View Full Version : New York premiere (The Interview) cancelled : but now some Cinemas will show it

17-12-2014, 10:42 AM
[The New York premiere
of The Interview, Seth Rogen
and James Franco’s film depicting
a fictional assassination attempt
on the North Korean leader,
Kim Jong-un, has been cancelled.
The premiere was to have
taken place on Thursday at
Landmark’s Sunshine Cinema in Manhattan.
A spokesperson for the cinema
confirmed the event had been
pulled late on Tuesday US time.
The move follows a message
sent earlier in the day from
a group calling itself Guardians of Peace,
warning audiences that they
would place themselves in
danger by going to see the
film in a US cinema. ]


I wonder it will go straight to BluRay?

17-12-2014, 10:48 AM
No, it will still be released in cinemas it just won't get a premiere that the actors attend (or maybe it will just at a later date).

Looking forward to seeing it anyway, Franco and Rogen are great together

17-12-2014, 01:39 PM
Unfortunately for me, the hackers managed to get the movie yanked from my local theater. (Edit: I was thinking of the wrong company)

Now this will open up the possibility of films that have Homosexuality, Abortion, and/or Nudity banned from theaters.

It's North Korea for crying out loud. When have they ever followed through with death threats?

17-12-2014, 01:41 PM
What nonsense, I don't remember the Republic of Wadiya government getting so worked up about the Dictator being screened

17-12-2014, 10:19 PM
Sony have officially cancelled all release plans now: https://deadline.com/2014/12/sony-scraps-the-interview-1201328639/

Hopefully it leaks online soon

17-12-2014, 10:42 PM
I feel bad for the actors :(

Do they know who the hackers are? They could just be two school boys or something like that lmao

17-12-2014, 10:42 PM
The actors will already have been paid everything, it's just the studio that will miss out now I think. The salaries got leaked a couple of weeks back, Seth got $8m for it

18-12-2014, 01:13 AM
The scene where the chubby ****er bites it

18-12-2014, 09:59 AM
No, it will still be released in cinemas it just won't get a premiere that the actors attend (or maybe it will just at a later date).

Looking forward to seeing it anyway, Franco and Rogen are great together


No Locke straight to BluRay
as Cinemas fear attacks

The fecking Hackers Won

[The group, who call themselves Guardians of Peace, said audiences
would face a "bitter fate" and people living near cinemas
showing the film should leave their homes.
"We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places
The Interview be shown, including the premiere,
how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror
should be doomed to," they said.
"Soon all the world will see what an awful
movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made.
The world will be full of fear.]


Crimson Dynamo
18-12-2014, 10:18 AM

18-12-2014, 10:37 AM
Called "Guardians of Peace" yet threatening to create 9/11 style attacks... yeah, maybe they should have called themselves something else.

The US government has stated there is no intelligence in the US to suggest there will be any attacks so it surprises me that it has been axed all together.

Also even more worringly this shows that when threatened people/companies/countries will back down and listen to demands. A good foundation for future terrorists to build on...

19-12-2014, 03:34 PM
The US government is getting ready to claim that NK is in fact behind the threats.

Also some Indy theaters were planning on showing Team America: World Police but Paramount put a stop to that as well.

19-12-2014, 07:29 PM
The movie has been scrapped completely now. No DVD, no blu-ray, no release in other countries....

And Obama isn't happy

President Obama said that Sony Pictures Entertainment on Friday, after the FBI announced that North Korea was responsible for the cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.

“Yes I think they made a mistake,” he said at a press conference, in response to a question on Sony’s decision. He cited what would happen for other types of films, like documentaries that certain foreign regimes don’t like.

“We can not have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship in the United States,” he said. His opinion on Sony’s decision to pull the movie was in line with a number of industry voices who wondered if it set a bad precedent.

He added that “We cannot start changing our patterns of behavior any more than we stop going to a football game because there may be a possibility of a terrorist attack.” He cited the case of the running of the Boston Marathon this year after a terrorist attack a year earlier.

The FBI announced on Friday that they have concluded that North Korea was behind the attack on SPE’s computer systems. The bureau cited malware linked to “other malware that the FBI knows North Korean actors previously developed.”


19-12-2014, 07:31 PM
It'll probably leak online at some point.

19-12-2014, 08:07 PM
These hackers should have done the world a favor and got the Hobbit and Battle of the Boring Armies canceled!!! :fist:

19-12-2014, 08:27 PM
The hackers just said they want the trailers wiped from the internet and they don't want to see the movie leaked as well.

Just destroy every bit of it.

Why was it this movie and not Paul Blart 2?

19-12-2014, 10:28 PM
I don't know why they've caved in tbh. North Korea aren't a threat to anyone because they don't have a pot to piss in and their allies are few and far in between. Empty threats and leaking emails is pretty much the extent of their power. Sony are just being weak little bitches

20-12-2014, 02:45 AM
Fair play North Korea have got a pretty impressive result out of this

King Gizzard
20-12-2014, 02:52 AM
it's the highest rated film ever on IMDB now

20-12-2014, 10:06 AM
I don't know why they've caved in tbh. North Korea aren't a threat to anyone because they don't have a pot to piss in and their allies are few and far in between. Empty threats and leaking emails is pretty much the extent of their power. Sony are just being weak little bitches

Dezzy its not Sonys fault

All USA Cinemas rushed to tell them
they will not show it at all.

So of course Sony could not release it

Ideal for BluRay
with bonus News reports from now added

20-12-2014, 10:07 AM
These hackers should have done the world a favor and got the Hobbit and Battle of the Boring Armies canceled!!! :fist:

No this is Politics
and a threat to USA Cinemas that could show it

20-12-2014, 10:10 AM

Yes Hell of a way to Lock a Movie Down
for now

Team America still around

20-12-2014, 10:18 AM
Was it wise though initially ...to make a mockery of a someone notably unpredictable?

20-12-2014, 10:27 AM
Was it wise though initially ...to make a mockery of a someone notably unpredictable?

Sure they thought as comedy it would fine
Hollywood Exec's , they are a one of a kind
27Million Dollars Invested

20-12-2014, 04:33 PM
There is no Solid Proof N.Korea did this

To say they will attack USA Cinemas
is not something North Korea would not do.

Show the Solid proof CIA or shut the Feck Up

The president is a Fool
to not fully understand
what went down - it was USA Cinemas that told
Sony they will not take the Movie.

So its more of a Criminal Threat against Cinemas
but no one know who did it. yet

North Korea
stands by this, they want a joint inquiry.

Is the Stupid USA President going to start a war
over this poxy mess?

20-12-2014, 04:39 PM
this is so pathetic

20-12-2014, 04:41 PM
this is so pathetic

Yes as we do not know which group sent the Death Threats to USA Cinemas

That must be found out

I bet it was not N.Korea

20-12-2014, 05:40 PM
Sony hires the real life Olivia Pope, Judy Smith, to handle this shiz.

Sony hires Olivia Pope's real-life inspiration in 'Interview' aftermath

20-12-2014, 05:47 PM
It'll probably leak online at some point.

What the hell at your sig? I never said that.:laugh:

Wondering how the world would react if there was a comedy about Obama assassination attempt.

20-12-2014, 10:08 PM
The should send Seth and James to apologise to Kim Jong Un in person

and to assassinate him

20-12-2014, 10:09 PM
The should send Seth and James to apologise to Kim Jong Un in person

and to assassinate him


21-12-2014, 02:42 PM
From USA : Sony will show the Film Online.


21-12-2014, 03:08 PM
From USA : Sony will show the Film Online.

For free? :amazed:

21-12-2014, 10:27 PM
For free? :amazed:

Not sure

23-12-2014, 05:53 PM
from USA : some Art House Cinemas
will now show the film.

Good on those Cinemas


23-12-2014, 06:53 PM

24-12-2014, 05:34 PM
Its $6 bucks to watch on YouTube Today
in USA.

Ref: CNN USA Live

24-12-2014, 07:07 PM
CBS News USA reports it was not North Korea
it was more like a Ex- Sony Pictures Worker.

24-12-2014, 07:09 PM
this is great! well done to whoever was brave enough to go through with the choice of putting the film in cinemas

24-12-2014, 07:31 PM
it's one hell of a publicity campaign tbf

25-12-2014, 03:48 PM
it's one hell of a publicity campaign tbf


25-12-2014, 05:09 PM

the stars went to one Small Cinema
to introduce the film.


26-12-2014, 02:20 AM
I'm watching this at the moment, I'm about an hour into it, some parts of it are very funny, others... not so much.

Strangely if there wasn't such a furor from the north koreans, I bet the movie would have been soon forgotten and at best a cult comedy.