View Full Version : Post about auditions

07-05-2018, 05:31 PM
Was just going through the #bbuk hashtag on Twitter and saw a post from a user called The Brute, talking about this year’s audition process. Anyone else see this?

“It’s been a while since we did this. Take a seat, I have some tea to spill.

I was recently convinced to attend an audition for a show we shall codename ‘1984’. I know, it’s trash. But money is always an incentive - so when 1984 approached me and deceitfully painted a picture that this wasn’t a normal audition and I would be seen in a one-on-one allocated time slot, I considered it.

A push from a friend here, a nudge from another there, and I was finally convinced on the day to attend. You can imagine my disgust when I walked in to find a room full of people all saying the same thing: they had been given a false impression to lure them there.

My reaction was “peace, I’m out”. I didn’t come as some civilian looking for “fame” or an “experience”; I came as one of Europe’s most established pornstars looking to talk business. Deluded - a little. Diva - absolutely.

Having made it there and with some pep talk from the friend I was reporting back to I ended up staying, with great reluctance. I estimate I almost left on average every 15 minutes… I just don’t think I’ll ever get over missing a day of sunshine for this tripe.

Anyway, you essentially register and then go through a 1 minute in-out diary room stage that’s designed to make people believe they’ve passed to the next round; when it’s actually designed to bide more time for the group stage.

There is lots of “inspirational” bollocks of “well done guys you are special for making it here out of blah blah many people”. It’s tiresome and you’ll want to roll your eyes every time. Super gross.

There’s waiting. And waiting. And you’ll endure some of the most soulless humans you’ll ever have the displeasure of sharing air with. Sociopaths, psychopaths, fakes, some boy that sucked a lollipop for several hours.

People will be loud and aggressive because they’re stupid and think it’s the only way to stand out. Fortunately for many of them it works to the detriment of others - who have a great deal more to offer but refuse to showcase it by mirroring behaviour in a game of survival.

The group challenge is where most people - including myself - were knocked out. Despite being a tiny bit bitter - it’s not at the loss of a place on this cancerous show. I planned to leave after the group challenges whether I passed or not. The bitterness is seeing bad people succeed. I hate injustice.

It was essentially a set up. We walked into a room with an overly enthusiastic production member that spoke to us in a fashion that even a dog would find condescending. Like, Jesus Christ, get on with it love.

She then strategically picked people for the “most/least” task where one **** places the other ***** accordingly to things like “most/least likeable”.

Arguably, I’d say she picked who she perceived to be the best looking female and male for the first two categories. It seemed she was more concerned with them specifically and their behaviour towards others, as opposed to anything the others had to offer. Most people in the room were essentially bones for dogs that were let off their leashes.

It was a brutal and hideous experience because strangers who had not even spoken to one another were ranking each other on things such as likability. How is it even possible to measure the likability of a person you’ve blinked at once? Flawed.

The most vulnerable looking of the group were put on the chopping board for the least vulnerable looking to tear apart. I know this show is famous for being cruel and setting up these situations, but it was genuinely revolting.

My favourite part of the experience was when the producer asked one of the more attractive males to pick a category, to which she slyly made him pick another - the “least/most best looking”. He was picked because he was obviously a bit full of himself. Best proven when he placed himself as “best looking”. I considered this round most to least delusional.

He also selected a lady with one hand as the least attractive, so what a gentleman. I - out of a dozen - was selected next. If you’re saw the lineup I was in no way second least attractive. Beauty is subjective and his choices made that abundantly clear.

He put me there because I wasn’t particularly interested in doing the whole ‘lads talk’ with him prior to the group task, and because in the group task he learned I was a pornstar; something that definitely had an effect on his fragile sense of masculinity.

Is your dick feeling small mate? Do you feel sexually inadequate against the man next to you that makes money from how he looks? This was a missed opportunity on the producers part. I would have shredded this struggling actor that travelled all the way from London in his desperate attempt for fame. Bless.

We lastly had to do face-to-face nominations. I got sweet revenge on the struggling actor who literally took himself to the other side of the room from me once we left. I call that a result.

The rest of the group mainly nominated some guy on steroids that had the anger of a menopausal woman. Was he cut from the auditions as they claimed? Of course not. He was through to the next round thanks to a group of people that apparently weren’t too intelligent about the strategy of producers. #Rezar

Would I recommend a person audition for this kind of show? No. It’s terminal. This shows viewership in particular has dropped for the very reasons I witnessed in that room. I found it hard to watch the people that progressed, I don’t see how a viewer would enjoy watching them. Not even for “drama”.

We like drama from charismatic people. These ***** were not in any way charismatic.

We all left being told “there’s still a chance you can be on so don’t say anything on social media”. Oh honey, no. You fed us bull**** all day, it ends here. I will talk on social media, because I am what? A #BitterQueen seeking revenge against a show that robbed me of a day in the sunshine.

Sue me *****.”

07-05-2018, 06:19 PM
do you have a link to this person's twitter thread?:)

07-05-2018, 06:38 PM
Sure! This was the link to the tweet, and from there the link to his post:


07-05-2018, 08:23 PM
Easy choice for the producers to discard him.

08-05-2018, 05:58 AM
I was recently convinced to attend an audition for a show we shall codename ‘1984’. I know, it’s trash. But money is always an incentive - so when 1984 approached me and deceitfully painted a picture that this wasn’t a normal audition and I would be seen in a one-on-one allocated time slot, I considered it.
Not people getting paid to appear in the civvi series! I really doubt he means the daily stipend all HMs get - isn't that calculated for each HM to cover their household bills they'd be missing from not working, or something?

08-05-2018, 06:12 AM
What he talks about is just first stage in the process, a girl got asked once to put in order choosing from men and women she had just met who she would sleep with first in order of who she thought would be good in bed.

She put me at the front which was the right choice.

08-05-2018, 06:37 AM
Sure! This was the link to the tweet, and from there the link to his post:


Well I think you should post an NSFW warning there because I'm on the bus, I just opened that and saw a massive cock which I didn't need on a Tuesday morning, neither did the elderly gentleman behind me.

08-05-2018, 06:38 AM
Well I think you should post an NSFW warning there because I'm on the bus, I just opened that and saw a massive cock which I didn't need on a Tuesday morning, neither did the elderly gentleman behind me.

No one needs to see lotan on a Tuesday.

08-05-2018, 06:55 AM
Well I think you should post an NSFW warning there because I'm on the bus, I just opened that and saw a massive cock which I didn't need on a Tuesday morning, neither did the elderly gentleman behind me.


08-05-2018, 08:47 AM
Well I think you should post an NSFW warning there because I'm on the bus, I just opened that and saw a massive cock which I didn't need on a Tuesday morning, neither did the elderly gentleman behind me.


Crimson Dynamo
08-05-2018, 09:02 AM
i hope his mother does not look at his twitter feed

08-05-2018, 10:23 AM
Well I think you should post an NSFW warning there because I'm on the bus, I just opened that and saw a massive cock which I didn't need on a Tuesday morning, neither did the elderly gentleman behind me.

:joker: :joker: :joker:

09-05-2018, 12:43 AM
Oh my days, I didn't even think! Apologies :')

09-05-2018, 06:01 AM
Oh my days, I didn't even think! Apologies :')

It's not your fault, a big cock in your face is the norm these days.

20-05-2018, 05:47 PM
I experienced the same thing as him. I’d auditioned a couple of times years ago and was shortlisted for Secrets & Lies, but by god has the process changed since then. Auditioning for S&L there were so many normal people, yeah I came across the odd tosser but the majority seemed nice. For Power Trip and Timebomb I was surrounded by absolute idiots, argumentative and generally scatty people. During the last two auditions I went for I didn’t get as far and all these miserable, overly pretty and aggressive applicants were flying through.

When I auditioned for Timebomb they asked someone to put us in order of attractiveness and I was ranked fairly high, surprisingly but I took it as a compliment haha, and I stated that I thought these tasks were ridiculous and how were we supposed to realisitically put people in order of annoyance, least likeable when I’ve just met them. I walked out and a casting procuder followed me and literally begged me to stay she said she’d watched my audition video a while back and thought I’d get far, I told her it wasn’t for me and left.

Totally different ball game now.

I’m nothing special, but normal people make Big Brother, not these drama queens.

20-05-2018, 05:49 PM
It's not your fault, a big cock in your face is the norm these days.

I wish

20-05-2018, 07:18 PM
I think the louder characters that stand out the most can make good TV... The problem is the audience gets board of them quickly as... "so what if some one can yell nocsance at someone else" I like a character with depth... Somone who defenitly can't say the words "what you see is what you get"... If you can say that then what's the piont of watching that person for more than one episode...

I prefer people who are soo interesting that you could not posably know them in a short space of time... And yes I think the questions they ask are silly as they are not about getting to know the people many are about getting people to express there appion on Somone at first glance.
.. But i know I should neaver judge Somone by there first appion so the whole thing was just pointless.

For example...
I've auditioned 4 times... One time someone was asked for them to put people in order of worst dressed to best dressed... The girl put me at worst dressed but It was actully a complemented to me because I would only wear what she was wearing if I was planning on painting my house... Eg.. I would wear it hoping to get paint on it so I can finally throw it away... The thing is I don't want to be rude about it so I just siad nothing... My rection might seem dull but being bluntly rude is not who I am... Not arguing back though does not mean I'm not an interesting person... Maybe arguing back though was what they were looking for... It felt that way a bit...like they were just wanting the louder ones... But if I watch BB, i have no interest in just watching people fight over clothing tastes... I found that task said nothing and proved nothing only that we have different tastes in clothing... Which was already obviuos... But so what... I know I was not offened even a bit but since they did not ask for my appionion they neaver got to find out my appions on the situation...

I want people to know me but I want people to work hard to get to know me... That is what makes me a more interesting person but if felt like they was not looking for this...

They should only ask questions to get to know all the appions of the people in the group and not just foucus on one person at a time...

If I would have done it I would have siad to the group rate this person dress sence from one to ten and quickly explain why.... This way you get all the groups appionions not just one person's appionion

20-05-2018, 08:06 PM
I didn’t come as some civilian looking for “fame” or an “experience”; I came as one of Europe’s most established pornstars looking to talk business.

mmm OK.

22-05-2018, 01:28 AM