View Full Version : would you want to be in that jungle ??

29-11-2015, 02:18 AM
IS Anyone on here wishing they were in the jungle with these set of celebrities honestly ???:facepalm:

most of them are a bunch of idiots there's only the odd person i either like or don't mind

and Brian was always sneaky but both him & Jorgie are 2 nasty bitches and i hope it ruins Jorgie's chances of getting to the final she looks and acts goofy but she's got a mean streak :cloud:

Duncan mumbles all the time when he talks and both him and Tony are useless toolbags

Vicky is beyond irritating and she's more sly than she lets on and
Fearn isn't one of my fav's and she acts a bit silly

Lady C is like marmite sometimes i like her but she always goes other the top

George is harmless but i don't know what he sees in Dummy Jorgie , Kieran is a nice guy And Chris was ok but now im unsure

Yvette is just drifting in the background again now that she's calmed down around Lady C

29-11-2015, 02:35 AM
But then again the fee would be nice.

You just have be very boring to avoid airtime getting voted to the trials and tasks with the insects, endure hunger and then collect the fee at end of your stint.

29-11-2015, 02:38 AM
The fee would be nice but i rather not lose weight and starve

29-11-2015, 03:10 AM
But then again the fee would be nice.

You just have be very boring to avoid airtime getting voted to the trials and tasks with the insects, endure hunger and then collect the fee at end of your stint.

What about being stuck in a small space with people you probably wont like??? :rolleyes: lol

It's bound to be frustrating and the hunger endurance would drive me mad aswell as sleeping rough

Gusto Brunt
29-11-2015, 07:50 AM
I'd only want to be in the jungle with Ferne. :)