View Full Version : I don't like Wolfy but...

02-07-2013, 09:37 PM
...for all the apparent inconsistencies when she's talking about things such as her rent, how much she saved up for fags, etc, I can understand why she's annoyed in this instance.

I know I keep moaning about Dan but his unfortunate manner is more irritating to me than Wolfy's general disposition. He can't help but act like the PC who's noticing a suspect giving evidence that doesn't add up, which in social situations is basically rude.

I can also understand why someone may not want to divulge all their financial details on TV! Yeah, she may have volunteered it (did she?) but is it then ripe for deeper investigation purely on that basis?

It's good to have contrary characters in the house but sometimes they're just pains to watch! I don't know who's worse...the self-righteous copper (who's basically just too pleased with himself and thinks he deserves cigarettes) or the right-on hippy whose humbler-than-thou demeanour is bordering on cliché.

You could say it's the worst of one type of PC against the other type of PC...

02-07-2013, 09:43 PM
That just doesn't make sense at all.

I don't care whether Dan is an ex-cop, worked for MI6 or he's an ex-bin man, Wolfy tells too many lies and her stories don't add up. Of course anyone with half a brain is going to pull her up on her inconsistencies. Don't go around saying one thing and then say another because you will get pointed out.

It happens in real life for Christ sake, if someone tells too many lies like Wolfy does, then of course they are going to be pulled up - ex-copper or not.

02-07-2013, 09:52 PM
I think people are not so dogged in 'real life' to 'pull people up' on things.

If I were having a conversation with someone I might notice them contradict themselves but would consider it impolite to point it out, unless I were trying to be argumentative or felt sufficiently insecure that I had to be seen to be right all the time. Hence I think Dan's approach does underline his past.

02-07-2013, 10:13 PM
Yeah, she may have volunteered it (did she?) but is it then ripe for deeper investigation purely on that basis?

Yes she did, on day 1 when they got their cases shredded she mentioned to Sallie how she'd saved up £60 worth of fags, so she either lied then or now... take your pick

And its to be expected a former inspector (??) in the police notices inconsistencies in stories specially from someone who presents themselves as so earnest and straight down the line.

Dan is slightly annoying but not nearly as annoying as that total failtard that 'knows shes safe and will be in the final' please prove her wrong for the love of god.

02-07-2013, 10:19 PM
I think people are not so dogged in 'real life' to 'pull people up' on things.

If I were having a conversation with someone I might notice them contradict themselves but would consider it impolite to point it out, unless I were trying to be argumentative or felt sufficiently insecure that I had to be seen to be right all the time. Hence I think Dan's approach does underline his past.

If you were having that conversation, on a gameshow, with the tag line 'secrets and lies' you might point it out. So I'm not sure you can make that comparison.

02-07-2013, 10:24 PM
She said the first couple of days to Sallie that she had saved up for 3 months to get £50to buy tobacco and BB had ruined it all (this is when she thought the cases were shredded).

02-07-2013, 10:24 PM
I hate people that think it's ok to disagree with something someone says and then complain about it behind their back...That makes you two-faced. Dan says what he feels and when he thinks something doesn't add up he lets Wolfy know. There are other housemates that feel the same way but haven;t got the guts to admit it out of fear of being disliked. Wolfy is a LIAR and I can't wait for her to get a reality check!!!

02-07-2013, 10:27 PM
Are we all sure Wolfy is a lesbian? She was crying out for meat for the last 10 days.

03-07-2013, 01:18 AM
Are we all sure Wolfy is a lesbian? She was crying out for meat for the last 10 days.

Which I find rather at odds with her earth mother shaman bulls**t as well tbh