View Full Version : Your perfect jungle line up!!!

13-12-2013, 12:37 PM
who would be your perfect IAC line up for next year 2014!!!
who would be your ideal contestants
i kept thinking about this and for me i think a fresh prince theme would be good but i'd be worried about how they'd get treated with being american because look at how alfonso got treated :shocked:

this is my line up :cheer2:

i think Hliary or Ashley from fresh prince would be interestinghttp://s9.postimg.org/gniyyeqkb/hillary.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/gniyyeqkb/)http://s30.postimg.org/fqzynuey5/tatyana_ali_now_290x400.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/fqzynuey5/)
im liking the fresh prince theme and they're both very pretty women so it be interesting to see how they get treated compared to Alfonso

i would love karl pilkington in the jungle!!! and i think he'd win :laugh3:
he's soo grumpy and funny and has the most random view on life http://s28.postimg.org/6rfj4kvmh/3842_ADACE5_E688_A4125_BAFCC1538.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6rfj4kvmh/)

i want Jeremy Kyle in the jungle but sadly i doubt it will happen because he probably thinks the jungle is beneath him but i'd love to see him doing trials and coping with jungle life he's such a big personality and i think he'd be more entertaining than matthew!http://s8.postimg.org/5p9yhpuht/SNN3001_KYLE_620_1663889a.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5p9yhpuht/)

Derren Brown again he would never do it but i think it be soo interesting to see the mind trickster in the jungle instead of messing with peoples minds turn the tables on him and see how he survives in the jungle http://s17.postimg.org/m1pz76nbv/derren_brown_pic_getty_245835708_418896.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/m1pz76nbv/)

i would hate another reality star or glamour model ish/ beauty queen ish
but yet again next year they will probably put another TOWIE star in or some other dumb reality star and another air head model as usual :sleep:

13-12-2013, 12:42 PM
No way will KP do it. He's made his money and is not bothered about profile or a career.

13-12-2013, 12:48 PM
No way will KP do it. He's made his money and is not bothered about profile or a career.

its my dream line up i know sadly Karl Pilko will never do it and sky is holding onto him for their money's worth
and Ricky always has projects for him :rolleyes: