View Full Version : Day 9 HL show spoiler!

02-09-2010, 03:16 PM


Makosi and Nadia are in the Garden. Makosi is talking about when she gets drunk or wears her bathing suit she doesn’t think that upsets God and she thinks that is “fantastic”

Some of the housemates are in the kitchen talking about BB5′s Ahmed. Victor tells the housemates that Ahmed was TV gold. Brian and Victor talk about what a funny scene Michelle arguing topless with him was.

In the Garden, Nadia and Makosi are talking about Brian saying he doesn’t talk to them. “I just feel like Brian’s come in here to interview us”, says Nadia. Makosi agrees. Makosi tells Nadia she thinks Brian plays on being gay and says “gay people are normal like me and you.”


Chantelle and Brian are in the closet. Chantelle shows Brian her fake tan telling him it is a bit dark. Brian sprays it on his arm and it comes out really dark. “Divine mother of the Jesus Christ. A little bit dark!” says Brian.

Preston is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about the upcoming eviction. “I wouldn’t like Chantelle to go”, he says. He tells Big Brother that when they got divorced it was easy just to remember the arguing. “I can’t imagine that now”, he adds. “She’s so much fun, and a calming influence”. Preston tells Big Brother that he wants to be friends with Chantelle after the show and he thinks that she feels the same way.

In the Garden Michelle, Nadia and Makosi are sunbathing. Michelle jokes to the girls that they have “become witches in the night” when she feels a hair on her chin and they joke that they all have hair growing on their chins.

Some of the housemates are in the Living Room. Brian and Chantelle are talking about Vegas. Chantelle tells him that she only likes going to places where she can find a husband. Brian tells her Vegas is not the place for her then. Preston comes out of the Diary Room and tells them what Big Brother was asking him questions about his relationship with Chantelle. Preston tells Chantelle that he told Big Brother they do still like each other and will be friends. “Don’t you like me?”, jokes Preston. Chantelle tells him of course she does. When Preston walks away Brian tells Chantelle he thinks Preston meant “loved” instead of “liked”. Chantelle tells Brian that she is pleased that Preston has said he remembers why he liked her in the first place.


Makosi Nadia, Michelle, & Nikki are in the Garden talking about marriage. “I think I’m so broody, I’d say yes to anyone”, says Nadia. Preston walks out and Nadia asks him if he will propose to her. “Be careful, she’ll say yes to any man”, says Makosi.

Chantelle and Brian are in the Living Room talking about Preston. “We did everything together”, says Chantelle. She tells Brian they had a bad patch when they were arguing a lot and she thinks it was a bad mistake to buy a big house and it would have been better if they bought a flat together. Brian tells her she must be relieved that they didn’t have children. “I know Preston would have made a brilliant Dad”, says Chantelle. Brian tells her to use the situation she is in now as a fresh start and make it what she wants it to be.


Brian, Nick & Ulrika are in the Living Room. Ulrika and Nick are practising for their part in this week’s shopping task. Later, they must perform a duet of “Endless Love”.

Ulrika tells Brian that Nick will be fine with the task because he has been on stage before but he can’t really sing. “What is wrong with you?” asks Brian, adding that she should be encouraging Nick not telling him he can’t sing.

Big Brother has called Preston to the Diary Room where he finds a box of chocolates and a sick bucket. “You are ********** kidding me”, he says. Big Brother informs Preston that he has two hours to eat all the chocolates without being sick.

Preston leaves the Diary Room and shows the other housemates what he has to do. Nick tells him that he is lucky. “I just don’t want to be sick because I’ll fail the task”, he says. “Oh, don’t worry. Just be sick and then we can eat the chocolates”, says Nikki.


Ulrika, Chantelle and Brian are in the Bedroom. Ulrika tells Chantelle that she only wears yoga bras now and it is so nice to not have to wear a bra anymore. Ulrika tells her to come with her so she can show her boobs to her. Brian tells Chantelle not to scream because it will “frighten” Ulrika’s nipples. Chantelle tells Ulrika that they look perfect and there is no scarring. .
Nick has come to the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother he knows why they picked him for the singing task with Ulrika because, like the dancing task, he is out of his comfort zone. Nick tells Big Brother he is prepared to do it for the team and give it his best shot.

Brian and Ulrika are in the Living Room speculating that Nick is probably in the Diary Room bitching about Ulrika. Ulrika tells Brian that Nick is probably saying that she is bossy.


Some of the housemates are in the Garden. Preston is eating his liquor chocolates.

Makosi is stung by a wasp and starts to cry. “It hurts”, she says. Nikki laughs and Makosi tells the housemates that it is not funny. Makosi limps slowly off to the Diary Room.

Michelle and Makosi are in the Diary Room telling Big Brother that Makosi has been stung by a wasp. Michelle asks for some ointment for the sting. “I need a doctor”, says Makosi.

In the Garden, Preston finishes his last chocolate and the housemates clap and cheer. Nikki tells him to lie on his stomach if he starts to feel sick because it will aid his digestion.


Nick is in the Living Room practising the song Endless Love. “******* sake”, he says as Ulrika walks by. Ulrika tells Nick that the will hate the song by the end of the day.

Big Brother has called Makosi to the Diary Room. She is told that for her task she will again become the “most unluckiest housemate”. Big Brother then tells Makosi that she will first have to listen to some irritating music. Big Brother plays the Crazy Frog song.

Big Brother gathers the rest of the housemates to the sofas where they are told about Makosi’s task. Big Brother tells the housemates that Makosi has become the “unluckiest housemate” again and she has one hour to make housemates hate her. “You must do the opposite and make Makosi feel as popular as possible”, says Big Brother. Ulrika tells the housemates not to over do it.

In the Diary Room the song finishes and Big Brother sets Makosi her secret task to become the most unpopular housemate.

Makosi comes out of the Diary Room and ignores Nick and Ulrika. Ulrika asks Makosi if she is ok and Makosi says yes. Makosi heads over to the closet where Michelle is straightening Nadia’s hair. “I think I’m breaking up with you both”, says Makosi adding that they are both bad. Michelle tells Makosi that they understand.

Makosi tells Michelle that she is really annoyed with her because she gave her nail varnish that was “nasty” and “gloopy”. Michelle tells Makosi that she is really sorry and Nadia tells Makosi she respects her more for her “sincerity”. Makosi calls them “arseholes”. The girls just reply by saying they understand.


Some of the housemates are in the Garden. Makosi tells the housemates that she is used to staying by herself, and that is why she thinks they all annoy her. She tells them they acted like kids when she got stung. “Everyone is not being considerate about my pain”, she says.

Nikki apologies for laughing at Makosi saying it was her fault. Preston and Chantelle apologise as well. Makosi tells Victor that he was put in the house to annoy everyone. Nikki tells Makosi that she was the worst and apologises again for laughing. Chantelle offers Makosi coco butter for her sting. “Are you saying I have dry skin?” asks Makosi. She tells Chantelle that she can see through her smile. All the housemates begin to compliment Makosi on her “beautiful skin”. Nikki tells Makosi that she wears beautiful outfits. Makosi tells Nikki to stop pretending she cares. Nikki hugs Makosi.


Makosi has been called to the Diary Room. “I can’t get anyone to not like me”, she tells Big Brother. Big Brother informs her that for her efforts she has been provided with her mobile phone for 15 minutes. Makosi opens the box in front of her and finds her phone. She screams. She then notices there is no battery. “This is a sick joke”, she says.


Some of the housemates are in the Kitchen. An alarm goes off in the house and BB5′s Ahmed enters the house through the Store Room and starts smashing plates. The housemates all scream and laugh as Ahmed walks into the Garden continuing to smash plates. Michelle and Ahmed pretend to argue like they did in their series. Victor, Makosi, Michelle and Nadia all hug Ahmed.


The housemates are at the sofa’s waiting for the start of Nick and Ulrika’s Endless Love performance. They do their performance as the rest watch and sway with their arms in the air. Preston hides his face in his jacket trying not to laugh. Nick and Ulrika kiss at the end of their performance. The housemates clap and cheer and Brian says “Oh no they didn’t!”


Chantelle & Ulrika are in the Kitchen. Ulrika tells Chantelle that she and Preston need to talk when they get out of the house because this is where their relationship “blossomed”. Chantelle tells Ulrika the house is where she needs to leave the relationship. Ulrika tells Chantelle that there are no rules. Chantelle tells Ulrika that she wished she could talk to Preston on her own.

Nick and Victor are talking to Big Brother about alliances in the house. Victor says that the new alliance is the three witches. That Ulrika stands alone, Nikki is a “law on to herself”; Brian doesn’t need anyone else, and that Chantelle and Preston have reignited something. “After the house they may get together for another £300K OK deal”, says Nick.


All of the housemates are in the Bedroom. “I am still awake”, says Nikki before storming out. “Nikki can’t sleep and now no one can”, says Ulrika.

Nikki is in the Diary Room. “I cannot sleep in that farmyard anymore”, she tells Big Brother. She adds that she needs her sleep and can’t when Nadia, Victor and Nick are snoring. “I am going to brain someone”, she shouts before heading back to the bedroom.

02-09-2010, 03:49 PM
Nikki "I cannot sleep in that farmyard anymore" - don't you just love her - she is a female version of Brian when it comes to one liners!!