View Full Version : Morrisons offering home deliveries by the end of the year

17-05-2013, 12:29 PM
"Another reason to shop at Morrisons... Supermarket
goes online with Ocado home delivery deal
25-year deal will see Morrisons offering home
deliveries by the end of the year
Deal faces opposition from Waitrose,
which was previously Ocado's exclusive partner"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2325956/Online-grocery-shoppers-new-option-Morrisons-signs-25-year-deal-Ocado.html#ixzz2TYJ5SusX

Waistrose stop worring people may buy from both of you.


17-05-2013, 12:36 PM
"Another reason to shop at Morrisons... Supermarket
goes online with Ocado home delivery deal
25-year deal will see Morrisons offering home
deliveries by the end of the year
Deal faces opposition from Waitrose,
which was previously Ocado's exclusive partner"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2325956/Online-grocery-shoppers-new-option-Morrisons-signs-25-year-deal-Ocado.html#ixzz2TYJ5SusX

Waistrose stop worring people may buy from both of you.


This is good for me at least ,as our nearest Morrisons is a few miles away,I shop at Waitrose and doubt I would ditch them in favour of Morrisons but it's nice to have that choice.

17-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Yes More Choice

Morrisons do a Kung Po Chicken

Waitrose do not

17-05-2013, 03:33 PM
Wonder how much delivery is just for a ton of cheese and ham pasta. Love that meal. My favourite around.

17-05-2013, 04:06 PM
Wonder how much delivery is just for a ton of cheese and ham pasta. Love that meal. My favourite around.


Double Cost at Waitrose

Better priced at Morrisons

Waitrose (part of John Lewis Empire)
are trying to find a Legal way
to stop this as they want Ocado System
just for them alone.

Waitrose have set up their own Delivery Vans
for some places


17-05-2013, 04:25 PM

Double Cost at Waitrose

Better priced at Morrisons

Waitrose (part of John Lewis Empire)
are trying to find a Legal way
to stop this as they want Ocado System
just for them alone.

Waitrose have set up their own Delivery Vans
for some places


Oh dear,lol store wars

Black Dagger
17-05-2013, 04:41 PM
Oh good, now I don't have to take that awful two minute trek over the road :pipe:

17-05-2013, 05:40 PM
We have one of those! :amazed:

Shame it's so bloody expensive there

16-01-2016, 03:51 PM
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/12493872_10205783266281892_7075264221001196119_o.j pg

Here we are 3 years later
I respect Morrison's
as they invested into the best NCR
self service system that is Top class
far better than any Tesco self service.

I also Respect them to not go bigger
than they can Deliver,
at this time
its hard to get it right.

16-01-2016, 04:15 PM
Morrisons is my favourite

16-01-2016, 04:25 PM
We already get it here

16-01-2016, 04:26 PM
Oh the thread is 3 years old

16-01-2016, 04:40 PM
Oh the thread is 3 years old

Yes you must learn fast on this Great Site
check the very first post
to a thread thats not been around for a while.

I have spoken with Morrison's Head Office
and they are not rushing anything
that could make problems
as the CEO has changed.

I said well give my regards to the new CEO
as those new NCR machines are bigger and better
than any other supermarket.
And by picking them
I can now save time shopping
at his stores.

Time Is Money

16-01-2016, 04:43 PM
Tom * is there another Tom?

I thought you were the new Tom
its so confusing on this Big Site
as staff allow same names?

So Sorry for talking like you are New.

16-01-2016, 04:53 PM
oh btw

Arista! I went to morrisons yestereday and bought my 4 pints of milk. the price has gone up!!! it was 89p and now its £1!!!!!! thoughts please.

16-01-2016, 05:06 PM
oh btw

Arista! I went to morrisons yestereday and bought my 4 pints of milk. the price has gone up!!! it was 89p and now its £1!!!!!! thoughts please.

there is a Problem
prices are changing all the time.

Other Stores went up.

£1 for 4 pints in 2016 is a bargain.

Its hard for M&S
as they now have to put price match
on many products, next to the price
on the shop floor.
And every 48hours prices can change

Of course the Price Match
was started years ago by Morrison's.

16-01-2016, 08:13 PM
There's another Tom?! [emoji379]

17-01-2016, 03:28 AM
There's another Tom?! [emoji379]

Yes has he gone now?

Its hard if you have Photographic Memory
as its all in my Circuits in my Head.
I do not expect staff to help me

But we need a new system of stopping
the same name twice.

Its like having 2 of Elvis on the same Record Label
that would Never Ever Happen.