View Full Version : Realty T.V. Kills relationships

Mr Frisky
22-08-2017, 09:58 PM
Since Big Brother and programs like im a celeb and stritly come dancing. There as been an explosion of relationships being destroyed! Preston had a girlfriend on the outside and then married Chantelle and that ended in divorce. Joe Calzage was married with 2 kids when on stritly and then ended up leaving his wife to be with a blonde woman and they ended up getting married and having kids together! and now Sarah was suppose to be inserprable from her boyfriend and now the boyfriend has gone back to live with his parents.
My sceme on this is when you put males and females together under the same roof for a prolonged period of time there will ALWAYS be attraction it simply is human nature. This "cheating" as been going on since mankind came about millions of years ago.

Paula D
22-08-2017, 10:35 PM
Cheaters are gonna cheat no matter where they are.

22-08-2017, 10:36 PM
Cheaters are gonna cheat no matter where they are.


22-08-2017, 10:49 PM
It's not reality tv, it's just vile cheaters. A leopard never changes its spots