View Full Version : The plastic women are boring shallow and unsexy
the truth
17-08-2012, 01:45 AM
when exactly did millions of women becomes so plastic , fake , skinny , shallow and self obsessed? and when did it reach the stage where we all had to accept it and dare not actually point out how pathetic it is
we hear supposedely intelligent people (usually women) spewing cliches like loooks dont matter, its whats inside that counts and saying how bad it is everyone is obsessed with looks, then most of them have unnecessary plastic surgery, boob jobs, lipo. tummy tucks, hair extensions, false nails, 6 inch heels etc etc
they mostly look awful...they dont live a healthy rounded life either
interesting is people who have interests in things outside themselves , especially their material possessions and appearances
sexy is natural, healthy as you can be, eat well, fresh air, rosy cheeks, maybe some curves unless youre naturally skinny, either is sexy if its natural
this lot of cloned women look awful, theyre phenomenally boring, babbling on about the latest kiss and tell or sexy text or some stupid sex tape that accidentally got out into the public, now theyre using it to find a short cut to fame
the whole lot of female guests apart from bet lynch and the eastenders actress look and sound exactly like every other boring wannabbe in this evermore plastic population .....the only funny thing about it all is, they think this is what the UK needs because they think theyre original :joker::sleep:
17-08-2012, 02:33 AM
I don't think any of the girls have had plastic surgery.
And what's wrong with skinny women?
17-08-2012, 02:36 AM
i see your point but
who is exactly are you on about, the BB housemates otr just people in general
17-08-2012, 02:36 AM
i see your point but
who is exactly are you on about, the BB housemates otr just people in general
17-08-2012, 02:46 AM
Boring? You've watched a days worth of highlights, give'm a break! If you think glamour models are unsexy then perhaps you're the one who's wrong?!
There are no Katie Price / Jodie Marsh types in there.
I agree with your thread but I see no correlation between your thread and this series of CBB.
17-08-2012, 08:07 AM
i agree with the truth.
Arent there talented smart funny young females who are attractive if they want eye candy?
danica jasmine and rhian are not evil but represent whats wrong with modern women and females in public eye. Theyre untalented overtly sexualised vacuous, fake looking self obsessed and dull. If i had a son id much rather he date cheryl!! Watching the 2012 olympics and seeing talented brit women such as jessica ennis compete and succeed put me on a high about role models for girls. now we are back to the inane talentfree famous for sex dumb bimbos with zero personality.
all jasmine rian and danica will contribute is playing thick card, boob jobs, talking about hair extensions, how awful men are, sex with men, fake lesbianism (jasmine, you're a 27 mum now, arent you too old to play the "hello boys, im bisexual, honest. Yep i love girls and you can watch..." card.) Zzzzzzzzz.
17-08-2012, 08:35 AM
when exactly did millions of women becomes so plastic , fake , skinny , shallow and self obsessed? and when did it reach the stage where we all had to accept it and dare not actually point out how pathetic it is
we hear supposedely intelligent people (usually women) spewing cliches like loooks dont matter, its whats inside that counts and saying how bad it is everyone is obsessed with looks, then most of them have unnecessary plastic surgery, boob jobs, lipo. tummy tucks, hair extensions, false nails, 6 inch heels etc etc
they mostly look awful...they dont live a healthy rounded life either
interesting is people who have interests in things outside themselves , especially their material possessions and appearances
sexy is natural, healthy as you can be, eat well, fresh air, rosy cheeks, maybe some curves unless youre naturally skinny, either is sexy if its natural
this lot of cloned women look awful, theyre phenomenally boring, babbling on about the latest kiss and tell or sexy text or some stupid sex tape that accidentally got out into the public, now theyre using it to find a short cut to fame
the whole lot of female guests apart from bet lynch and the eastenders actress look and sound exactly like every other boring wannabbe in this evermore plastic population .....the only funny thing about it all is, they think this is what the UK needs because they think theyre original :joker::sleep:
have to say I agree with this,I much prefer natural looking people men or women,and it's very fitting you call them clones as yes they all look similar and some are actually quite laughable and are usually shallow and self obsessed,it must be something to do with intelligence as most of them seem to be dim and thick so I guess they have nothing else to offer.
17-08-2012, 08:37 AM
I don't think any of the girls have had plastic surgery.
And what's wrong with skinny women?
they didn't say there was anything wrong with skinny women! As long as it is natural.
17-08-2012, 08:37 AM
women wear fake eye lashes fake tan lipo suction lips ass inplants fake boobs and botox but they all want a real man lol
yea i dont like plastic women i prefer nautual beauty but im sure id be happy with one of those sitting on lap and chatting about whatever pops up. o)
17-08-2012, 08:39 AM
Boring? You've watched a days worth of highlights, give'm a break! If you think glamour models are unsexy then perhaps you're the one who's wrong?!
There are no Katie Price / Jodie Marsh types in there.
I agree with your thread but I see no correlation between your thread and this series of CBB.
of course there are Katie Price types in there,lol,look carefully:hugesmile:
17-08-2012, 08:39 AM
mabe carol bb 8 is more your cup of
17-08-2012, 08:41 AM
have to say I agree with this,I much prefer natural looking people men or women,and it's very fitting you call them clones as yes they all look similar and some are actually quite laughable and are usually shallow and self obsessed,it must be something to do with intelligence as most of them seem to be dim and thick so I guess they have nothing else to offer.
That's exactly what it does come down to i think, there's nothing more to them.
17-08-2012, 08:42 AM
mabe carol bb 8 is more your cup of
At least she's all natural lol :D
17-08-2012, 08:46 AM
mabe carol bb 8 is more your cup of
Or maybe they just prefer natural pretty women,they DO exist you know!not everyone likes manufactured false people
17-08-2012, 08:52 AM
Or maybe they just prefer natural pretty women,they DO exist you know!not everyone likes manufactured false people
im jokeing of course,have you ever tryed to have a conversation with a false pair of tits:joker: you cant.
variety thats my moto.
17-08-2012, 08:53 AM
You can hardly judge someday after seeing them for Mabye 15 mins worth of screen time.
17-08-2012, 08:56 AM
The thing that annoys me is that they always stick Page 3 girls and underwear models who are more well-known for shagging people or for ripping men off for money. Why can't they put in some beautiful women with brains and integrity? There are plenty of them around, one of the traits is not exclusive of the others. Instead we get puddle-shallow rip-off merchants with pretty faces. I'd like to see intelligent beauty represented for a change, I don't think it's too much to ask.
17-08-2012, 09:10 AM
im jokeing of course,have you ever tryed to have a conversation with a false pair of tits:joker: you cant.
variety thats my moto.
:joker:Can't say I have ,it must be difficult to keep eye contact.
17-08-2012, 09:13 AM
Hey its not just women now,it began as 'metrosexual' and now you have men who spend 50% of their waking lives in front of a mirror and have more grooming products than your average boots.
I agree totally with you, but the truth is if they were all sat around discussing contemporary issues 99% of the forum would be yelling 'boring'.
It is funny to watch these emotionally and intellectually stunted people tottering around on sky high stillettos, or comparing their 6 packs in various shades of mahogany....
What is not funny is the fact they appear to be breeding.
17-08-2012, 09:13 AM
The thing that annoys me is that they always stick Page 3 girls and underwear models who are more well-known for shagging people or for ripping men off for money. Why can't they put in some beautiful women with brains and integrity? There are plenty of them around, one of the traits is not exclusive of the others. Instead we get puddle-shallow rip-off merchants with pretty faces. I'd like to see intelligent beauty represented for a change, I don't think it's too much to ask.
i think we got that in a way with deana.
but if you have a brain you are far to clever to want to go on big brother!
so its catch22.
Rhian hasn't had any surgery, not sure about Danica
17-08-2012, 09:16 AM
:joker:Can't say I have it must be difficult to keep eye contact.
you cant take your eyes of the prize:joker:
you must have some reward for having your brain melted:joker:
17-08-2012, 09:18 AM
Rhian hasn't had any surgery, not sure about Danica
what i find is the more they have on their chest the less they have in their head:joker:
17-08-2012, 09:20 AM
Rhian hasn't had any surgery, not sure about Danica
I think shes lying. Also her hair...born with that colour?! If rian had been an olympian or a z-list pop star i could accept her but all she does is expose her nipples and text married presenters.
17-08-2012, 09:22 AM
I think shes lying. Also her hair...born with that colour?! If rian had been an olympian or a z-list pop star i could accept her but all she does is expose her nipples and text married presenters.
its her caree
17-08-2012, 09:34 AM
i think we got that in a way with deana.
but if you have a brain you are far to clever to want to go on big brother!
so its catch22.
I'm talking about Celebrity Big Brother. Give us someone beautiful whoknows what Catch 22 means. Give us someone beautiful who can count up to 22....
the truth
17-08-2012, 01:06 PM
For the first time since moses was in short pants, I agree with every word uttered by livia.....the funny thing is men do not find stick insects sexy, at least not the men I know...we like natural beauty, natural curves, rosey cheeks etc I just find these plastic stick insects 100% unattarctive uninteresting in every possible way inside , outside
take someone like michelle ryan the eastenders/bionic woman actress naturally pretty , eloquent, talented and healthy looking too...lovely girl....get her in there or someone like her, with some talent, some opinions too...take a judi dench or a maggie smith or julie walters , fantastic women, funny feisty honest hard working, the list goes on and on,,,but where are they
or as you mentioned any female olympic athlete would have been awesome...the female british olympic athletes were all fantastic, well rounded eloquent, passionate women....look at jade jones, fantastic and infinitely more interesting and sexier than these page 3/kiss and tell stick insects......
Honestly looking at these 6 stones plastic clones teetering on 6 inch heels reminds of some outdated b list movies from the 1980s predicting how dreadful how our society would become
we need to stop putting them on a pedestal, we need to say it as it is, theyre idiots and theyre dragging our country down
i agree with the truth.
Arent there talented smart funny young females who are attractive if they want eye candy?
danica jasmine and rhian are not evil but represent whats wrong with modern women and females in public eye. Theyre untalented overtly sexualised vacuous, fake looking self obsessed and dull. If i had a son id much rather he date cheryl!! Watching the 2012 olympics and seeing talented brit women such as jessica ennis compete and succeed put me on a high about role models for girls. now we are back to the inane talentfree famous for sex dumb bimbos with zero personality.
all jasmine rian and danica will contribute is playing thick card, boob jobs, talking about hair extensions, how awful men are, sex with men, fake lesbianism (jasmine, you're a 27 mum now, arent you too old to play the "hello boys, im bisexual, honest. Yep i love girls and you can watch..." card.) Zzzzzzzzz.
The girls in the 'civilian' BB were better looking...come to think of it the 3 in CBB COULD have been put in the civilian least lydia had a famous BF :joker:
For the first time since moses was in short pants, I agree with every word uttered by livia.....the funny thing is men do not find stick insects sexy, at least not the men I know...we like natural beauty, natural curves, rosey cheeks etc I just find these plastic stick insects 100% unattarctive uninteresting in every possible way inside , outside
take someone like michelle ryan the eastenders/bionic woman actress naturally pretty , eloquent, talented and healthy looking too...lovely girl....get her in there or someone like her, with some talent, some opinions too...take a judi dench or a maggie smith or julie walters , fantastic women, funny feisty honest hard working, the list goes on and on,,,but where are they
or as you mentioned any female olympic athlete would have been awesome...the female british olympic athletes were all fantastic, well rounded eloquent, passionate women....look at jade jones, fantastic and infinitely more interesting and sexier than these page 3/kiss and tell stick insects......
Honestly looking at these 6 stones plastic clones teetering on 6 inch heels reminds of some outdated b list movies from the 1980s predicting how dreadful how our society would become
we need to stop putting them on a pedestal, we need to say it as it is, theyre idiots and theyre dragging our country down
The russian girls rhythmic gymnastic team gold winners did it for me!! :spin:
Just one thing though......isn't that Vicky Pendleton I saw in the paper today in bum skimming skirt plus 6 inch heels.......:shocked:
17-08-2012, 03:02 PM
And its not like the girls dress like that 24/7 they only look 'fake' when they get dressed up.
17-08-2012, 03:35 PM
Not fussed over either of them tbh. Bring back Deana.
17-08-2012, 03:41 PM
Danica is the only one I find kind of pretty. I'd probably give Brick a lick though.
17-08-2012, 03:57 PM
I hate fake eyelashes, they just look stupid.
17-08-2012, 03:58 PM
For the first time since moses was in short pants, I agree with every word uttered by livia.....the funny thing is men do not find stick insects sexy, at least not the men I know...we like natural beauty, natural curves, rosey cheeks etc I just find these plastic stick insects 100% unattarctive uninteresting in every possible way inside , outside
take someone like michelle ryan the eastenders/bionic woman actress naturally pretty , eloquent, talented and healthy looking too...lovely girl....get her in there or someone like her, with some talent, some opinions too...take a judi dench or a maggie smith or julie walters , fantastic women, funny feisty honest hard working, the list goes on and on,,,but where are they
or as you mentioned any female olympic athlete would have been awesome...the female british olympic athletes were all fantastic, well rounded eloquent, passionate women....look at jade jones, fantastic and infinitely more interesting and sexier than these page 3/kiss and tell stick insects......
Honestly looking at these 6 stones plastic clones teetering on 6 inch heels reminds of some outdated b list movies from the 1980s predicting how dreadful how our society would become
we need to stop putting them on a pedestal, we need to say it as it is, theyre idiots and theyre dragging our country down
I don't agree about the skinny v curvy thing. I think it's to do with taste. Urban working class lads tend to prefer curvy girls whereas more middle class, educated men tend to go for slimmer sinewy types. Supermodels are rarely single...
17-08-2012, 03:58 PM
I wouldn't say they were Boring or shallow, and judge them that quickly after only one highlight show :l
17-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Glamour model types always say in VT 'I am different to the others' or 'I am intelligent' and then proceed to do and say something utterly stupid.
Where are the Cindy Crawford types? models who are hot and smart. Lily Cole got a double first from Oxford and that's about it.
17-08-2012, 04:01 PM
I just wouldn't brand and judge them so quickly
i will after a few more highlights shows.. but not now
they both seem nice imo
17-08-2012, 04:08 PM
I think we can judge them quickly as
- CBB only lasts a few weeks
- other HMs such as Martin, Cheryl, Lorenzo, Julian have shown a bit more personality. Heck even that Mike guy has got more charisma than these two. Danica and Rian are not bad or nasty but are terminally dull bereft of personality, wit or intelligence. There are smart funny models - why can't we see them?
One thing for sure...that samantha bint MIGHT be clever, but she ain't no beauty...whatever she thinks!!
17-08-2012, 04:13 PM
i agree with the truth.
Arent there talented smart funny young females who are attractive if they want eye candy?
danica jasmine and rhian are not evil but represent whats wrong with modern women and females in public eye. Theyre untalented overtly sexualised vacuous, fake looking self obsessed and dull. If i had a son id much rather he date cheryl!! Watching the 2012 olympics and seeing talented brit women such as jessica ennis compete and succeed put me on a high about role models for girls. now we are back to the inane talentfree famous for sex dumb bimbos with zero personality.
all jasmine rian and danica will contribute is playing thick card, boob jobs, talking about hair extensions, how awful men are, sex with men, fake lesbianism (jasmine, you're a 27 mum now, arent you too old to play the "hello boys, im bisexual, honest. Yep i love girls and you can watch..." card.) Zzzzzzzzz.
How is Danica fake looking or plastic !!??
She's simply stunning and a has a lovely , rounded figure and natural boobs !!??
17-08-2012, 05:58 PM
So far, the "plastic women" have been the stars of the show.
17-08-2012, 06:01 PM
So far, the "plastic women" have been the stars of the show.
If you're watching with the sound off, that could be true.
17-08-2012, 06:08 PM
I'm talking about Celebrity Big Brother. Give us someone beautiful whoknows what Catch 22 means. Give us someone beautiful who can count up to 22....
your saying it like i can give you these
there is only one thing for it! you will have to go in livia:joker:
So the new rinkydink panther strategy is slag off the women instead of attack anyone who doesn't like one of the straight men in the house?
The Brick has been invisible. Colleen is the only one of the older women who seems to have time to bother with anyone younger than 40. With only 2 days of highlights and a few random clips, what exactly are you using as the gauge of "boring and shallow"? How are the younger women more boring and shallow than Harvey and Mike? How is Samantha less boring and shallow?
If you're judging based solely on cup size and length of hair extensions, isn't that the real shallowness?
17-08-2012, 06:16 PM
your saying it like i can give you these
there is only one thing for it! you will have to go in livia:joker:
I'd be up on a murder charge within 24 hours and you, Sheriff, would have to try to bail me out as it was your idea. No one wants that...
17-08-2012, 06:22 PM
Who said these so called 'plastic' women are not intelligent? It really pisses me of when people judge others because of there appearance.
17-08-2012, 06:50 PM
I like Jasmine. The others - not so much.
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