View Full Version : Lady C/Chris/Kieron vs rest of camp - who's side are you on?

25-11-2015, 09:22 PM
Poll coming.

Personally, I'm totally team Lady C. You just know that if any of the other teams had won the stay in the hotel they'd of happily played along with the roles.

25-11-2015, 09:23 PM
The Lady C/Keiran/Chris group they have been treated badly

25-11-2015, 09:27 PM
Rest of the camp, I can't stand Lady C

25-11-2015, 09:28 PM
Lady C has brutal delivery but I think her assessment of the others is pretty spot on. What a pathetic, childish group they showed themselves to be. They behaved badly by refusing the task and worse when confronted about it.

I used to like Yvette, now I hope she and bitchy Brian go first. I liked Jorgie too, what a pathetic wuss she is!

Entertaining show though!

25-11-2015, 09:35 PM
Lady C has brutal delivery but I think her assessment of the others is pretty spot on. What a pathetic, childish group they showed themselves to be. They behaved badly by refusing the task and worse when confronted about it.

I used to like Yvette, now I hope she and bitchy Brian go first. I liked Jorgie too, what a pathetic wuss she is!

Entertaining show though!

Perfectly summed up assessment :clap1:

25-11-2015, 09:36 PM
Can't stand Lady C but Chris and Kieron handled the whole situation well.. so those 2 >

25-11-2015, 09:39 PM
Can't stand Lady C but Chris and Kieron handled the whole situation well.. so those 2 >

I didn't like Chris and I thought Keiron was a non entity but my respect for both of them has ballooned considerably.

25-11-2015, 10:19 PM
Rest of the camp.

25-11-2015, 10:19 PM
100% Lady C and Keion, still not sure about Chris

25-11-2015, 10:24 PM
lady c all the way here

25-11-2015, 10:38 PM
Changing my answer to Meh.

25-11-2015, 11:53 PM
Poll coming.

Personally, I'm totally team Lady C. You just know that if any of the other teams had won the stay in the hotel they'd of happily played along with the roles.

100 % agree :clap1:
and it's true they really are hypocrits because Kieran is right when he said if it was Tony ,yvette and susanne they would of happily enjoyed the luxury of not getting their own dinner and other people from camp serving them and at their beck and call , and even Chris was saying he'd be happy to serve them if he had to

it actually really annoyed me and who the hell does Tony think he is and they've lost dingo dollars because of his selfishness :shocked: and Jorgie is too agreeable because whatever Tony said she would of gone along with it she needs to grow up a bit
that's why im hoping the public make him do a nasty trial soon and please lay off Lady C !

26-11-2015, 12:53 AM
If I had to pick it would be Lady C's side, they did have a valid point. Loving the drama though

26-11-2015, 02:00 AM
Lady C and co were completely within their rights to be pissed off and Lady C completely threw Brian to the floor :clap1:

26-11-2015, 09:33 PM
Just wanted to re-ask this after some of tonight's episode...