View Full Version : Real Life wins out over BB - Unfortunately!!

13-02-2002, 07:29 PM
Don't you just hate it when 'Real Life' takes over from your 'Reality TV' addiction!!

Macmillan have invited me to the photoshoot they are doing with Bubble and Josh tomorrow, there were even rumours of Brian Narinder and Penny being there too!! (To see me chatting to Josh about it on Monday night look at the 'Josh Interview - Part 1' thread that has just gone up :hugesmile:). I was really looking forward to it.

'Why am I gutted?' I here you ask.


I was supposed to be free tomorrow morning but one of my biggest and most important clients has chosen exactly this moment to crash his whole computer system and guess who has to go in tomorrow to sort it out. :mad:

Unfortunately, there is no way I can get out of this so I will be in Guildford tomorrow morning and not a gym in New Malden!!!

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad:

Romantic Old Bird
13-02-2002, 07:48 PM
This is so awful for you, I feel I should try to think up some way you can get round it.

How about

1. Offering to go in now to sort it, as you know how important they are, and that he/she needs the system up and running for the opening of business tomorrow morning.

2. Throwing the area into total chaos by sabotaging the national grid, Guildford depot

3. Ringing up in the morning with two wet peices of cotton wool up your nose, hacking and spluttering, saying you'll try and steam it out over a bowl of Vick, and you'll try to get there after lunch.

Now, if you were seeing Mr Clarke, I'd offer to go for you.............:love:

Really bad luck Lee!:bawling:

Look forward to reading the interview though!

13-02-2002, 09:49 PM

Unfortunately, even though working for yourself means you can organise you diary to do things such as be free on a thursday morning, it also means you have no-one to delegate things to when emergencies crop up either. :bawling:

I wish I could go tonight, but as I'm sitting here desparately trying to finish writing a report for another client that I'm seeing tomorrow afternoon, I can't do that either.

Such is life.

I'm sure there'll be other times.

PS: I like the sabotage idea though, and I actually have a friend who works for the National Grid in Guildford, so if you hear of massive power failures tomorrow you'll know why.!! :laugh:


14-02-2002, 11:26 AM
Well, I'm back from Guildford now, I have a happy client but I never got to the photoshoot. :bawling:

I hope it went well and we see lots of new pictures soon. :spin2:

14-02-2002, 12:47 PM
Poor you LEE. I hope you were able to concentrate and maintain a pleasant demenour towards your client. :hugesmile:

Will you be getting sent copies of the photos?

14-02-2002, 07:22 PM
I was so sorry that you couldn't after all make the photo shoot. How disappointed you must have been. I really do hope there will be other opportunities. We all have to earn a living but it's really annoying when it spoils the important things in life,isn't it?

21-02-2002, 12:24 AM
real life ...........??????