View Full Version : To be honest the house would be boring without sam

05-08-2010, 08:01 PM
As far as i am concerned the whole fake romance has ruined this years bb for me and i was starting to record bb and forward through jjj crap...thank god sam has entered and shook the house up....it is not his problem that josie hates him and attacks him at every chance she gets..plus all her minions have jumped on the bandwagon now digging him all the time.
Josie insults sam and when he insults her back she runs round the house whispering in corners..getting them all on her side then attacking sam in front of them all....making sure she has backing and has won before she even starts.
I believe sam is just having a laugh when he says stuff..it's just his humour.I find him funny and a breath of fresh air in a house full of ass kissers

05-08-2010, 08:04 PM
I agree, Josie is just starting to grind on me now and her fat ass is always filling the diary room up. Sam is a breath of fresh air to the stuffy, sweaty house.

05-08-2010, 08:06 PM
I agree. Things have livened up since Sam entered the house

05-08-2010, 08:14 PM
Funny how people had been watching it for months without him though isn't it. LOL.

So instead of endless something else you prefer endless something else. Mmm.