View Full Version : Rock climbing?

Crimson Dynamo
31-01-2012, 03:34 PM

A single mother with a love of adrenaline sports has defended her decision to go rock climbing - with her toddler daughter strapped to her back without a helmet.

Menna Pritchard , 26 - who states brazenly that ‘life is about taking risks’ - scales sheer rock faces while carrying two-year-old Ffion.
The full-time student - studying for a degree in outdoor education - said yesterday: ‘Some people would say I’m taking more risks than are necessary, but I am very conscious of safety and I would never do anything with Ffion that I thought would put her in danger.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2094305/Menna-Pritchard-26-defends-rock-climbing-TODDLER-strapped-back.html#ixzz1l3BffRur


31-01-2012, 03:35 PM
but I am very conscious of safety and I would never do anything with Ffion that I thought would put her in danger.’

Like putting a helmet on her? :suspect:

31-01-2012, 03:40 PM
What is wrong with this woman?!?!

Absolutely crazy.