View Full Version : Task: Talent Agent! You decide
18-08-2012, 01:34 PM
Our celebrity housemates are all stars
in their own right, but today's task will
see them face talent show judges in
an attempt to prove themselves.
Big Brother has called Julian and Julie
to the Diary Room, where they have
become talent agents, and been given
business suits, sunglasses, and gold
Julian and Julie will pick teams and
take them to the ‘audition room’ for
the first round of auditions...
Round One: Auditions
The other Housemates must perform
one by one for the two talent agents
(being all judgey), showcasing the
talents they are known for, with no
props, backing tracks or costumes.
True talent needs no gimmicks, and
we expect to be in the presence of
some dazzling performances.
Second Stage: Agent’s Houses
The housemates will visit their agent's
house in St. Tropez (or a carefully
dressed set within the House) with
lavish decor. The Agents will then each
choose the one act they are taking
through to the final performance.
The Performance
After the two most talented
housemates have performed, these
performances will be uploaded onto
the Big Brother website. The
stupendously exciting thing, is that the
public will vote to decide the winner.
Exciting stuff.
VIP Party
What's fame without a party? The
winner will receive the ultimate VIP
party for themselves, their agent and
the rest of their team.
Fabulous, darling
18-08-2012, 01:36 PM
great task, love it. Perfect for today as well with it being x factor launch. :)
18-08-2012, 01:38 PM
great task, love it. Perfect for today as well with it being x factor launch. :)
Yeah it should be good and funny
I don't think they could have chosen better talents agents in Julian and Julie :D Should be fun :D
18-08-2012, 01:50 PM
I don't think they could have chosen better talents agents in Julian and Julie :D Should be fun :D
Yes, they will be brilliant in the roles and Julian will come out with some put downs and things that would put Simon Cowell to shame :D
Sounds fun.... a few if them will struggle showing off their talent though!
18-08-2012, 02:02 PM
BBUKLive: 2.16pm: Jasmine's up next.
She's going to do an aerobic version
of a very popular erotic novel. Sure. #
cbbtalent #cbb
18-08-2012, 02:03 PM
Sounds fun.... a few if them will struggle showing off their talent though!
Wonder what Samantha will do
Wonder what Samantha will do
Hahaha... I kinda wonder what most of them will do. The Judo lad definitely has it the easiest.
18-08-2012, 02:11 PM
Wonder what Samantha will do
Sexy Sec
sexy writer
18-08-2012, 02:24 PM
Sounds an amazing task, looking forward to it! Bet julie and julian are brilliant :D
18-08-2012, 02:27 PM
Hahaha... I kinda wonder what most of them will do. The Judo lad definitely has it the easiest.
Lol. Martin and Harvey will probably sing. Rhian will probably flash her tits :D
Lol. Martin and Harvey will probably sing. Rhian will probably flash her tits :D
As will Danica :D
18-08-2012, 02:34 PM
As will Danica :D
Only she'll want a present in return lol
18-08-2012, 02:34 PM
As will Danica :D
for free?...don't be daft :)
18-08-2012, 02:35 PM
Martin is doing a dramatic recital of the lyrics to "Gold"
18-08-2012, 02:45 PM
Martin is doing a dramatic recital of the lyrics to "Gold"
18-08-2012, 02:54 PM
Mike's talent is 'his abs'! :idc:
18-08-2012, 02:56 PM
Martin is doing a dramatic recital of the lyrics to "Gold"
This is what we should have more of on CBB. Real talent and real celebs.
18-08-2012, 03:09 PM
Lorenzo's talent was 'being good at Maths'. He can teach me some extra Maths anyday:D:joker::laugh2::lovedup:
18-08-2012, 03:09 PM
This sounds like a really good task, can't wait to see it, on the HL's.
18-08-2012, 03:39 PM
Mike is a very talented guy, he can rap aswell
18-08-2012, 03:44 PM
The talents were.......
Rhian - some burlesque
Ashley - Judo ?
Cheryl - one woman play
Coleen - singing "I'm in the mood for dancing" with no backing vocals. Jules were impressed.
Danica - admitted she has no talent (rofl) and did a demo of her modelling.
Harvey - tried to sell his versatility.
Jasmine - an aerobic version of a v famous erotic novel (/yawn)
Martin - a dramatic reading of "Gold". It moved Julie to real tears.
Lorenzo - demo of his maths skills. Julian said a goldfish has more talent. LOL. Aw bless, Loz is sweet.
Rhian - a talk about knickers
SAm - Yoga for the over 35s
Situation - His abs.
18-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Julian is the main part of every task. :bored:
18-08-2012, 04:03 PM
Lorenzo's talent was 'being good at Maths'. He can teach me some extra Maths anyday:D:joker::laugh2::lovedup:
Lol me to, wouldn't mind multiplying with him either ;)
18-08-2012, 04:28 PM
Our celebrity housemates are all stars in their own right...........................................
Stopped reading here. I can't read and laugh.
18-08-2012, 04:50 PM
Stopped reading here. I can't read and laugh.
A typo, they missed n't off lol
18-08-2012, 04:54 PM
A typo, they missed n't off lol
Ahhh I see. The whole sentence makes sense now.
18-08-2012, 05:32 PM
The finalists are.... Ashley and Harvey! Voting on the website.
18-08-2012, 05:45 PM
I love judo! Ashley! :amazed::cheer2:
18-08-2012, 06:01 PM
For today's task, talent agents Julie
and Julian have selected one member
from their team to represent them in
the final performance - Ashley and
Harvey. And Big Brother wants YOU to
vote for the winner!
Ashley impressed housemates by
telling his life story via the medium of
judo, while Harvey performed the So
Solid classic '21 Seconds'.
So watch the two videos, then
scroll down and vote in the poll. The
housemate with the most votes will
win an ultimate VIP party for
themselves, their agent and the rest of
their team.
Voting closes at 7:45pm UK time, and
results will be revealed online in due
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