View Full Version : I need help deciding what to do

12-01-2011, 11:24 PM
I go to college in September and it's time I started applying but I'm so confused as to what I want to do when I'm older. Ideally I would like to go to university but I haven't got a clue what I would study, there is so much to do. I know that certain subjects at uni need certain a levels for you to be able to get in but it is the choosing of specific subjects that worries me and I'm not sure that I'd keep my decision in a couple of years time and regret it forever. I am already Hal way through an English Lang/Lit AS level so id quite like to carry that on into A2 level in my first year at college. Generally a lot of subjects need an English as a requirement so its a pretty broad one to take.
I simply am stuck with the rest, however. Career wise there are so many things I would like to do. I think that accountancy is pretty much simple math with a bit of common sense thrown in and it is a good and well paid job, even if it isn't the most exciting thing to spend the rest of your life doing. I also had a staff where I looked at event management and I really liked the look of it. It's a much more lively job than accountancy but I would probably have to find out a little bit more about it first. I would like to get into media journalism too, it's right up my street. I love media and I love writing, so it pretty much garuantees my decision to take English at A level. I know too that I'd love to get into singing a lot more. I've written music and won competitions but the whole process seems a but hit and miss to me and I'd hate to waste everything I have achieved by going for my dream, which is quite a tough business to even take a glimpse into, let alone make a decent living out of it.
I'm just so stuck at the moment and the school advisors have not helped at all. I know that many of you have been through all of this and are at college/uni so I was wondering if you had any advice or tips for me to help me make a decision.

Thanks :)

12-01-2011, 11:26 PM
My advice, if you are unsure, take English, Maths, a science subject and maybe Law/Psychology/Sociology/Media.

That way it keeps your options open for most uni courses if you decide to go.

EDIT: Unless you don't feel you can achieve high grades in these, in which case, play with your strengths (the subjects you feel most confident in doing well in).

12-01-2011, 11:26 PM
Excuse the grammar and spelling. Ipod touch really isn't great for writing a great deal, unless you have tiny fingers.

12-01-2011, 11:28 PM
Keep with the English. Also I think you should take Maths as well. I am sure you can take Maths and "Further" Maths which is worth 2 A levels?

Mmm you need 2 more subjects if you continue with English and do Maths as well. Sounds like you are interested in Media. Why not media studies? Or even drama??

Also if you are really into singing.. you could apply for the X Factor!!

12-01-2011, 11:32 PM
Not sure on math. I've got my last math exam in a couple of weeks and now I'm moving onto further math for the rest of the year. I'm hoping to get an A but we'll have to wait and see. I just really can't stand the thought of doing math for another 2 years. It's all a load if rubbish that I'm never going to use. I like the sound of accountancy however, it's simple math and people have told me that it is a good career field to go down. I think I'd enjoy it a lot more.

12-01-2011, 11:40 PM
Not sure on math. I've got my last math exam in a couple of weeks and now I'm moving onto further math for the rest of the year. I'm hoping to get an A but we'll have to wait and see. I just really can't stand the thought of doing math for another 2 years. It's all a load if rubbish that I'm never going to use. I like the sound of accountancy however, it's simple math and people have told me that it is a good career field to go down. I think I'd enjoy it a lot more.

I heard that apparently English is meant to be a more useful A level if you want to go into accountancy. Mmm. I am afraid you would have to do A level Maths too though if you want to get into accountancy. You have to ask yourself is it worth studying Maths for 2 years which you don't really like? But at the end of it.. have the qualifications to possibly do what you want! (Accountancy).

You can do accountancy without a maths A level but then I think you have to go down the apprentice route.

12-01-2011, 11:51 PM
I typed an essay for you but my comp ****ed up, so in short:

- Balance your subjects, if you want to do Art/Photography, do it, employers often look for a creative mind.
- I'd look into Media for yourself personally.
- Economics is apparently a subject that gets you anywhere, but it's not too easy.
- Don't pick an irrelevant subject that you don't care for -shudders at Product Design-

13-01-2011, 10:30 PM
I typed an essay for you but my comp ****ed up, so in short:

- Balance your subjects, if you want to do Art/Photography, do it, employers often look for a creative mind.
- I'd look into Media for yourself personally.
- Economics is apparently a subject that gets you anywhere, but it's not too easy.
- Don't pick an irrelevant subject that you don't care for -shudders at Product Design-

I was worried my Ipod was gonna muck up my OP but it didn't :tongue:

I've had a look on UCAS and learnt a lot more about it and what the points mean etc. I know what all of this AAA-AAB nonsense is and I'm feeling a lot more confident now about making the right choice, now that I know what everything means and have researched a little bit. I am definitely taking English Language, you need it for most courses that I have had a look at and it looks just right for me. I've chosen to do media studies too. I have a strong passion for media and television and it seems like just the right course for me, hopefully if I get into it enough I can use it with my English to do something in the field of media journalism. I've decided to do accountancy, and if it's not the right thing for me then I will just do an AS and not carry it on and do an A2. I still have no idea about my last subject so I'll have a look at the college's open evening I reckon. Thanks for your help guys :)