View Full Version : BB13 tasks - All read!

28-04-2012, 03:19 AM
Ok so imagine if all bb13 tasks had to be tasks from all previous big brother/celebrity big brother series
(10 tasks in total)

This would be my list in no particular order.

Hospital task (bb6)
Box task (bb6)
Japanese task (bb9)
Army task (bb5)
Prison task (bb7)
Detective task (bb6)
Sleeping task (bb8)
Temping agency (bb7)
60 second task (cbb9)
Ignore the obvious (bb11)

What would be yours?
Post below

28-04-2012, 06:19 PM
I'd have the one where they had the fake jobs for maxwell and also the jedward shopping task. I loved the jedward shopping task and think it needs to be done that way every week

28-04-2012, 06:27 PM
The American week tasks from CBB6 was good. pie eating and route 66 on old people scooters, and trying to hit a home run, and riding the bucking bull was fun(latoya was hilarious). It was the best task from that series imo.

28-04-2012, 09:59 PM
I loved the prison task from bb7. the whole under-the-bed secret passage and everything. that made the HMs so excited. those type of tasks were part of the HMs know and the other part don't are always fun.

29-04-2012, 01:14 AM
Boot-camp task (BB5)
Fast Food Restaurant task (BB5)
Hospital task (BB6)
Box task (BB6)
Room 101 task (BB6)
Temping Agency task (BB7)
Prison task (BB7)
Sleeping task (BB8)
Electrocution task (BB9)
Robot task (BB11)
Ignore The Obvious task (BB11)

I think we need more endurance tasks this year, such as The Box Task.