View Full Version : Recent Earthquakes
11-12-2012, 06:23 AM
This is interesting, accidentally just found this site and it tells you the most recent Earthquakes of New Zealand.
11-12-2012, 06:25 AM
oh are you in new zealand ben???
11-12-2012, 06:30 AM
Just realised the first link was NZ only. Added one which shows the whole world. :tongue:
King Gizzard
11-12-2012, 06:45 AM
My cousin is a teacher in Tokyo they had one recently
11-12-2012, 07:29 AM
Haha, I watch the usgs site every day. Saw the quake a few hundred miles from where you were yesterday and wondered if you'd be checking the site too. ;) Get a jolt?
13-12-2012, 03:27 AM
Haha, I watch the usgs site every day. Saw the quake a few hundred miles from where you were yesterday and wondered if you'd be checking the site too. ;) Get a jolt?
No, nothing felt here, although I am heading to Christchurch on Monday.
..I know this is going off topic but I didn't want to make a new thread for's a pretty cool pic's like one of those movies with aliens attacking earth....
Red hot lava flows down Mount Etna as it erupts. The Italian volcano erupted three times over a 36-hour period ..... k9MDtmaT11bGNyb3A7aD00MjA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/
23-02-2013, 07:35 AM
i live in northern California, we all know that "the big one" is gonna come eventually.
i live in northern California, we all know that "the big one" is gonna come eventually.
..I can't imagine what it's like living with that possibility and also having these weather extremes as a more or less 'regular occurrence' it just something you get used to and don't think too much about Alex..I guess you can't spend too much time worrying about it because it doesn't change anything and you would only drive yourself crazy....
23-02-2013, 10:11 AM
..I can't imagine what it's like living with that possibility and also having these weather extremes as a more or less 'regular occurrence' it just something you get used to and don't think too much about Alex..I guess you can't spend too much time worrying about it because it doesn't change anything and you would only drive yourself crazy....
Exactly. People invest in beach properties knowing the very slim chance of having a tsunami wipe out the entire coastline. Insurance doesn't cover the cost of fear. Live there or move inland where a bus may or may not hit you. ;) you live in a 'high risk' area SA..?...
i live in northern California, we all know that "the big one" is gonna come eventually.
I don't think I'd like that. I experienced an earthquake last year on holiday and it scared the **** out of me. The fact that there's absolutely no warning, that's the scary thing.
23-02-2013, 10:23 AM you live in a 'high risk' area SA..?...
7 miles from beach, and earthquake prone. Only moved to California 8 months ago, and it was on the mind constantly that something bad would happen, until we had a 4.5 quake during the summer. Minor tremor, but startling. Now? Not so much. Like anything, things happen, and randomly. Sort of like staring out at infinity and "foreverness," just have to put it out of your head. :joker: :bawling: And :joker: again. ;)
..was it a bad one Lee..?...that must have been really scary...
23-02-2013, 10:25 AM
Night, Ammi. Have a good one. :love:
7 miles from beach, and earthquake prone. Only moved to California 8 months ago, and it was on the mind constantly that something bad would happen, until we had a 4.5 quake during the summer. Minor tremor, but startling. Now? Not so much. Like anything, things happen, and randomly. Sort of like staring out at infinity and "foreverness," just have to put it out of your head. :joker: :bawling: And :joker: again. ;)
..yeah, I think that's it can talk yourself out of doing things that you want to and almost out of 'living' if you worry about stuff too much...they're going to happen anyway, not matter whether you worry about them or not..but if it was something that you had a real 'panic' about and you knew it would make you terribly unhappy then it's best not to live somewhere like that in the first place probably...if you had a choice that is...
Night, Ammi. Have a good one. :love:
..night Sir's a pleasure talking to you as always...:love:..
..was it a bad one Lee..?...that must have been really scary...
It was 6.2 Ammi and we were only 30km from the epicentre. The actual quake was a really weird experience but it was more the fear of aftershocks or an even bigger earthquake happening that was unpleasant. Not so worrying during the day, but it was always on your mind when going to bed.
23-02-2013, 10:39 AM
It was 6.2 Ammi and we were only 30km from the epicentre. The actual quake was a really weird experience but it was more the fear of aftershocks or an even bigger earthquake happening that was unpleasant. Not so worrying during the day, but it was always on your mind when going to bed.
Where was it Lee?
...yeah, I can understand that Lee..that's quite a big one as well and we're not used to them here so it must have been very scary..I think also. especially as you're a mum ...our fears seem to be much more heightened when we have children because it's that protective thing..I don't think I ever worried about anything until I had my boys...I'm going to kick them later for making me such a worry person...
23-02-2013, 10:48 AM
..I can't imagine what it's like living with that possibility and also having these weather extremes as a more or less 'regular occurrence' it just something you get used to and don't think too much about Alex..I guess you can't spend too much time worrying about it because it doesn't change anything and you would only drive yourself crazy....
but we have such amazing weather most of the time,Ammi, so it's not a big deal. the east coast gets like 20 hurricanes a year, and they get blizzards. We have perfect weather most of the time here in California, so having a huge earthquake every 30 or 40 years is not a big price to pay compared to the much worse natural disasters others get.
Where was it Lee?
Turkey Annie... which is a shame as I completely fell in love with the place and the people, but I'm wary of going back now.
...yeah, I can understand that Lee..that's quite a big one as well and we're not used to them here so it must have been very scary..I think also. especially as you're a mum ...our fears seem to be much more heightened when we have children because it's that protective thing..I don't think I ever worried about anything until I had my boys...I'm going to kick them later for making me such a worry person...
So true Ammi.. if it wer just Dave and me, I'd be booked up to go again, but its totally different when you're responsible for 2 little people. I cant even describe the fear I felt when I realised Lara was at the very top of a massive waterslide when the quake hit... or the relief whenwe got her down.
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