View Full Version : Poor Ben

25-06-2010, 06:52 AM
Im like Ben but don't bother much with him but all i can say is what they are doing to him in that house is awful

They are just starting to bully the poor man !!!!

25-06-2010, 07:03 AM
He is not bullied, look at the jibes Sunshine has had to take and all the bitching about her.

25-06-2010, 07:42 AM
Im like Ben but don't bother much with him but all i can say is what they are doing to him in that house is awful

They are just starting to bully the poor man !!!!

Seriously **** with using the word 'bully'. Incorrect over use of terms like that are what have killed BB over the years.

He is in an entirely self created situation and is an adult man capable of defending himself.

The only problem with Ben is that the HL show is showing what he really is like too late... they could have made a story out of his back stabbing and shady behaviour from day 3 of this season, because it has been there.

The fact they didnt has created this situation where the less observant, or those that mainly watch the HL show, see him as this kind of 'victim'. These people really don't understand what he has done wrong because they don't have the full story of his general slimey machiavellian game play up to this point so they defend him out of ignorance.

He is a back biting betraying snake, pure and simple, but people are falling for his bumbling toff act. More fool them I say.

25-06-2010, 07:55 AM
He he he - you're not about to let this one slide are you vessy?!!

25-06-2010, 07:56 AM
He he he - you're not about to let this one slide are you vessy?!!

lol no, not on eviction day, every person that reads a view to balance the overriding silly BS supporting Ben on this forum might be one more vote for him tonight.

the use of 'bully' does p1ss me off though tbh, I hate it being dragged out when the situation isnt anywhere near that.

25-06-2010, 07:57 AM
Seriously **** with using the word 'bully'. Incorrect over use of terms like that are what have killed BB over the years.

He is in an entirely self created situation and is an adult man capable of defending himself.

The only problem with Ben is that the HL show is showing what he really is like too late... they could have made a story out of his back stabbing and shady behaviour from day 3 of this season, because it has been there.

The fact they didnt has created this situation where the less observant, or those that mainly watch the HL show, see him as this kind of 'victim'. These people really don't understand what he has done wrong because they don't have the full story of his general slimey machiavellian game play up to this point so they defend him out of ignorance.

He is a back biting betraying snake, pure and simple, but people are falling for his bumbling toff act. More fool them I say.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz same old,same old lack of insight.

25-06-2010, 08:00 AM
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz same old,same old lack of insight.

I believe I already addressed this post in the part where I used the words 'less observant' and 'ignorance' above.

Frank E
25-06-2010, 08:03 AM
He's not gossiping any more than other HMs. He just lacks the balls to justify his reasoning.

25-06-2010, 08:06 AM
He's not gossiping any more than other HMs. He just lacks the balls to justify his reasoning.

No one has accused him of doing so.

You have missed the point of what the problem is with him I think.

Frank E
25-06-2010, 08:08 AM
No, no I don't think I have.

25-06-2010, 08:10 AM
No, no I don't think I have.

Your post above would suggest otherwise. Not having a go, just saying.

Peter Plunker
25-06-2010, 08:35 AM
He's a grown ass man. He needs to take responsibilty for his actions and ensure that he doesn't do it again.

25-06-2010, 08:36 AM
I believe I already addressed this post in the part where I used the words 'less observant' and 'ignorance' above.

Say what you mean,don't skirt round the issue,I don't read certain posts all the way through as i already know what they are going to say,Why should I or those that like Ben be less observant and ignorant than you,just because our opinion differs.Ben has done nothing to warrant crucifying

25-06-2010, 08:38 AM
He's a grown ass man. He needs to take responsibilty for his actions and ensure that he doesn't do it again.

That's a wise observation. People are forgetting he's one of the oldest in the house - not some vunerable child who should need wrapped in cotton-wool by this forum.

25-06-2010, 08:38 AM
Say what you mean,don't skirt round the issue,I don't read certain posts all the way through as i already know what they are going to say

I have already said what I mean, and I hardly skirt around the issue, which if you had read you would know.

it's that ignorance thing again I guess.

25-06-2010, 08:43 AM
I have already said what I mean, and I hardly skirt around the issue, which if you had read you would know.

it's that ignorance thing again I guess.

You are skirting round the issue,if you think I am ignorant,say so!

25-06-2010, 08:44 AM
Say what you mean,don't skirt round the issue,I don't read certain posts all the way through as i already know what they are going to say,Why should I or those that like Ben be less observant and ignorant than you,just because our opinion differs.Ben has done nothing to warrant crucifying

I have chosen to put the less intelligent and vituperative posters on ignore, I don't really need to see their twisted views! :elephant::joker::elephant:

25-06-2010, 09:59 AM
Seriously **** with using the word 'bully'. Incorrect over use of terms like that are what have killed BB over the years.

He is in an entirely self created situation and is an adult man capable of defending himself.

The only problem with Ben is that the HL show is showing what he really is like too late... they could have made a story out of his back stabbing and shady behaviour from day 3 of this season, because it has been there.

The fact they didnt has created this situation where the less observant, or those that mainly watch the HL show, see him as this kind of 'victim'. These people really don't understand what he has done wrong because they don't have the full story of his general slimey machiavellian game play up to this point so they defend him out of ignorance.

He is a back biting betraying snake, pure and simple, but people are falling for his bumbling toff act. More fool them I say.

Exactly! and well put...why he isnt fave to go is beyond me. He has bought it all on himself with his sly game playing and manipulation, poor ben my arse

25-06-2010, 10:02 AM
You are skirting round the issue,if you think I am ignorant,say so!

just ignore him he's a bit of a tool

25-06-2010, 10:10 AM
Ben's only problem is he talks too much and tries to fill the silences so occasionally will say more than he intended to or should do.:nono:
as someone who does the same, and is a weeeeeeee bitty older than him( the age some of you seem to think that we should all be good well adjusted grown ups:bawling: and not get allowed the same latitude as the younger ones for some obscure reason:conf:), I can really relate to Ben

It doesn't stop him from being one of the nicest guys in there as the pack try to close in round him and iscolate him more as his weak friends run for the cover and protection of the other gang who are nastier both to them throughout and towards ben .

But hopefully the more observant watchers of BB :cat:will see how the producers are manipulating the situation to help their favourite Shabby to build her tribe and stay in for a right on winner of the last BB:nono:, altho i cant work out how they will manage to turn us all against Steve who , altho he does nowt:sleep:, will never be evicted by the GBP in a month of sundays:bawling:

chuff me dizzy
25-06-2010, 10:54 AM
He is being treat terribly,everyone thinks hes easy prey ,it says more about the people having a go at him than it does him ,lovely ,gentle man

25-06-2010, 10:54 AM
Exactly! and well put...why he isnt fave to go is beyond me. He has bought it all on himself with his sly game playing and manipulation, poor ben my arse

I don't have an idea why either Netto.

I think Govan (hopefully not) or Dave will go tonight, as he should tbh for the sake of the show, but I am honestly gonna p1ss myself laughing if there is an upset and Ben is out.

BB at it's best ;)

25-06-2010, 10:59 AM
I like Ben I think he's funny I dont want him to go.
Govan out

25-06-2010, 11:00 AM
He's a grown ass man. He needs to take responsibilty for his actions and ensure that he doesn't do it again.

yeah, but it's easier to fumble out continous apologies and rely on the gullible seeing you as the fumbling toff 'victim'.

I don't see why anyone would trust, or see as in any way blamless, a man that spends 90% of his time apologising for his intentional actions tbh.

but only when he is caught out you will notice... he never says sorry before then.

25-06-2010, 11:04 AM
Big Brother has contributed to Bens dilemma. HE was not the only one who was talking about nominations but he was the only one to be punished. Sunshine and JJ talked too but they didn't get punished. Its difficult to understand why BB didn't punish them too.

25-06-2010, 11:05 AM
Big Brother has contributed to Bens dilemma. HE was not the only one who was talking about nominations but he was the only one to be punished. Sunshine and JJ talked too but they didn't get punished. Its difficult to understand why BB didn't punish them too.

cause they are the chosen ones simple as.
they have edit it to make both look great

25-06-2010, 11:05 AM
Big Brother has contributed to Bens dilemma. HE was not the only one who was talking about nominations but he was the only one to be punished. Sunshine and JJ talked too but they didn't get punished. Its difficult to understand why BB didn't punish them too.

I don't get how he was the only one punished?

They all lost the lux budget and they all lost the hot water?

could you elaborate please?

Peter Plunker
25-06-2010, 11:06 AM
yeah, but it's easier to fumble out continous apologies and rely on the gullible seeing you as the fumbling toff 'victim'.

I don't see why anyone would trust, or see as in any way blamless, a man that spends 90% of his time apologising for his intentional actions tbh.

but only when he is caught out you will notice... he never says sorry before then.

If he's doing it all on purpose then yeah, but I don't think he's doing it on purpose, I just think he's led a very naive sheltered life.

25-06-2010, 11:10 AM
I don't get how he was the only one punished?

They all lost the lux budget and they all lost the hot water?

could you elaborate please?Wasn't he called into the diary room and told that he was responsible for the HM's not having hot water? The others werent.

25-06-2010, 11:12 AM
If he's doing it all on purpose then yeah, but I don't think he's doing it on purpose, I just think he's led a very naive sheltered life.

Thats his trick though I guess, to come across as the likable fumbling toff while back biting and betraying whoever it takes to move further into the competition.

No one who is machiavellian in nature, as he is, shows their scheming side.

I have never said I want him out, there are others that need to go first, but the man is a snake for sure.

In his words; "Those that need to be savaged will be savaged"

25-06-2010, 11:13 AM
Wasn't he called into the diary room and told that he was responsible for the HM's not having hot water? The others werent.

thats because he talked about noms again after the first punishment... he was solely to blame for that.

he lost them all their hot water and then had the cowardice to ask "Do I have to tell the others it was me?"

25-06-2010, 11:14 AM
thats because he talked about noms again after the first punishment... he was solely to blame for that.

he lost them all their hot water and then had the cowardice to ask "Do I have to tell the others it was me?"Yes, and so did Sunshine and JJ.

25-06-2010, 11:15 AM
Yes, and so did Sunshine and JJ.

No, not at this time they didnt. This was later.

He was punished alone because he was alone responsible.

25-06-2010, 11:16 AM
No, not at this time they didnt. This was later.

He was punished alone because he was alone responsible.Did he talk about nominations to himself? He talked to Sunshine and JJ didnt he?

25-06-2010, 11:18 AM
I don't have an idea why either Netto.

I think Govan (hopefully not) or Dave will go tonight, as he should tbh for the sake of the show, but I am honestly gonna p1ss myself laughing if there is an upset and Ben is out.

BB at it's best ;)

Love the Frank Sidebottom avatar god rest his soul!...Guess we'll have to wait for everyone else to catch up on this one...and yer I want Dave or Mario to go but they wont

25-06-2010, 11:18 AM
Did he talk about nominations to himself? He talked to Sunshine and JJ didnt he?

You can't punish other people for what he said to them, only if they participate.

Ben said all the offending stuff.

25-06-2010, 11:20 AM
Love the Frank Sidebottom avatar god rest his soul!...Guess we'll have to wait for everyone else to catch up on this one...and yer I want Dave or Mario to go but they wont

lol Indeed, the zeitgeist is against us right now for sure :P

People will wake up though (but they will then claim they always got it ofc).

and yeah, Frank... such a shame. :(

25-06-2010, 11:20 AM
You can't punish other people for what he said to them, only if they participate.

Ben said all the offending stuff.


25-06-2010, 11:21 AM
You can't punish other people for what he said to them, only if they participate.

Ben said all the offending stuff.I disagree, Sunshine bought up the subject and JJ contributed a couple of comments too. All three were involved in a conversation about nominations. It doesn't matter that Ben did most of the talking.

25-06-2010, 11:22 AM

Trolling again Arse? I thought you was still QQing from the last exchange? Good to have you back!

25-06-2010, 11:23 AM
Ben was the only one in the conversation (after) to say who he had and hadnt nominated

25-06-2010, 11:23 AM
Ben was the only one in the conversation (after) to say who he had and hadnt nominated


25-06-2010, 11:24 AM
And yeh "Those who deserve to be savaged will be savaged"...sheltered life... niaeve?? I dont bloody think so...this is an intelligent well travelled experienced young man, he knows exactly what hes doing

25-06-2010, 11:25 AM
And yeh "Those who deserve to be savaged will be savaged"...sheltered life... niaeve?? I dont bloody think so...this is an intelligent well travelled experienced young man, he knows exactly what hes doing

shh, don't look at the evidence.. you will upset the natives!

25-06-2010, 11:35 AM
I don't get how he was the only one punished?

They all lost the lux budget and they all lost the hot water?

could you elaborate please?

I feel this is a waist of time but....

BB could turn the water off at anytime (and have done so historically). It is an insignificant point. In this instance, the fact that everyone knows that it is his fault about the water compounds his punishment much more.

My 4 year old understands this.

25-06-2010, 11:54 AM
This seems to change from series to series and sometimes is inconsistent within a series.

When Roberto and Derek discussed nominations in BB6, they discussed it with a third person (Craig, I think) and all three were punished, but as I recall all Craig did was nod his head a couple of times. Do you guys think that only people who directly talk about nominations should be punished? Personally, I think anybody involved in a conversation about nominations should be punished even if they only make a couple of comments. After 11 series the HM's should know better.

25-06-2010, 11:57 AM
Ben did talk about nominations yes, but only in order to defend himself, i would have done the same, it all started because of Shabby as per usual, she always seems to be involved in everything that happens funnily enough!

25-06-2010, 01:36 PM
I feel this is a waist of time but....

BB could turn the water off at anytime (and have done so historically). It is an insignificant point. In this instance, the fact that everyone knows that it is his fault about the water compounds his punishment much more.

My 4 year old understands this.

What you say is irrelevant though... the water was turned off because of Ben. Thats the point and nothing you say counters that.

I don't get what you are struggling with tbh... It just seems Ben's defenders are just running out of defenses.

Maybe you should get your 4 year old to post next time.

25-06-2010, 01:39 PM
What you say is irrelevant though... the water was turned off because of Ben. Thats the point and nothing you say counters that.

I don't get what you are struggling with tbh... It just seems Ben's defenders are just running out of defenses.

Maybe you should get your 4 year old to post next time.

god your so lost my child:joker:

25-06-2010, 01:39 PM
Ben did talk about nominations yes, but only in order to defend himself, i would have done the same, it all started because of Shabby as per usual, she always seems to be involved in everything that happens funnily enough!

always with the justifications for his intentional fuk ups on his part...

I'm no fan of hers particularly, but the blind Shabby hate/ Ben love on this board is just irrational.

25-06-2010, 01:40 PM
god your so lost my child:joker:

what are you? 16? :joker: