View Full Version : Text speak
Romantic Old Bird
04-07-2002, 07:41 PM
It is nice to see a lot of new members, HOWEVER I do wish they would use the English language!
I can just about fathom what you are writing, but it just isn't enjoyable to read.
English is a beautiful, descriptive, emotional, full and colourful language.
Please try to use it, I love 2 C it.
Not 2 much 2 ask is it? 4 me? :spin2:
04-07-2002, 07:55 PM
Is it a new language?
I don't understand it either. :bawling:
04-07-2002, 09:39 PM
You are showing your age girls.... I don't like it myself, but it is the new language of youth.
I could write a script where everytime someone types 2 or 4 it changes it to two and four respectivly....
The problem comes when someone wants to use the number 2 lol
05-07-2002, 06:42 AM
I think I am in agreement with Romantic Old Bird
This is an internet form not an SMS texting service.
We have the bandwidth to write Kate in stead of k8
While we are on this thread, Mark can you do something about some of those offensive posters, one whose handle I can not repeat on what I thought was a family forum.
If I wanted to see some of the filth posted here in the last 24 hours I would go back to :mad::nono:
I know Sticks....
The person (who shall be nameless) was stupid doing what they did from their home PC.
I traced the IP and sent an email to abuse@btinternet and they said they will sort it out very soon.
I don't want to have to stop registering again... but it may end up like that..
Mark :dance:
05-07-2002, 12:30 PM
I no th@ txt spk is popula, but can we pls get bk 2 normal,cos it takes me ages 2 read & undastand wot evry1 is tryin 2 say 2 each otha &, not meanin 2 b nasty, it does my head in!
It doesn't take that much longer, does it? I'm 18 (going on 60, by the sounds of this post actually!) I do use shortened forms if i haven't got enough room when I'm texting someone, but it doesn't take that much longer to write everything out, does it? Maybe I'm being too harsh actually, it's just i do have to stop, work out what's being said, and translate it before I can reply.
05-07-2002, 12:36 PM
Oh, how true, GB!!!:colour:
05-07-2002, 12:40 PM
Thanks Splodge - the GB makes me sound really important, like four countries joined together....:laugh:
I like it!
People have my name on the back of their cars when they go abroad, dontcha know?
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