View Full Version : With uni/colleges people being aimed at...

21-02-2018, 01:55 PM
With BB aiming by promoting at units and colleges. Do you think they are getting more intellectual younger housemates? Maybe they have the older housemates sorted?

21-02-2018, 01:57 PM
would much rather that then what they've done previously - aiming it at Reality Star wannabes

21-02-2018, 02:22 PM
would much rather that then what they've done previously - aiming it at Reality Star wannabes

but would rather have a mix of both intellectuals and wannabes, can imagine all the entertainment and arguments...

21-02-2018, 02:25 PM
but would rather have a mix of both intellectuals and wannabes, can imagine all the entertainment and arguments...

Nah I actually have had my fill of wannabes, I don't want any, they could have a mix of intellectuals and non intellectuals without them being wannabes :fist:

21-02-2018, 02:26 PM
Nah I actually have had my fill of wannabes, I don't want any, they could have a mix of intellectuals and non intellectuals without them being wannabes :fist:

or this could also work...

21-02-2018, 02:31 PM
More housemates like this great bloke?


21-02-2018, 04:10 PM
They can't be that smart if they're willing to give up their first semester to appear on a trashy reality show :skull:

I certainly would not prioritise BB over Uni :laugh:

21-02-2018, 04:12 PM
They can't be that smart if they're willing to give up their first semester to appear on a trashy reality show :skull:

I certainly would not prioritise BB over Uni :laugh:

Isn't BB on during the summer though when Unis are closed?

21-02-2018, 04:24 PM
Isn't BB on during the summer though when Unis are closed?

Not this year, the application states that you must be over 18 by July 2018, meaning the series is gonna start in August (most likely)

21-02-2018, 04:33 PM
Not this year, the application states that you must be over 18 by July 2018, meaning the series is gonna start in August (most likely)

Oh right. I don't think the Unis here start back till late Sep/early Oct though

21-02-2018, 07:15 PM
Oh right. I don't think the Unis here start back till late Sep/early Oct though

Yeah they don't but if you plan on staying til the final then it'll most likely clash with the start of Uni :laugh:

21-02-2018, 08:19 PM
I was going to say it was probably to cast people who are available over the summer to go in the house. But I don't know when the series starts and ends.

21-02-2018, 09:41 PM
Big Blagger said it’s still planned for an early June launch

21-02-2018, 09:45 PM
Big Blagger said it’s still planned for an early June launch

Mess so why does the application say you need to be 18 by July 31st. Are they just gonna waste all the 17 year-old applicants time?

21-02-2018, 09:56 PM
Mess so why does the application say you need to be 18 by July 31st. Are they just gonna waste all the 17 year-old applicants time?

Someone mentioned it to them and they said “there’s a reason for that, which can’t be disclosed at the moment”, I’ll try and find the tweet in a sec

22-02-2018, 01:57 AM
It won't happen but they should do a full-on college edition. Mix it between intellectuals and party people.

No shade to the oldies (and some are total legends: I'm looking at you Kim Woodburn) but it'd just probably be more entertaining to have a full house of younger university students.

22-02-2018, 02:59 AM
Mess so why does the application say you need to be 18 by July 31st. Are they just gonna waste all the 17 year-old applicants time?

I honestly think they're gonna go for the Love Island tactic of having a revolving door and allowing people to still audition while the series is ongoing

22-02-2018, 03:00 AM
mess if it's like 4in4out every week :skull:

22-02-2018, 08:00 PM
If it's going to be a house full of BB16 Joels, they can keep it!

22-02-2018, 08:24 PM
It won't happen but they should do a full-on college edition. Mix it between intellectuals and party people.

No shade to the oldies (and some are total legends: I'm looking at you Kim Woodburn) but it'd just probably be more entertaining to have a full house of younger university students.

I liked Celebrity Hijack which was 18-21 year olds so that could be okay.

22-02-2018, 08:28 PM
I hope they don’t pander to the uni crowd and I’m p sure they won’t like most people that watch are far older but you never know with big brother producers huh

23-02-2018, 02:41 PM
It won't happen but they should do a full-on college edition. Mix it between intellectuals and party people.

No shade to the oldies (and some are total legends: I'm looking at you Kim Woodburn) but it'd just probably be more entertaining to have a full house of younger university students.

Big Brother: Freshers Trip?
Big Brother: FreshersBomb
Big Brother: Freshers and Lies
Big Brother: The United Campus of Big Brother
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