View Full Version : How excited are you for BB17?
20-05-2016, 11:34 PM
Ratings out of ten please.
With the bits that have been released this week, how excited are you for BB17?
I'm a rising 6/10
20-05-2016, 11:35 PM
I have low expectations for the series because of BB15/16 and I'm doubtful it'll be any better. But the promo has been great so far and eye/graphics are brilliant
I'd say 5/10
20-05-2016, 11:36 PM
6 because I still expect the cast to be a let down and that's the most important part
20-05-2016, 11:39 PM
5. The eye/ads released so far are like an 8 but that messily written series description really put a downer on the build up so far for me and quite frankly I'm still dreading what's coming, 'the game is changing' isn't going to mean what it should so for now I'm still ambivalent...
More than anything though I'm just desperate to know what the hell all of it means
20-05-2016, 11:40 PM
although I am excited to see the new house, that on its own is like a 9
6. I think I'm more nervous that I'm going to absolutely hate it. The format that they're saying is changing was the never the problem, it was just the execution.
21-05-2016, 01:36 AM
I have an incredibly low expectation, last week I was a 2/10, now with the news I'm 5/10
Build Up/Eye/Trailer- 9/10
Rumours- 3/10
Expectation on execution- 2/10
21-05-2016, 01:40 AM
4/10 tbh. The eye, publicity photos and teaser trailers are all brilliant, but I'm worried that they're just going to go down the same route as the past two years. Live Feed is also a must for this series to work and the fact that the weeknight feed from 5STAR has been dropped also worries me. Perhaps my excitement will rise once the housemates have gone into hiding and they start to release more information.
21-05-2016, 01:46 AM
Dead at us supposed to be being the hardcore fans
21-05-2016, 01:54 AM
Dead at us supposed to be being the hardcore fans
Well, civilian BB.
That's it.
21-05-2016, 02:25 AM
Going by the last two series I'd say a 4/10.
21-05-2016, 02:28 AM
t'god's honest truth. I don't plan on watching at all
21-05-2016, 02:33 AM
As much as we all want live feed, all I'm really worried about is casting.
Good casting is the key to this show, don't bother if you're just gonna throw in the same type of people we've been seeing for the last 5 years
21-05-2016, 06:18 AM
I'm not
21-05-2016, 06:43 AM
I think it'll probably be even worse than last years
21-05-2016, 06:46 AM
I love the eye & advert & I'm excited to see the new house, but I just feel we will get the type of HMs as we have done the last few series, & for me that has been a pure let down so my excitement is
21-05-2016, 06:58 AM
It's going to be **** but I'm here for it
21-05-2016, 07:16 AM
It's going to be **** but I'm here for it
This, I'm only excited because there's never anything on TV. I literally watch EastEnders and Hollyoaks and then just have TV on as background noise most of the time.
21-05-2016, 07:19 AM
There's always so much negativity going in on here. For a fan site there are a lot of people who just seem to have given up. I'm optimistic. I am every year. The beauty of big brother is, no matter how much they mess with it we still get to see strangers living together and how they interact. Yes it's changed over the years but mostly I still enjoy it. I can't say we had a classic series last year but the last three before that were fantastic in their own ways. (In my opinion of course)
I can't see much changing this year format wise. There'll be twists and turns but hopefully the fundamentals remain the same. If pushed yes I would like a better structure. But as long as they lay down rules before hand and stick to them throughout I'll be happy.
Like 6. The trailer and new extension and eviction studio make me excited.
My excitement is killed when I look back at last year's mess though, and also, the wait between the start of promotion and launch is so long I'm trying not to get too excited.
21-05-2016, 08:03 AM
10/10 :cheer2:
21-05-2016, 08:18 AM
I have high hopes and I've been watching old vids which has got me in a BB mood so I'm really excited. I'd say 9/10 :blush:
21-05-2016, 08:22 AM
I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to all the hype. For years now channel 5 has promised great things and more often than not they have failed to deliver.
The one thing >I am glad about is the monochrome design for this series. At least that colour blind, tasteless designer will be limited in how much damage he/she can inflict on the house.
21-05-2016, 09:00 AM
Since the Golden years, I have only really liked 3 series and those are 9, 13 and 14. Just civilian series seems to be a bit meh for me.
I look forward to CBB though all the time, whether the people are famous or not. IMO, CBB is far superior (well, it has been recently) than Civvi.
21-05-2016, 09:14 AM
call me crazy, but i welcome change. the only two things that truly make or break big brother seasons are the casting and the editing. thankfully, BBUK does editing a little better than some other countries. i'm optimistic and very excited.
21-05-2016, 09:34 AM
I'd say 7, I always am eager for any BB series.
Sadly it is once they get going and the continuous almost now of BB twists and messing about with noms that take the series down.
Hopefully not so this time but I fear that's a forlorn hope.
21-05-2016, 09:36 AM
It's going to be trash but I'm excited to see the new house design.
21-05-2016, 09:45 AM
Probably a 7 or an 8
21-05-2016, 09:46 AM
More excited than I usually am because of the new house and set
It'll probably be terrible and I'll moan after every episode but it's my favourite tv show ever so I'm happy it's still going :love:
21-05-2016, 09:51 AM
More excited than I usually am because of the new house and set
It'll probably be terrible and I'll moan after every episode but it's my favourite tv show ever so I'm happy it's still going :love:
21-05-2016, 10:02 AM
21-05-2016, 10:43 AM
the house extension and new exterior have upped the excitement, I'd say I'm looking forward to the launch more than anything.
Strictly Jake
21-05-2016, 12:09 PM
8/10 but I think it will be 10/10 on the night! I have really missed it but o hope it's a good series
21-05-2016, 12:43 PM
An 8 or 9. I'm usually excited, I wouldn't be bothering watching if my interest was particularly low.
21-05-2016, 12:58 PM
21-05-2016, 03:54 PM
Excited isn't a word I would use, I am ready for a new series though good or bad I will probably watch it :D:
21-05-2016, 04:00 PM
Goodbye Summer
21-05-2016, 09:18 PM
I'm really digging the look of the Eye so far, and the news of house being revamped is quite exciting too. But I still can't get excited over little things like that, the cast has been seriously lacking since 2011. The only C5 regular series I can genuinely say I was engaged with the entire time would probably be the 2014 Series. Even with how much of a mess it was. 2012 had a decent cast I guess too drama wise, although I hated most of them.
They really need diversity, there's been a trend with the C5 series with so many young people and a couple of oldies thrown in there. There's not even that many middle aged people. They really need to change that. Not to mention the personalities too, a lot of housemates feel way too samey these days, and honestly I can barely tell some apart sometimes. Celebrity series does this way better IMO, which is why it's more popular, as well as them being sort of famous. There's been a really good diverse cast for the most part with the CBB series.
I don't give a **** what the theme is, as long as they don't mess with the noms too much and get good characters.
I'd say I'm about a 5/10 like every year. Optimistic, but not that excited. I'll probably be really excited come Launch though, can't help it.
21-05-2016, 09:23 PM
Forgot my score 7/10
..I'm really looking forward to and excited about seeing many of the regular BB posters come back..(and hopefully a good series...)....
22-05-2016, 08:31 AM
Always an exciting time when we start getting news, trailers, aerial shots of the house.
The last couple of years takes the edge of my expectations though.
22-05-2016, 01:32 PM
I'll be the first to say 10/10 this series will be the better than sh*t in a freezer / the innys and outys / gina brother / power c u n t s and the series of cornflakes.
22-05-2016, 01:35 PM
Id probably say 7/10 because I really like the new eye and the trailer so far and I'm excited to see the new house design and the extension but I have doubts about the actually series itself and wether I'll enjoy all of it but at the moment 7/10.
22-05-2016, 01:42 PM
Probably a 7/10. I'm excited to see the new changes to the format/house, and to see whether this results in a good series
22-05-2016, 01:46 PM
7. About equal to or just below the pre-BB14 build up tbh
Amy Jade
22-05-2016, 02:01 PM
I always love launch night!
22-05-2016, 02:46 PM
Nothing can be as bad as last years TRASH series.
Hopefully there will be no theme even tho I've heard them mixing celebs with normal housemates which would be interesting but unfair as celebs have an advantage.
I'm just excited there will actually be something on TV to watch.
Crimson Dynamo
22-05-2016, 03:18 PM
I already hate half of the hms and i have not seen any yet
22-05-2016, 03:26 PM
About a 7 now I think
Macie Lightfoot
22-05-2016, 03:29 PM
I'd say a 2 but that might be generous
22-05-2016, 03:45 PM
Usually get excited the week of the launch with the house photos and all that.. Still pretty excited at the moment despite all the talk of celebs somehow being involved
22-05-2016, 04:02 PM
I've not been this excited for BBUK in years, since secrets and lies. It has the same sort of hype around it with so much unknown, and they've promoted it so much better than the past few series! On top of that, we know there's a massive extension being built which is more exciting within itself. I have high hopes for this series, hoping that all the right things are changing and we will actually get more of what we want, like more basic stuff, a strong format of nominations and evictions and then something ground breakingly new like 2 houses competing. (I'll probably be wrong, but I'll still absolutely love it. I always give BB a chance despite what happened last year, especially since the two CBB's in between have been the best yet).
So in comparison to every BB I've ever been waiting for... This is my favourite eye, and has my favourite graphics/promo pics yet so I would say I'm 9/10 excited this year.
22-05-2016, 04:58 PM
I'd say 8, I guess...
I'm always quite excited before the civ BBs start (more than the CBBs tbh, although they turn out to be better than the regulars).
The graphics are great, the teaser is great so far, the total revamp of the studio+house+extension is adding up, PLUS the fact that the last couple of olympic-series are my top favorites of BB - So yeah, there's something to look for.
The only downfall so far is the awful ridiculous press release like it's "Star Wars: Rylan Awakens". Oh no, I can see it happening. please don't.
so overall...
yeah, it's going to be crap, nevermind.
Good to be back, though :)
22-05-2016, 07:01 PM
I wanna be more excited than I am. I'm not getting my hopes up after what they did last year.
26-05-2016, 06:07 PM could it not be the bestest ever............
well? good enough to watch whole series.....
Mark L
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