View Full Version : Celebs all kicking off
29-08-2002, 08:54 PM
Is this all out war, thier all at it tonight :mad:
Sorry but I have really enjoyed all the rows tonight lol
What do you all think ?
A bit like watch BB again
29-08-2002, 08:56 PM
The rows were class, I have to say I felt a bit sorry for Rhona.
29-08-2002, 08:57 PM
She knows how to stick up for herself :hello: no tears :bawling:
Her description of them all was hilarious :colour: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :colour:
29-08-2002, 10:01 PM
Rhona summed them all up perfectly though , didn't she???? :thumbs:
29-08-2002, 10:02 PM
I'm another one who enjoyed all the arguments tonight. Great fun.
I thought it was supposed to be Rhona who did all the moaning. Darren appeared to be doing more than his fair share tonight.
29-08-2002, 10:04 PM
Rhona has certainly got the measure of them all and was also determined to have her say. Good for her. Darren Day is coming across as a bit of a bully but he certainly picked on the wrong one when he chose Ms Cameron!!
30-08-2002, 08:35 AM
I loved watching all the arguments last night, it was really great to see them having a go at each other. Rhona is so agressive if anyone makes a comment that she dislikes though - she thinks she is standing up for herself and being assertive but I think it's more than that!
At the end of the programme they all seemed to be back together in harmony again, but who knows? Is Rhona running out of people to argue with???
:hello: :hello:
30-08-2002, 11:17 AM
But Rhona's assessment of everyone was perfect, I respect her more now, as for Darren Day I am left baffled by him. Frank Spencer, why did it bother him. Could he have a slightly inflated ego?
30-08-2002, 11:35 AM
'slightly inflated', Bonzo is the understatement of the year, his ego is as big as a house. I'm glad some of you are coming round to Rhona a bit more. I've liked her for ages and as I've said before her stand-up act is great live. She's the most lively and honest of them all although I am warming to Christine Hamilton (have I really just written that) even though she'll forever be associated with everything I hated in the Thatcher years. As for Rhona, moaning, I'd moan if I was stuck in the rain in the middle of a rain-forest with that bunch of misfits and weirdoes.
30-08-2002, 11:52 AM
With the Tara and Darren fight i thought Darren was going to fall in the water again when he walked off on the rocks.:thumbs:
30-08-2002, 01:00 PM
I missed this last night
What happened :bawling:
30-08-2002, 06:55 PM
All I know is that all the hot and steaming egos are adding to the jungle heat. :laugh:
I finished watching this episode half an hour ago and i was not going to bother watching it but i'm glad i did :thumbs: What a good show it was :thumbs: :thumbs:
30-08-2002, 08:06 PM
Rhona is just saying it how she thinks it is. Alright she has gone over the top, but at least she isnt frightened to confront people and tells them what she thinks to their face. I think a couple of the others are really holding back I think there could be few more arguments before this finishes. Too many egos in an environment like that and it is bound to kick off.
30-08-2002, 08:40 PM
wow even more arguments tonight!!! Rhonas a problem but great tv she makes!! well odne Rhona
I see it started off again tonight! I cannot see Rhona, Nigel and Darren becoming freinds any time soon! I wonder if Rhona will stick it out? i have a feeling she might leave before we start voting for who we want to go :wavey:
30-08-2002, 09:25 PM
Thought the arguments tonight took a bit of a "nasty" turn. Not as enjoyable to watch. Hope they all kiss and make up before tomorrow. :nono:
Uri has gone way up in my estimation. He was brilliant during his "trial". No way could I have done what he did. I never thought he'd get through all 8 dishes. :hello:
Look forward to seeing Darren in the stinking swamp tomorrow. :laugh:
30-08-2002, 10:19 PM
Trouble is they'll be hugging a kissing tomorrow which would be ok in normal circumstances but being celebs it all looks a bit false. Rhona and Darren looked like they'd made thing up the other day yet were at it again today. I'd rather they were honest, and just accept they don't get on, instead of putting on a showbiz lovie show for the cameras. If Nigel and Rhona hug and make up and keep it that way, all well and good, but the question is will they?
:shocked: :laugh:
30-08-2002, 10:30 PM
The thing is ... as the week had gone by, my regrad for Rhona as a person has grown. She cannot help the whiney scottish accent thing .
I find Nigel to be a classic bully. He cannot listen to anything anyone else has to say. he is always right. the whole "I' d punch you if you were a man thing" was pathetic - he is affronted by a mere woman standing up to him. Full stop.
Darren? a sheep. Baaaaaaaa - hope the swamp is very slimy
31-08-2002, 01:09 PM
Did anyone else think that Christine Hamilton inadvertantly fuelled the fire of the argument between Rhona and Nigel?
I could see what she was trying to do by explaining how Nigel's beliefs affected his attitude towards Rhona's sexuality, but unfortunately it seemed to just make her more wound up, and that was when she came out with the "homophobic" comment which I did think was out of order.
I did think Rhona was a bit overbearing when she went into the "leader" role as well. It will be interesting to see if she sticks it out and whether the public will think about voting her off first to keep the peace?
I noticed that Christine sarted the conversation about Nigels religion too Kaphc and i think she should have just kept it to herself, she should have known Rhona would act like that! She then never said she told Rhona to Darren!!! I guess she was feeling a little bit guilty for saying something :wavey:
It looks like Christine is going to have a talking to from Nigel, if any one noticed this when Ant and Dec walked in tonight he said he's found out some ones been stiring! I enjoyed this episode :thumbs: Even more so because Rhona, Nigel and Darren have made up for the time being and she even stuck up for Darren tonight when he was voted again by the public :thumbs: :wavey:
31-08-2002, 09:14 PM
I agree there has been a spot of **** stirring, by Christine.
I am left just liking Tara, Uri & maybe Rhona.
The only people I dislike are Darren & Nigel the 'bully'
31-08-2002, 09:17 PM
It was a good programme again tonight with peace reigning at last after all the fighting over the last couple of days.
Darren did a good job with his task and even got bitten by a snake. He has to face the next one too - HELL HOLES - which involves putting his hand into 8 different boxes containing creepy crawlies, snakes etc. to retrieve the 8 stars. As long as there are no spiders, he should be all right!!
31-08-2002, 10:08 PM
I just don't like bullies. I didn't like the way Elizabeth treated Helen and I don't like the way Nigel treats ........, well, everyone else..........
What a shame Nigel does not have to face the 'Hell Holes'
01-09-2002, 08:51 AM
I watched this last night and i thought Darren acted childlishly and I felt sorry for Tara
Tata tried to make the peace between Rhonda and she was the only one
And now Darren has to face the "Hell Holes"
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
01-09-2002, 10:44 AM
And so he should!
Darren has behaved terribly throughout their time in the jungle, andso has Nigel. I don't think Rhona should leave and I don't think it would be a happy camp if she did because those two would simply target someone else!
Hopefully Darren will realise that by having to do another task, the viewing public are showing him how unpopular he is!
I do agree that Darren acted childishly last night towards Tara, however I still feel that Rhona has caused all of the tension in the camp and that Darren and Nigel are not really to blame. I quite like Darren and even though I admit that Nigel can be a bit bullish sometimes he is not the homophobic nasty piece of work that everyone is making him out to be. He's simply exasperated at Rhona's awful moaning, bossy attitude. I hope she does go on Monday and that if she does the atmosphere out there will improve dramatically.
01-09-2002, 01:18 PM
i hope rhona stays becuase its the same with tim, everybody wanted him out but when he left we had nothing to watch and laugh at, kepp rhona there and there will be argumentrs fighting and bitching!!!
01-09-2002, 07:16 PM
Tara P-T to win Celebrity Survivor???
Sounds odd but it could happen!!! A lot of people are saying here that she is one of the few that they actually like. I thought her leadership skills were pretty good yesterday when she was delegating tasks to the group.
Could it happen?????? :conf: :conf:
01-09-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by kaphc
Tara P-T to win Celebrity Survivor???
Could it happen?????? :conf: :conf:
Yes, I really think it could. I'm certainly voting for her to win.
I'm glad Nigel was chosen again for the last trial and I hope he is the first off tomorrow.
01-09-2002, 10:01 PM
I found it quite amusing that Nigel the 'bully' was chosen. I reckon Nell will go tomorow as she is the least entertaining. Who will vote for her to stay in?
I only saw the last ten minutes what happened?
Who argued?
Nigel and Christine had an argument, because Nigel found out that it was her who stirred up the earlier trouble between him and Rhona by insinuating to her that he was homophobic. Nigel then accused Christine of being two faced and a minor argument kicked off which ended with Christine in tears. :bawling:
I hope Nell goes tonight as well - no-one will even miss her! :spin2:
02-09-2002, 11:38 AM
I have missed the last two nights, so thanks for keeping me up to date with all the goings on :thumbs:
I think I'm starting to change my opinion on Christine. I started off by liking her, but she has been stirring quite a bit. It was her that told Rhona what Darren was saying and even though she didn't use the word homophobic - that was Rhona - she still didn't help matters by quoting that bit of the bible that Nigel had apparently said to her. It was also her that told several of the group members about the argument between Tara and Darren and the reason behind it.
I'm still not sure whether she is deliberately stirring or whether she has just ended up saying the wrong thing a couple of times.
02-09-2002, 02:06 PM
I think Nel, Rhonda or Nigel could be leaving tonight
But Nigel has to stay in the jungle on his own :shocked:
02-09-2002, 07:48 PM
I know I'm repeating myself but I like Rhona. Lesley and I will just have to disagree about her, I'm afraid. But it would be a boring old world if we all thought the same, wouldn't it? God I'm quoting Betty now, whatever will ROB say?
02-09-2002, 07:57 PM
I think the thing with Christine is that she doesn't like conflict and is aiming to smooth things over and sort things out. However, sometimes it's the wrong thing to do at the wrong time, like with setting Rhona and Nigel off.
I hope Nigel or Uri goes tonight!
02-09-2002, 08:01 PM
I find Uri really amusing to watch. As long as Rhona, Tara or Uri don't go, I am not that bothered who goes. I agree with peachy I like Rhona quite a lot NOW!
02-09-2002, 10:20 PM
Although I found Uri irritating at the beginning, he really went up in my estimation because of the way he handled his trial.
I'm really sorry (and surprised) that he was the first to go tonight. I had hoped it would be Nigel or Darren.
Nigel next, I hope. :devil:
02-09-2002, 10:33 PM
Did Uri get less votes than Darren or Nigel??
Sorry to see him go really :bawling:
Absolutely, miriam. I'm gobsmacked that Uri was voted off first. :shocked: :bawling: :shocked:
Although I found him a bit irritating the first day or two, I was filled with admiration for him after the soul searching he had to do in order to complete his task, which he did purely to benefit his fellow celebrities and his chosen charity. :thumbs:
Nell has to be the next one off - what has she done, what has she said in the last week ........... nothing! :spin2:
03-09-2002, 12:27 AM
So what do people think of Tara after yesterdays eposode? I have to admit she was my fav to win before but then when darren said she'd been sendin him all the notes i went of her slightly! She is funny and entertaining but i dunno.
However i do think it wa s unfair of darren to tell both christine and nigel when just 2 days ago he had called tara disloyal and 2 faced by talkin to rhona behind his back or whatever but isnt that what he's doing tara? In fact he seemed very csey with both christine and rhona too so is that not being disloyaL!
And he says he hates tara sending him these letters well if thats true y does he keep flirting with and he told nigel he found her sexy so he's only got himself to blame for he rending them. BUT then tara knows hes taken so she shouldnt write them.
To be honest i just have no time for darren i mena he's suddenly started puttin over a nice guy routine just so he wont get voted out and now suddenly he has time for rhona!! Could that be coz he knows she is probs popular with t he public?
i dunno maybe i'm reading too much into and he is really a genuinely nice guy and not the love rat he has been put down as.
03-09-2002, 06:24 AM
Did you see the exit for Uri that was a bit glamurous, imagine what the winners exit will be like! cant wait! :o) Christine To Win!
03-09-2002, 12:54 PM
I cant belive that Uri went first :shocked:
Tonight I think either Nigel,Rhonda or Nell is going
On ITV2 they have to do nominations for the Bush Tucker Trial and they are not telling them what it is
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
03-09-2002, 01:05 PM
Found this on Ananova
Darren Day favourite to be next Celebrity evictee
By Ananova
Darren Day is the favourite to be the next evictee from I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!
Online bookmakers Blue Square make him 6/4, with Nigel Benn close behind at 11/4.
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson is the outsider to be voted off the show at 12/1.
Tara is still the favourite to win outright at 2/1.
Day is the outsider at 14/1.
A full list of odds is available at the Blue Square website.
03-09-2002, 05:48 PM
I think that awful TPT and Daren Day should be next I'm fed up with the pair of them. The pair of them need to grow up, oh and Nigel Ben he's another one to get rid of.
03-09-2002, 10:03 PM
More fighting and bitching tonight. Haven't a clue who is right and who is wrong but Tara seems to think the world is against her at the moment. Hope everything's all back to "normal" tomorrow!!
Glad that Nigel went tonight. I'd like Darren to be next. :devil:
04-09-2002, 09:11 AM
Remember me??
Anyway, I've watched this on and off, and I was starting to like Tara, but my god, what is wrong with her?
She's borderline psychotic sometimes - she really scared me with her bitching and wailing, and I nearly laughed when she shouted at a (fairly silent) Darren that 'he never listened to anybody'.
When does she?
Scary, scary woman.
I'm starting to quite like Christine Hamilton though, which is rather scary....
Nell to win as far as I'm concerned - she seems lovely.
Well i have been watching this and Uri being sent home first :shocked: me! Nigel going second did not :shocked: me that much but what happened to Tara last night :conf: If any one watched the ITV2 show after Nigel left they showed the camp and no one knew where Tara had gone i wonder if she'll go early :conf: :conf:
I'm a celeb (
It looks like Tony is in lead to win i'm a celeb according to this story from Ananova :conf:
It looks like people are changing their minds daily on who could win the show!
04-09-2002, 02:35 PM
I saw ITV2 last night and they do not know where Tara has gone
She was being crazy last night she wanted to be an animal
Do any of you have any therey on voting. Christine and Tony seem to be in the first group so they might have their confidence up a bit
Bush tucker trial was funny christine with the pigs lol
I think either Rhonda, Nell or possibly Tara could go tonight
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
04-09-2002, 09:14 PM
I thought Tony did well with the sneaky snakes trial tonight. He was very nervous about it though!!
Now that Darren has gone I'm not sure who I want to go next. At one time I'd have said Rhona but now I think I'm going to go for Christine as I feel she has shown a nastier side to her character over the last day or so.
04-09-2002, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Bigsister
She was being crazy last night she wanted to be an animal
Maybe Tara's found some special jungle plant that makes her get high. Blimey she's bad enough without the drugs god know's what she must have been like to know with them. Frank Skinner should have gone along as a Tara interviewer. :laugh: :thumbs:
04-09-2002, 09:39 PM
I don't know who I want to win!!!!!
Tara has been through hell and back and I admire her for trying this, but a lot of her troubles have been of her own doing.
Christine has been great most of the time, but on occasion she has been quite bitchy.
Tony has been funny and tonight he was very brave with the snakes, but I've still not forgiven him for being so nasty about Uri eating meat during his bushtucker trial.
Rhona has been up and down the whole time! She can be lovely and funny but her spiteful tongue really bites!
Nell - ???????????????????????????????????????????????
All in all, this has been a very interesting programme to watch. It just shows us that celebrities are just as screwed up as the rest of us! :thumbs:
05-09-2002, 08:00 AM
They were talking about this on GMTV this morning.
I think Christine will probably go tonight and Tony tomorrow night, leaving Nell, Rhona and Tara as the final three.
At this stage I don't think any of them "deserve" to be voted off, so it comes down to who is most entertaining and fun to watch I think.
I was surprised that Tara wasn't voted off yesterday, she doesn't seem to be coping that well. However I think the public have kind of made up their minds to a large extent now about who they like / dislike.
I am really enjoying watching this!
05-09-2002, 03:08 PM
Christine may go tonight but I think either Rhonda or Tony will go
At least maybe the fighting will quieten down a little I hope
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
05-09-2002, 08:39 PM
It was good to see Nell actually talking tonight and the sight of her on the "bucking bronco" was amusing to say the least. She did really well. I lost count of the times she got thrown off but got straight back on again!!
Sorry to see Rhona go tonight. Her impression of Tara had me in stitches. Rhona said that she thought Christine really wanted to win this more than anyone. I feel quite sorry for her now, if that IS the case, but I'd still rather see Tara, or even Nell, win it now that Rhona has gone.
05-09-2002, 08:44 PM
Awwww poor Rhona, I really really liked her.
Now its only Tara, I like. Being sooooo religious I am praying that Christine does not win???
But quite frankly who really gives a sh**e about this tedious show!
I really enjoyed the show for the first few days but I agree it is now getting rather tedious. I liked Tara at first but have gone right off her and her childish sulks recently. Rhona annoyed me right from day one and I still feel that she has been the cause of a lot of the tension in the camp. She has improved this week but I am still glad she is not in the final four.
Of the final four I hope Christine wins. Tara now annoys me too much and I don't think she deserves it after the way she has behaved, while Nell and Tony are both too boring for words. Christine is the only one with any true character, shes interesting to watch and a real eccentric.
Come on Christine.
05-09-2002, 09:07 PM
I like Rhona & Tara because they were REAL people, in terms of being true to themselves, and reveal there true personality.
Everyone else apart from Christine are phony fake people who are just acting a role.
Christine is being herself, but I dislike her because she is 2 faced and desperate. Plus she admires Margret Thatcher................
I reckon Christine will win!!!
I reckon Christine will win!!!
I hope so.
06-09-2002, 09:44 AM
Anyone BUT Christine. I despise her politics and her lack of integrity and I dislike those sort of jolly hockey sticks types, also she wants to win so desperately, why for God's sake?
06-09-2002, 12:22 PM
i agree anyone but Christine.
Christine is definately playing the game to win i mean half the fights were caused by her stirring, all the other celebs have said she's desperate to win and i've gotta agree, i just hope she doesnt get the satisfaction
As for the other 3 i'm not sure who my fav is:
Nell at the begining she didnt say a single word and too be honest if she hadnt have been really pretty i think she would been out first. BUT the past few days she has started speakin more and she seems really nice, she doesnt get invovled in any of the bitchin or back stabbin whihc is nice
Tony he can be a bit slow sometimes but he can also be really funny he seems really sweet too
Tara although she's posh reich and kinda spoilt i quit e like her, she isnt trying to put a front on for any one she's just being herself and is very entertaing
hoewever i do think tara is one of those characters that u either love or hate whereas tony and nell you cant really hate!
But it doesnt really matter who wins the money is going to charity n e way!
06-09-2002, 04:26 PM
Tonight i think maybe Christine but it could be tony or Tara. I dont think Nell
Nell on Bucking bronco lol it was funny but she did it
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
I still styand by what I said earlier. Out of the 4 remaining Christine definitely has my vote. Nell and Tony are nice but non descript and boring and Tara has developed into a very annoying childish 13 year old (apologies to all 13 year olds :hugesmile:)
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