View Full Version : Pre-Ultimate BB Discussion Thread

23-08-2010, 04:10 AM

:cat: Discuss Ultimate Big Brother in this thread before it starts.


This is how it's going to work on Tuesday, according to Davina McCall's Official Blog.

This series of Big Brother will be ending on Tuesday the 24th of August with one housemate being crowned the winner of Big Brother 2010. That housemate will exit the house, enjoy their moment, and then re-enter the house for the last two and a bit weeks with all the ‘Legends’ of Big Brother’s past. Now, a Big Brother ‘Legend’ does not necessarily mean a Big Brother ‘Winner’, so I can’t promise you that your personal favourite might be heading in. I‘ve seen the list, and I’d say that probably 70 or 80% of that list would have been my personal choices, but during a production meeting with the rest of the Big Brother crew, it became apparent that their favourites were the other ones.
So when the housemates do go in, there will no doubt be some of you shaking your fist at the TV saying, ‘They’re not the best! What about so and so!!’ Just remember that we’ve had over 150 housemates, and it was very, very difficult to choose the best of the best. They’ve gone for a real mixture of characters and personalities and the right people to make up the best mix. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t just about who we can get, or who’ll do it for free - trust me, it’s all very well thought out and it’s going to be great, so don’t worry!


Get Sam into Ultimate BB! (http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157588)
Get Ben into Ultimate BB! (http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157586)

29-08-2010, 10:17 PM
I do hope that delightful John McCririck gets in :P