View Full Version : New official site launches, details of show influencing 'Twistos Twists' teased

02-03-2014, 11:39 PM

Love the new design :love:

And yeah, it seems the PowerPlay game that was available last year where you had to predict HoH, nominees, Veto wins and evictees and could earn points to spend is back this year under the title 'Twistos Twists' (http://bigbrothercanada.slice.ca/game/) (RIP Chevrolet PowerShifts </3)

From the information on the site though it seems the points may have more power this year, and people will even earn points through reading blog posts, commenting on articles, watching the feeds etc etc


More information here (http://bigbrothercanada.slice.ca/game/how) :)

02-03-2014, 11:48 PM
I can you watch it from the UK, & if so where


02-03-2014, 11:53 PM
You can indeed, either on a few YouTube channels that will inevitably be uploading the episodes as they did last year (you'll probably need to get the details on this from someone who'll be watching on YT, I'm sure they'll post them on here when the time comes) or by watching them live via streaming links that I'll hopefully be posting on the nights of the episodes in the discussion thread. They will however be at around 2am UK time, so this option is only really if you're a night owl like some of us are :laugh:

I doubt any YouTube channels will be available until after the premiere though, so you may have to check back then

03-03-2014, 02:48 AM
the only time them points were useful last year was when getting gray back in otherwise totally pointless XDD

03-03-2014, 03:34 AM
the only time them points were useful last year was when getting gray back in otherwise totally pointless XDD
They were monumental in saving Suzy <3

03-03-2014, 07:07 AM
You can indeed, either on a few YouTube channels that will inevitably be uploading the episodes as they did last year (you'll probably need to get the details on this from someone who'll be watching on YT, I'm sure they'll post them on here when the time comes) or by watching them live via streaming links that I'll hopefully be posting on the nights of the episodes in the discussion thread. They will however be at around 2am UK time, so this option is only really if you're a night owl like some of us are :laugh:

I doubt any YouTube channels will be available until after the premiere though, so you may have to check back then

Thanks for the info, so what is the date of launch so I can remember to look on YT to watch it.

03-03-2014, 07:19 AM
Thanks for the info, so what is the date of launch so I can remember to look on YT to watch it.

This Thursday at 2am UK time :) so basicay Thursday during the day if you're watching on YouTube!

03-03-2014, 08:05 AM
This Thursday at 2am UK time :) so basicay Thursday during the day if you're watching on YouTube!

Thanks Jack:xyxwave:

03-03-2014, 08:02 PM
ika leading the way on the homepage/site http://exhalecdn.breatheheavy.com/public/style_emoticons/default/bow.gif

04-03-2014, 04:39 AM
They were monumental in saving Suzy <3

eh no she annoyed me :joker:

04-03-2014, 06:09 AM
eh no she annoyed me :joker:

Look at it from an entertainment stand point... At least she was entertaining... All Tom did was whine and complain... Liza was the ultimate shady player...

As a HG I'd rather kiss Suzette's ass and keep her around over some of the more unpredictable selfish types...

As a viewer I really didn't care about her but the sheer fact that she remained in the house as long as she did and was essentially useless annoyed certain HG's... TBH I think Suzette played a much better game than the so called power players like Alec and Peter...

06-03-2014, 09:48 PM
Here's Arisa with a tutorial about how to play:


*edits my predictions accordingly with the info from the live feed*