TiBB Frontpage Article
21-11-2015, 09:57 PM
James has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.
http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/normal_mason_noise_performs_jealous_on_x_factor_20 15.jpg (http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/mason_noise_performs_jealous_on_x_factor_2015.jpg)
In a live show twist tonight Mason Noise was voted off, after he had performed Jealous by Nick Jonas, earlier in the show.
The voting lines were opened for 10 minutes after each of the acts had performed, and the acts announced safe - in random order - were Lauren Murray,.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisxfactor.com/x-factor-2015/news-292147/mason-noise-eliminated-and-videos-of-live-week-4-performances.html
http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/normal_mason_noise_performs_jealous_on_x_factor_20 15.jpg (http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/mason_noise_performs_jealous_on_x_factor_2015.jpg)
In a live show twist tonight Mason Noise was voted off, after he had performed Jealous by Nick Jonas, earlier in the show.
The voting lines were opened for 10 minutes after each of the acts had performed, and the acts announced safe - in random order - were Lauren Murray,.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisxfactor.com/x-factor-2015/news-292147/mason-noise-eliminated-and-videos-of-live-week-4-performances.html