow may be their final day.
Day 15 It's the Second eviction and one housemate leaves, however housemate's think it's a double and one housemate must pretend to be evicted then join the Dojo house. Now there's 5 remaining Hell housemates, three in the Dojo and Nine in Heaven. 17 in total.
I don't like the idea of seperating the housemates, Its nice to see them all together having crazy fun, i think they should just fuel them with alcohol lol!
Ahh well, there not seperated for long, just the night in BB's dungeon.
Day 16- The Dojo housemates must complete in a karate task. The Heaven and Hell Barrier is also dropped.
Day 17- The 14 housemates face an aquatical task where they must become fish.
Day 19- In a LIVE Special two New additions are added to the house going straight into the Dojo.
Day 20- It's Tuesday and the housemates must nominate.
Day 21- The 21st day in the house as the Dojo housemates face a Task where they must eat various food with chopsticks.
Day 22- The two housemates facing eviction discover who is the Third housemate to be evicted, the 5 Dojo housemates watching in on this.
Day 23- Now with 13 housemates remaining and 5 in the Dojo one housemate decides to walk.
Day 24- Another day in the house as housemates in the Dojo must play a Japanese video game to a certain level.
Day 25 It's Monday and a giant Ice Cube is placed in the living room, the housemates have blow-torches and must melt it in 30 minutes.
Day 26- The Dojo housemates must nominate two of them to enter the house as on Friday two will become housemates. Also the housemates in the main house nominate too.
Day 27- As the Dojo housemates face the near end of their time in the Dojo, they are all given a massage with a difference!
Day 28- The day before the eviction the Dojo housemates must go on a secret mission to recieve items from around the house, without being seen.
Day 29- It's the Fourth eviction and the 13 housemates discover which housemate is to leave. Also after the eviction 12 become 14 when the two Dojo housemates voted in are announced, the other three must leave the compound immidietly.
Day 30- After last night's shock Dojo reveal the housemates play a speed dating game to get to know their new two.
Day 31- The housemates must endure another day in the house as today, as part of their two day shopping task the house has been turned into a Vet's Surgery, Seven housemates must become animals and the other Seven must become Vet's.
Day 32- The Vet's Surgery task continues as the Animals face their task as they race in an animal themed asault course in the garden, this includes dog collers and a massive hamster's wheel, also the Vet's must play a giant 'Operation' game.
Day 33- It's Tuesday and the housemates must nominate.
Day 34- The housemates must write their shopping list.
Day 35- Big Brother throws a spanner in the works by 'accidently' swapping the Ciggarettes ordered in the shopping list with Cabbage.
Day 36- Another housemate is evicted as 13 housemates now remain.
Day 37- Housemates must become clowns for the day after last night's eviction to lighten the mood in the house.
Day 38- For this week's shopping task housemates must enter 'Big Brother's' Supermarket, however suprises are stored in the shelves.
Day 39- Housemates must now do a 'Shop-off' where they must race against each other in the supermarcket to gain food for the group.
Day 40- Tuesday's nominations take place.
Day 41- The housemates must take part in a Chess Championship.
Day 42- Arguments applenty on the 42nd day as Big Brother bribes a housemate with a luxury dinner for two, all he/she has to do is pour a pot of sand in one housemates bed.
Day 43- The Sixth housemate is evicted, now 12 remain.
22-01-2010, 05:52 PM
No one seems to care.
Sorry to break it to you.
22-01-2010, 11:23 PM
Very good ideas, but I don't want ANOTHER "evil Big Brother", it's so old now!
Here is my launch night:
Same as usual with the house tour, etc.
[HM1 VT + Entrance - let's say HM1 is called Bob]
[Sign on main door saying "Bob, Go to Diary Room"]
BB: Bob, Big Brother is setting you a secret mission. You are the only housemate to be given a secret mission. As this is a secret mission - you're fellow housemates must not discover it. If they find out, there will be severe consequenses.
[After BB has given 'Bob' his secret mission, he enters the house.]
[HM2 VT + Entrance. Let's call HM2 Betty]
[Sign on main door saying "Betty, please be quiet and go to the Diary Room"]
BB: Betty, Big Brother is setting you a secret mission. You are the only housemate to be given...
All housemates get given a secret mission.
[Last HM VT + Entrance]
[Sign on door...]
BB: Hello ??. Big Brother is giving you a secret mission. Your fellow housemates have also been given a secret mission and have each been told they are the only ones to be given one. Your secret mission is to try and discover what their secret missions are. Once you think you have discovered a HMs SM you must NOT tell your fellow HMs, you must come straight to the Diary Room to tell BB, giving full reasons why you believe this is their secret mission. You will only be allowed to guess a HMs secret mission once, so please think carefully and be as sure as possible before coming to BB.
What you fellow HMs don't know is that if their SM is discovered by yourself or a fellow HM, they will automatically face the public vote for the first eviction. If you correctly identify the SMs of eight of your fellow housemates, you will pass your task and be immune from eviction on friday.
[Final HM goes into the house and joins their fellow HMs].
Day 44- It's day 44 and after last night's eviction the 12 remaining housemates must spend another day in the house, today they must run a burger bar in the task room, Big Brother willl continously place orders.
Day 45- The housemates start their shopping task, this week the housemates will become 'Jack Frost's' and cover the task room in white paint.
Day 46- The Shopping task continues as four housemates must become mystical creatures and take part in a task where they should not move for up to 3 hours.
Day 47- The housemates nominate.
Day 48- The housemates are asked to bring out their creative sides as they must draw graffiti on a wall in the task-room the best graffiti wins a special Chocolate Cake.
Day 49- Big Brother's feeling especially evil today and whenever one housemate enters the diary room, a bucket of water is dropped from the ceiling, and for another 100 bouncy balls are dropped.
Day 50- The Seventh housemate is evicted as now 11 housemates remain, however this turns to 14 when three new housemates enter.
Day 51- In the newest shock twist the Heaven and Hell barrier is placed back in the house and the 3 housemates must choose which side to go on, not knowing which side is Heaven and which is hell. 7 housemates on each side the Heaven and Hell is dropped, it's now Angels VS Demons!
Day 52- The house begins their shopping tasks, the Angels must go to the task room where over 1000 bouncy balls have been released and very loud music played, and their all standing on a trampoline, they must try and stay on the trampoline area for up to 4 hours. The Demons task will take place tomorrow.
Day 53- The Demons compete in their part of the task, a pool of 'Blood' has appeared in the garden and the must snorkel in their to get keys from the bottom however many ghastly foods are being dropped in their.
Day 54- It's Tuesday and the Seven Demons and Seven Angels are told that two Demons and two Angels will face the public vote, whichever two from each side with the most nominations. The housemates nominate and the four nominated housemates are announced.
Day 55- The Angels and Demons continue their stay as the Demons are treated to a ghastly diner and later one Demon is faced with a secret mission, to climb the barrier and scare an Angel while asleep, however return to the Demon side without being seen.
Day 56- The Demon housemates visit 'The Demon Diner' where they have a ghostly and grisly dinner. Meanwhile the Angels must have a Heavenly dinner as well however after dinner one Demon and one Angel that aren't nominated must choose to switch.
Day 57- Davina talks to the house as one Demon and one Angel are evicted as now 12 housemates remain.
23-01-2010, 09:43 AM
Cant they just put in john and edward and David Cameron and then blow the house up?
Day 58- The Demon's and Angels task continues where they must complete in a Heaven/Hell off, throwing balls to the other side of the barrier, the side with the most Hell/Heav balls on their side at the end of the minute will be punished.
Day 59- Having failed yesterday's task the Heaven side which lost are punished and must lose one of their Angels to the Hell side, with now 8 Demons and 6 Angels.
Day 60- it's the 60th day and today the Angels must assort over 400 books into Alphabetical order in the task room's 'Angel Library!' Meanwhile in the house 400 pairs of shoes are dropped into a massive glass container in the garden, there's a hole in the bottom and two housemates must clib inside and find 'The Demon's Odd Shoe!' and take it to the diary room, the group that complete their task first get a member from the opposing team, Heaven win so they take their Heaven team-mate back, now it's 7 all.
Day 61- It's Tuesday and housemates must nominate.
Day 62- The Angels must complete 1200 lengths of the outside pool between them meanwhile the Demons must take 'The Highway to Hell' where they complete in a bike riding contest in the task room with a hellish themed obstacle course.
Day 63- The Angels and Demons are told that after tomorrow's evicton the barrier to Heaven and Hell will be dropped. Today they take part in a chilli eating contest, the twist is that Heaven must put as many ice cubes in their mouth as possible.
Day 64- The Ninth housemate is evicted as now 13 housemates remain.
Day 65- The barrier to Heaven and Hell is dropped and to celebrate the end of the task the housemates must compete in a food-fight in the task room.
Day 66- Housemates are given messages from home.
Day 67- Housemates watch all past nominations.
Day 68- It's Tuesday and nominations are underway again, the three with the most votes facing the public vote.
Day 69- The housemates must build a sandcastle that meet's Big Brother's expectations in the task room.
Day 70- Housemates earn a luxury party with booze and alcohol after succesfully completing the Sandcastle task.
Day 71- The Tenth and Eleventh housemates are evicted as now 11 housemates remain.
Day 72- Big Brother opens it's Love Shack in the garden and one male housemate and one female housemate must spend a day in their together, even though it's a hot sauna!
Day 73- For this week's Shopping task housemates must become circus peformers. Two housemates must tight-rope across the pool, three must train a dog to do some tricks in the task room two must compete in a mud wrestling competition and the other four will become spectators and judges.
Day 74- The task continues as the Spectators and Judges must decide the winners.
Day 75- Housemates nominate with three housemates facing eviction.
Day 76- Housemates must compete in an arm-wrestling competition.
Day 77- Today it's Thursday and housemates must run 'Big Brother's School Fete' as part of their new shopping task, there's a coconut shy, a 'Dunk the Teacher' which one housemate will take part in and many other fun stuff such as 'Guess the Weight of the Cake'
Day 78- The housemates must compete in a 'School exam' however Davina interrupts this as two more housemates are evicted in full school clothing leaving 9 housemates still in the house.
Day 79- Housemates hear the results of their exam and must compete in 'School Sport's Day' and 'School Swimming Gala' with Six housemates competing in the sport's day and the other three in the swimming Gala.
Day 80- The School task continues and housemates must go on a 'School Trip' two of them are blindfolded and put on a bus which goes to London where they must put on massive Cartoon character schoolgirl costumes. The other Seven will take a trip to the theatre and make a movie about their BB School Life!
Day 81- It's Monday and the end of Term as housemates have their school disco.
Day 82- The housemates nominate and the three housemates with the most nominations face the public vote and the housemates suspect a double eviction.
Day 83- The housemates spelling is tested as they face a Spelling Bee in teams.
Day 84- The Nine remaining housemates must create a Big Brother's collage with photos of themselves and many other things in the house, they must also choose the most 'Glamorous' housemate and take them for a photo shoot in the 'Holiday Destination' themed task room.
Day 85- The housemates discover who is the Fourteenth and Fifteenth housemates to be evicted as now Seven remain and the final week beckons!
Day 86- BB asks the housemates to write a book between them, each having a chapter each as they must write about their time in the house.
Day 87- As it's the final Big Brother housemates must compete in Classic Tasks and get asked Questions in the diary room by past winners of Big Brother.
Day 88- It's Monday and the voting lines have been open since Friday and two more housemates leave the compound as the Sixteenth and Seventeenth evictees, now only 5 remain for the final.
Day 89- Big Brother unleashes it's final burst of 'Helliness' on the housemates as they turn the heating up to 30 degrees and put some ghastly smells in the house, also the housemates will not be allowed outside, instead they must play board games.
Day 90- Big Brother quizzes the housemates on what they're looking forward to doing once they've left the house. Also the housemates are treated to a 'Favourite Food' they put on their application forms, little do they know they've 'accidently' been swapped with their worst.
Day 91- The penultimate day and housemates must use the plinths in the garden to guess which positions they'll come in.
Day 92- It's the Grand final and in the first part 5th and 4th placed housemates are revealed as well as being joined by past housemates. Also in the second part, 3rd and 2nd places are revealed and the winner crowned, and then the lights turn off with echoes of past housemates and the best bits of BB11 and BB's 1-11
The End by RRF10.0
What do people think? Good twists and ideas? I tried to do this-
Saturday- Small task, not too big; group-building.
Sunday & Monday- Shopping Task.
Tuesday Nominations.
Wednesday and Thursday- Small tasks, or twists, evil BB.
Friday- Eviction.
I like it this way. What do people think of the Shopping Tasks-Like the School one? And the massive twists at the beggining.
23-01-2010, 05:06 PM
BB11UK can u imagine how complicated tht would be,
n u know how dumb the public can be ... They would just be like.. I dont get !
Really? I don't think it is.
Each HM has a secret mission, they each think they're the only ones, the last HM to enter knows they all have a secret mission and has to find what they are. If he discovers eight or more correctly he is immune from eviction. If a SM is discovered, that HM fails and faces the first public vote.
You could do things like;
- Make a HM tell every they're American and were a HM in the BBUS house.
- Make a HM tell everyone they suffer from memory loss, so they're constantly asking people the same questions.
- Make "the womaniser" convince everyone he is gay.
- Make a gay HM start a romance with a female HM.
Can you imagine at the end of the week the womaniser is like "I'm not actually gay" and the gay HM breaking it to the girl "sorry but it was a fake romance, I'm actually gay." A posh HM has been American for a week and then says it was all a lie.
I just don't like having nominations in the first week, but I also think it is unfair to give just a handful the opportunity to avoid eviction (like BB9. Luke, Steph, Mario and Lisa were the only ones to get given a secret mission, and if they failed they instantly went up - and they did).
Some of these member ideas are absoloutely shocking and would loose the public within a week due to sheer confusion. It's like a young teenager on a sugar binge got control of the creative direction of the show and saw fit that the best way to improve it is drown it in convoluted, labyrinth, endless tasks and twists.
Nobody is going to want to see a divide again and the whole angels and demons thing sounds like a lame excuse at spicing it up.
23-01-2010, 05:24 PM
Some of these member ideas are absoloutely shocking and would loose the public within a week due to sheer confusion. It's like a young teenager on a sugar binge got control of the creative direction of the show and saw fit that the best way to improve it is drown it in convoluted, labyrinth, endless tasks and twists.
Nobody is going to want to see a divide again and the whole angels and demons thing sounds like a lame excuse at spicing it up.
I don't wanna sound harsh to the person who clearly spent ages thinking it all through and writing it, but I completely agree.
The Heaven/Hell thing has already been done, the "evil BB" has been used more than enough now and after CBB it is gunna look like they've ran out of ideas.
23-01-2010, 06:42 PM
You must have spent ages on all that. Definitely a fanatic :wavey:
I don't wanna sound harsh to the person who clearly spent ages thinking it all through and writing it, but I completely agree.
The Heaven/Hell thing has already been done, the "evil BB" has been used more than enough now and after CBB it is gunna look like they've ran out of ideas.
It will be interesting to see what they come up with, that's for sure.
Some of these member ideas are absoloutely shocking and would loose the public within a week due to sheer confusion. It's like a young teenager on a sugar binge got control of the creative direction of the show and saw fit that the best way to improve it is drown it in convoluted, labyrinth, endless tasks and twists.
Nobody is going to want to see a divide again and the whole angels and demons thing sounds like a lame excuse at spicing it up.
I agree however it'd be cool to have this and personally I'd like these ideas to happen, I don't mind if you don't like it?
I agree however it'd be cool to have this and personally I'd like these ideas to happen, I don't mind if you don't like it?
Cool bro. You have your ideas and I have my critiques :thumbs:.
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