View Full Version : Zoe Birkett

26-01-2002, 10:48 PM
Zoe Birkett deserves a contract off anyone that wants her because she is only sixteen and she is in the final four and an absolute superstar. If Pete Waterman doesn't offer her a contract then he must mad. :hello:

26-01-2002, 10:56 PM
Hello Graeme, welcome to the board!

I think Pete would like to offer lots of people contratcs but hes already given one to Rosie, so maybe some other company will sign her - they'd be silly not to!

Good Luck Zoe!!!!


26-01-2002, 11:17 PM
Hi Graeme :cat:

Welcome to the board. :wavey:

As much I thought it was right that, on tonights performance, Zoe went this evening. I also think she's fabulous and I'm sure she's going to get lots of offers for contracts. On 'Pop Idol Extra' Nicki Chapman said that she was sure there'd be loads of phone calls coming in tomorrow from people with offers for Zoe.

As I said on another thread they're all stars and I don't think that we have heard the last of any of them. :spin2:

27-01-2002, 04:28 PM
On ITV2 last night, there was almost too much of this "Oh she's only 16" thing going on. Well Billie had chart success much younger and Britney Spears was only about 16 when "BBaya one more time" cam eout. I think Zoe is ready for success now - she should go for it!

I hope this message comes out OK- the screen seems to be going funny every time I try and reply to a message <weird>

27-01-2002, 05:15 PM
If Zoe gets the support of Britney then she'll probably be OK, but she' was also something of a child star, so had a chance to get used to being a megastar.

Billie on the other hand was taken advantage of IMHO. They saw someone with a look they wanted and it was a fluke that she was actually a good singer. Her rubbish early songs were given loads of support, but in spite of her 3 number ones and several other top 5 hits, she was dropped when she had a single outside the top ten. I remember thinking it was a cracking tune that would see her gain a whole load of new fans (including me), but instead the record company complained that she should have stuck to what she was popular for. Hardly a healthy approach to career development.

Now she's 19 and doesn't seem to be in a rush to get back into showbusiness. I'll admit the death threats and the court case didn't help much. Then there's the whole Chris Evans thing, which isn't worth going into. She's hardly badly off, but she seems to have gone straight from child to full adult bypassing the fun and lack of responsibility that most of us enjoy our teens and early 20s. It just seems a shame that someone who was considered to be one of the most talented at her stage school (Sylvia thingy) for more than singing seems to have lost her enthusiasm before the age of 20.

I'm maybe being melodramatic, Zoe is already older than Billie, and the friends she's made and whole experience of Pop Idol will help her adjust to her new lifestyle without loosing site of herself.

Mark, I heard Pete hadn't offered Rosie and actual contract. Just that he'd like to work with her, and presumably do some recording. Any contracts would be based on if they came up with anything decent I'm assuming. Still a very good offer!

28-01-2002, 09:18 AM
I agree with LEE, that on her performance Saturday, she was the right one to go, but her performance last week was brilliant and I think she's really good and a lovely person. I'm sure she will get lots of offers.

I feel sorry for Gareth now that she has gone. He was really upset and will really miss her I think, although they would probably all miss whoever went as this stage, because thay must have all got very close to each other after all this time.

Christine - http://www.BBFans.com

01-02-2002, 03:17 PM
Hi Graeme. Welcome to the Board. Now that Zoe has gone, who do you want to win? I like all the remaining contestants but have a soft spot for Gareth.

01-02-2002, 08:34 PM
Gareth will win bacause It is a popularity contest. He will win because of all tbhe girly votes and I think Will will be very close to winning, Darius will go next, then Wil, and the winner of Pop Idol Gareth Gates. Well deserved. If I am right that is. Who knows?:bouncy::colour::bouncy::colour:

04-02-2002, 07:15 PM
I am such a big fan of Zoe, still, even though she has left the show!! I thought her voice was amazing but now that she has gone I want Will to win!!! His performance of Sweetest Feeling was class!! I do love Gareth though but I prefer Will cos I love his voice!!

04-02-2002, 09:00 PM
Welcome back Wildchild :xyxwave:

I agree totally with you, Will is in a total other class to Gareth, but Gareth will probably win cos he's pop!

05-02-2002, 08:51 PM
!!!!!!!COME ON GARETH!!!!!!!:dance::dance: