View Full Version : Sam Pepper HAS to go in on Friday

24-08-2010, 10:53 PM
I would pay to see him winding up this lot. And let's be honest, he'll be better than Josie. Get him in! PLEASE!

24-08-2010, 10:55 PM

24-08-2010, 10:58 PM
Yes please.

24-08-2010, 10:59 PM
I agree with you on something JACK.

24-08-2010, 11:01 PM
I would like him to go in but I can't see him being as gutsy with the celebs to be honest.

24-08-2010, 11:44 PM
Preston keeps saying 'I'm glad there's no teens in here so we can all go to bed'

Err...perfect opportunity here. Send him in!

24-08-2010, 11:44 PM
Preston keeps saying 'I'm glad there's no teens in here so we can all go to bed'

Err...perfect opportunity here. Send him in!

24-08-2010, 11:45 PM

We :love: Pepper

24-08-2010, 11:46 PM
Shut the **** up about sam ****ing pepper already

he's not going in

Get Ziggy or Marcus in

24-08-2010, 11:46 PM
It NEEDS to happen!

24-08-2010, 11:47 PM
Him and Charley would add a spanner to the works.

Mystic Mock
24-08-2010, 11:47 PM
I would pay to see him winding up this lot. And let's be honest, he'll be better than Josie. Get him in! PLEASE!

1.he aint better than josie.
2.we have got coolio to wind up the house so why should we have a child in there?

24-08-2010, 11:48 PM
No. He'll just overact. His relentless pranks on Corin were already getting tedious and predictable.

Some stars are only meant to shine brightly for a short time. Then burn out.

24-08-2010, 11:48 PM
Shut the **** up about sam ****ing pepper already

In short; no. The more people continue to make a fuss the more likely it is the producers will take note :xyxwave:

Get Ziggy or Marcus in

Marcus, yes. Ziggy would be useless.

It NEEDS to happen!


24-08-2010, 11:55 PM
Get Ziggy or Marcus in

Oh FFS just stab me in the eye right now.

Marcus is a weirdo creep. Only kids love him.

And Ziggy? By far the worst suggested HM Ive ever read on this forum! Just no. 1000% no.

Mystic Mock
24-08-2010, 11:57 PM
Oh FFS just stab me in the eye right now.

Marcus is a weirdo creep. Only kids love him.

And Ziggy? By far the worst suggested HM Ive ever read on this forum! Just no. 1000% no.

i agree about ziggy but disagree on marcus.

24-08-2010, 11:58 PM
1.he aint better than josie.
2.we have got coolio to wind up the house so why should we have a child in there?

1 - Err...yeah he is :joker:
2 - Cause Preston has already said 'I'm glad there's no teens in here that'll stop us from sleeping'. Perfect opportunity.

24-08-2010, 11:59 PM
.....but disagree on marcus.

and your age is?

Case. Rested.

Mystic Mock
25-08-2010, 12:00 AM
1 - Err...yeah he is :joker:
2 - Cause Preston has already said 'I'm glad there's no teens in here that'll stop us from sleeping'. Perfect opportunity.

1.no he isnt.
2.preston will not like coolio after day 3.

25-08-2010, 12:03 AM
1.no he isnt.
2.preston will not like coolio after day 3.

1 - :crazy:

2 - We'll see...

Mystic Mock
25-08-2010, 12:04 AM
and your age is?

Case. Rested.

so adults that liked him are also children.:laugh3:

25-08-2010, 12:04 AM
No one who has been evicted by the public, should ever get back in the house.

THey probably have learned from the last time they put Nikki, and co back in the house. The public evicted them, they cant go back in!

Mystic Mock
25-08-2010, 12:05 AM
1 - :crazy:

2 - We'll see...

your not crazy just yet jack.:hugesmile:

25-08-2010, 12:05 AM
No one who has been evicted by the public, should ever get back in the house.

THey probably have learned from the last time they put Nikki, and co back in the house. The public evicted them, they cant go back in!

All the Ultimate Housemates bar the winners were evicted...

25-08-2010, 12:05 AM
I agree, get Sam in there to spice things up even more!

25-08-2010, 12:28 AM
No one who has been evicted by the public, should ever get back in the house.

THey probably have learned from the last time they put Nikki, and co back in the house. The public evicted them, they cant go back in!


This is a whole new game anyways.

And just because a TINY portion of the viewing audience had voted to kick you out it desnt mean the vast majority dont still love you. Plus HMs get evicted for a miriade of different reasons. Could just be over one stupid moment that gets shown at the wrong time.

Or it could be like last week....because youre up against dull forgettable HMs that viewers just dont care enough about either way.

25-08-2010, 12:30 AM
This house doesn't need Sam Pepper, It has housemates in their that can stir up trouble as it is, Coolio and John the main two

Pepper ain't in the same league as those for causing ****

25-08-2010, 12:33 AM
so adults that liked him are also children.:laugh3:

I dont see many ADULTS getting in a frenzy about wanting him back badly.

His pseudo rebellious antics are just not as impressive to those over the age of 20. Same goes for Shabba Skanks.

Kids love em both but adults just roll their eyes at their lame protestations.

25-08-2010, 12:48 AM
Sam Pepper has had his day as a HM!...He ran out of steam after two weeks max!
He then just became a lap-dog , doing the dirty-work for the Corin-haters!
He'll do better somewhere else, whilst he's still fondly remembered by a good number of the public!!

I'm not sure who will be the friday-night surprise duo?...hoping for Charley and science, but I never get what I want!(Alex and Vern or Derek and Freddie would do)
But i've a nasty feeling that BB, in their 'ultimate-wisdom', will cock-up big time and foist that awful John James on us and claim that it was for Josie!
I also have'nt ruled out Belo!....aw-god no!!!!!!!!! :nono:

25-08-2010, 12:51 AM
But i've a nasty feeling that BB, in their 'ultimate-wisdom', will cock-up big time and foist that awful John James on us and claim that it was for Josie!

UGH UGH!! Pukevomitbarf.

Don't even say that! That truly would be my worst nightmare; that miserable cu nt returning to restart the dreaded JJJ nightmare!

Hell no, BB producers. Dont even think about it. :nono: