View Full Version : Do I really look like a gangster ?

17-02-2003, 06:36 AM
The attached image is the latest I took at the weekend after having a hair cut. My Brother in law says I look like a gangster :shocked:

The other oddity is that the jacket is actually a green grey, yet in the image it comes up as a lilac / purple. Any cluses why :conf:

Romantic Old Bird
17-02-2003, 10:50 AM
Yes Sticks old chum.

Your old one looks a bit like you 'wouldn't stand no nonsense', and the new one looks as if you are quids in. Perchance you have moved on to a more lucrative business?

Protection racket possibly.
An apt caption would be:

"COUGH UP OR....Me and the boys will be coming round to see you"


17-02-2003, 05:18 PM
Hey, Sticks! How about a little smile?

18-02-2003, 09:25 PM
What ?

and crack the lens :nono: