View Full Version : Channel 4 are killing a popular show off

eye sea
01-06-2010, 11:23 AM
Despite Channel 4 saying BB has had its day, there's no doubt there is still vast interest in this show.

Even Davina and Marcus (voiceover) have it close to their hearts.

There must be some bosses at Channel 4 having second thoughts. Surely. But alas I think they're so pig-headed they won't backtrack on their initial decision.


01-06-2010, 11:24 AM
Hopefully another channel will pick it up and acctuly make an effort with it, FIVE is apparently buying the show :)

eye sea
01-06-2010, 11:27 AM
George, I think like me, you feel it in your bones this show still has legs.:)

I hope you're right. It's like Dr Who, it can be reinvented next year. :)

01-06-2010, 11:35 AM
Five WON'T buy Big Brother. I wouldn't be surprised if Channel 4 re-commission it in a few years.

01-06-2010, 11:39 AM
Face facts channel 4 are not killing anything none watches big brother because its not socially acceptable to talk about it anymore the show is responsible for its own demise of interest.

01-06-2010, 11:40 AM
I don't know if would like Big Brother to move to Five. I'm not sure they have the budget for the show like Channel 4 did. But who knows it might be amazing on Five, if they pick it up. I'd rather it be on Five then dead forever. :)

01-06-2010, 01:00 PM
I reckon that BB will go away for a couple of years, & come back on another channel, but i honestly think C4 will buy it back at some point.

01-06-2010, 01:01 PM
It's not popular with critics and with viewing figures of around 1-2m it's not that popular with the people either...

01-06-2010, 01:46 PM
It's not popular with critics and with viewing figures of around 1-2m it's not that popular with the people either...

Isn't that still quite good for a Channel 4 show though? I don't know but I've heard people saying it is.

01-06-2010, 03:05 PM
It's not popular with critics and with viewing figures of around 1-2m it's not that popular with the people either...

Who cares what the critics think :/ & the average viewing figures are a little higher than that I think which for C4 is'nt that bad.


I think it all depends on this season, if it does well then its almost certain imo that someone will pick it up, lets just hope they actually make an effort with it.

One thing for sure though, this isnt the end of BB.

01-06-2010, 03:07 PM
One thing for sure though, this isnt the end of BB.

I so hope your right Deejay:hugesmile:

01-06-2010, 03:08 PM
it'll be back by 2015, i can feel it! i just think that even though it may not be the most popular nationwide show, for channel4 it's a big deal! it's on the main things you know channel 4 for broadcasting!

01-06-2010, 03:13 PM
Despite Channel 4 saying BB has had its, there's no doubt there is still vast interest in this show.

Even Davina and Marcus (voiceover) have it close to their hearts.

There must be some bosses at Channel 4 having second thoughts. Surely. But alas I think they're so pig-headed they won't backtrack on their initial decision.


No you have this Wrong
Ch4 is near Bankrupt.
They can not afford it or take the PR Risk, anymore.

Ch5 or ITV2 or a Sky Deal
can take on a New Big Brother Contract.
So have some Faith.

01-06-2010, 03:19 PM
Hopefully another channel will pick it up and acctuly make an effort with it, FIVE is apparently buying the show :)

Why do you keep saying that?

01-06-2010, 03:23 PM

Channel 4's new shows will fail epicly and thats a definate, I mean they all sound **** and no one watches C4 to beign with, which means they will be begging for BB12.

BB11 Does well, even if it can get the CBB7 ratings, and another channel or more fight for the show.
Look at CBB, It got like 3 Million woopy, big deal.. but then about 3 channels were intrested in it.
If CBB can do that so can BB, which means another channel will buy it.

I think if C4 were to change their minds it would have to be around 2014.. 2015ish, because as Arista said they are near bankrupt.

I suppose BB12 would be given a fair chance on another channel if it launched again in about 5 years.

Personally, I would rather C4 or another channel air BB12 in 2012 that way we can finally be on track with the years.

Its always been like.. BB7, 2006, BB8, 2007, BB9, 2008, BB10, 2009, BB11, 2010..

So if we could skip a year and come back on 2012 it would be cool.

BB12 - 2012.

01-06-2010, 05:07 PM
It's dead. At least on C4. Time to move on.

01-06-2010, 05:30 PM
It's dead. At least on C4. Time to move on.


01-06-2010, 05:31 PM
Who cares what the critics think :/.

oh i don't know. people who see the show for what it's become?

01-06-2010, 06:17 PM
oh i don't know. people who see the show for what it's become?

People who have seen what the show has become care what critics think? What?

No one gives a **** what critics think.

02-06-2010, 12:16 AM
Big Brother is C4's most popular and profitable show. It's a low-cost setup with high return on investment. By far the most expensive components are Davina and the house, otherwise it's pretty to produce. I actually want ITV to pick it up since it 1) wouldn't compete against BGT and they'd probably make BGT start and end earlier and 2) ITV has a better rep than C4.

02-06-2010, 12:56 AM
I still find it hilarious that fans of BB are willing to say "It's dead"

Go to Digital Spy, you'll fit in better :wink:

02-06-2010, 01:05 AM
It's not popular with critics and with viewing figures of around 1-2m it's not that popular with the people either...

And people forget that those creating Big Brother have careers and as seen last season can become very tired and run out of ideas and enthusiasm.

They believe (and I think rightly so) that they can put the same efforts and creative resources into some thing new and different that will also pull in 2m or more.

Yes, i think it needs a few seasons of rest and then to be revived only as a different sort of Big Brother and one done by entirely different people at a different channel.
My guess is something far more adult. I don't mean 'raunchy' but I mean something more seriously intriguing and closer to a genuine social experiment.

Has anyone seen Horizons "How Mad are You?"
I'm thinking BB may be back in a few seasons and look a little more like that.

btw.. that was one of the best docs I have ever seen. BB fans might really be interested in that one. If you haven't seen it.

Maybe we can all keep in mind that there may be some very high ratings for this BB11 and especially in the opening and maybe closing weeks and final.
This will not 'therefore mean' that a BB12 would do it.
I think this will get a significant boost because it is the last one and a sort of social 'goodbye' event.
A BB12 (lets say they just kept going indefinitely) might really drop in ratings.

02-06-2010, 02:54 AM
To be honest, they have already started this BB series off in shocking fashion. Its starting TOO early to the world cup. There is going to be very little interest in it until at least a few weeks after the world cup ends because most people will be focused on the world cup.

For them to not of at least started it last month for me is and will be a huge mistake in the ratings for them.

And i think the viewing figures do matter. Channel 4 and any channel don't make programmes for the hardcore fans, hell i loved Alan Carrs celebrity ding dong programme, i thought it was funny but the ratings must of been not that good. So they aren't going to keep that programme going for me are they?

A bit of a reality check here, BB has been struggling for ages now and what it could take to drive the interest back into it and also the energy back into the show is a good rest. A rest of a good 4-5 years but by then, there could be a new show on the block.

Big brother might not even be that important anymore and as you know, TV always moves forward, never back. Channel 4 are obviously now trying to move forward, we are moving into a new decade, BB is ending and perhaps they just want to try different things?

Thats the way TV works and in all honesty, the ratings for Big Brother in recent years hasn't been good and when you lose the majority of the viewing figures you used to get, you aren't going to get them back, unless you work REALLY hard to improve the show.

Has the last few series been a sign to you of improving the show. The show went from being a social experiment to throwing in a bunch of weirdos and basically writing scripts for a drama with some of the weirdos who have been in the house in recent years.

There is no middle ground with the show anymore, just some NORMAL house mates and also some of the 'different house mates. The average person on the street can't relate to any of the people thrown into Big Brother anymore.

Siavash was the perfect example of that last year, a total plonk of a man and how he made the final, well that was a good enough reason to kill the show there and then.

02-06-2010, 03:39 AM
Has the last few series been a sign to you of improving the show. The show went from being a social experiment to throwing in a bunch of weirdos and basically writing scripts for a drama with some of the weirdos who have been in the house in recent years.

There is no middle ground with the show anymore, just some NORMAL house mates and also some of the 'different house mates. The average person on the street can't relate to any of the people thrown into Big Brother anymore.

Well put.

I describe the 'big picture' something like this:

- Big Brother really did start as more than a hit program to entertain but a genuinely national 'social event'.
People forget this was a serious concern about privacy, CCTV, monitoring and it was actually frightening.
Orwell's Big Brother was sometimes found in the 'Horror Section',
more than that this was a intriguing to sociologists, psychologists.
It was also about adults and it was also 'truly live'.

Now what happens is that by about year 3 we did sort of get the lessons, the psychological implications, the discussion about privacy ran its course and many of the 'What if' scenarios were played out. (what if a gay was there.. what if there were more blacks/Muslims/women had power etc).

Once you get to halfway through the series they don't have as many of the original older adults or dare I say 'thinking people' watching for those reasons anymore.
you CAN get a lot of that younger generation with good old 'Jerry Springer' business.
After all.. Jerry Springer had been the most viewed television program in the UK.
Not the USA.
in the UK Jerry Springer was ruling.

But you know that runs out too. Yes they definitely did did grab the chav demo, the teen girl demo, the thrill-seekers,
the problem is that this audience will also get tired of their bubblegum fast too and easily go watch the next 'Jerry Springer' that delivers more rubbish, junk-food and cheap eye-candy.

At this point those 24-34 year olds from BB1 days are now in their 30s and 40s.
I mean even the Chavy 17 year olds have moved on (hopefully).

Anyways.. I know that is a longer sweeping thoughts out loud analysis but that is the idea.
BB has simply and naturally and normally run its cycle.
It has gone longer and larger than almost anything else out there so there is nothing but success here.

03-06-2010, 03:48 AM
A bit of a reality check here, BB has been struggling for ages now and what it could take to drive the interest back into it and also the energy back into the show is a good rest. A rest of a good 4-5 years but by then, there could be a new show on the block.

Big brother might not even be that important anymore and as you know, TV always moves forward, never back. Channel 4 are obviously now trying to move forward, we are moving into a new decade, BB is ending and perhaps they just want to try different things?

That's the way TV works and in all honesty, the ratings for Big Brother in recent years hasn't been good and when you lose the majority of the viewing figures you used to get, you aren't going to get them back, unless you work REALLY hard to improve the show.

This is the thing, is CH4 killed the show off slowly, first by decreasing the live feed drastically! They got scared, couldn't handle the controversy. Live feed is what created the buzz, the story lines that the tabloids/media picked up on, thus got people interested. Now bb is just soap lines with puppetry!

There is no middle ground with the show anymore, just some NORMAL house mates and also some of the 'different house mates. The average person on the street can't relate to any of the people thrown into Big Brother anymore.

Siavash was the perfect example of that last year, a total plonk of a man and how he made the final, well that was a good enough reason to kill the show there and then.

Actually I really liked Siavash, underneath the façade I think he was a pretty decent and sensitive bloke :cool:

03-06-2010, 07:00 AM
I really hope another channel pick up Big Brother. Its still brilliant and i dont know why they axed it in the first place.

03-06-2010, 09:56 AM
Isn't that still quite good for a Channel 4 show though? I don't know but I've heard people saying it is.

Well, considering C4 were touting MPD as a ratings 'jackpot' at 1.9 million for a 10pm slot (which BB could easily live in), more then 'doubling the average numbers for that time', I would consider BB's figures (even at their current level) more then respectable.


C4 isnt dropping BB because of ratings though, this has been made repeatedly clear.

Even at it's weakest, after 10 years, it has been proven that BB is a strong draw.

03-06-2010, 09:57 AM
Hopefully another channel will pick it up and acctuly make an effort with it, FIVE is apparently buying the show :)

I suspect it will be more like BB is buying C5. (kinda)

03-06-2010, 10:11 AM
I think if C4 were to change their minds it would have to be around 2014.. 2015ish, because as Arista said they are near bankrupt.

No, C4 are reported to have around 800 million in the bank, they are not anywhere near bankrupt.